

Moin moin,

hat hier schon mal jemensch Erfahrungen mit einem #QNAP TS-412 #NAS und 16TB-Platten gemacht? Vertragen die sich, oder eher nicht so? Auf Kompatibilitätslisten gebe ich nicht so viel. Wenn's danach geht, dürfte mein 3600er DDR4 auch nicht funktionieren, deshalb hoffe ich auf Erfahrungswerte ^^



TW-T22-0135 - QNAP NAS: Schwachstelle ermöglicht Codeausführung

Sicherheitshinweis, Risikostufe 3, 27.05.2022

Betroffene Systeme: QNAP NAS

Empfehlung: Die zeitnahe Installation der vom Hersteller bereitgestellten Sicherheitsupdates, um die Schwachstellen zu schließen.

Beschreibung: QNAP ist ein Hersteller von NAS (Network Attached Storage) Lösungen.

Zusammenfassung: Ein entfernter, anonymer Angreifer kann eine Schwachstelle in QNAP NAS Geräten, bei denen der Proxy Server aktiviert ist ausnutzen, um beliebigen Programmcode auszuführen.

Quellen: https://www.qnap.com/de-de/security-advisory/QSA-22-18

#nas #qnap #sicherheitshinweis


GNU Linux - as gracefull as possible shutdown system script (including QNAP NAS)

lsb_release -a; # tested under Description: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) su - root # create new file touch /scripts/shutdown.sh chmod +x /scripts/shutdown.sh # edit and insert orange content vim /scripts/shutdown.sh #!/bin/bash echo "=== shutdown as gracefully as possible ===" # stop all[...]

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #debian #nas #qnap

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/03/22/gnu-linux-as-gracefull-as-possible-shutdown-system-script-including-qnap-nas/


GNU Linux (Debian) 10 - how to access QNAP (TS-219P) NAS via NFSv4 - why QNAP has created a security mess - portmap query failed: RPC: Program/version mismatch / Protocol not supported

  1. create a new shared folder on the nas call it “data”
  2. enable NFSv4, disable NFSv3
  3. specify list of IPs that are allowed to access the NFSv4 share:
    • don’t forget to hit “Apply”
    • the idea is “anyway” to NAS<-directly-LAN-1000MBit->PC connect the NAS to the GNU Linux 10 based PC for maximum speed (PC will get fixed IP so no problem here)
<span style="color: #00ffff;">lsb_release -a</span>; # tested on
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Release:    10
Codename:   buster

su - root; # become root
# create mount point
<span style="color: #00ffff;">mkdir /media/user/nfs/</span>

# the actual mounting process
<span style="color: #00ffff;">mount -v -t nfs4 /media/user/nfs/

possible errors: portmap query failed: RPC: Program/version mismatch / Protocol not supported

in this case what fixed those errors, was to allow access from specific list of IPs:

mount.nfs4: timeout set for Mon Mar 14 16:32:09 2022
mount.nfs4: trying text-based options 'vers=4.2,addr=,clientaddr='
mount.nfs4: mount(2): Protocol not supported
mount.nfs4: trying text-based options 'vers=4.1,addr=,clientaddr='
mount.nfs4: mount(2): No such file or directory
mount.nfs4: trying text-based options 'addr='
mount.nfs4: prog 100003, trying vers=3, prot=6
mount.nfs4: trying prog 100003 vers 3 prot TCP port 2049
mount.nfs4: portmap query retrying: RPC: Program/version mismatch
mount.nfs4: prog 100003, trying vers=3, prot=17
mount.nfs4: trying prog 100003 vers 3 prot UDP port 2049
mount.nfs4: portmap query failed: RPC: Program/version mismatch
mount.nfs4: Protocol not supported


while QNAP THINKS it does goad by loading MASSIVE amounts of pre installed stuff on their devices and promising “your personal cloud” QNAP actually creates A GIANT SECURITY PROBLEM because users WRONGLY trusting that QNAP NAS DEVICES ARE SUPER SECURE GNU LINUX (BUSY)BOXES and then DIRECTLY make the NAS accessible via internet from outside via various (more or less secure protocols, SMB/FTP/NFS ALL NOT SECURE PROTOCOLS!)

QNAP NAS and NFS protocol are intended to be used behind a firewall within a company net to store only backups, not unique data that might get lost BECAUSE OF A FIRMWARE BUG. (it has happened before)

less is sometimes more:

some performance & security optimizations that should be done:

  • go through ALL settings and disable ALL service that are not needed (Windows-Samba-Sharing, AFS Apple FileSharing, UPnP)
  • furthermore: ssh into the nas and modify crontab to not start those services:
  • ``` # every hour make sure mytranscode media bloatware is stopped! 0 * * * * /etc/init.d/QMediaService.sh stop

# every hour make sure cups service is stopped (not needed free ram for something else)
0 * * * * /etc/init.d/cupsd.sh stop
- run ps uax to checkout any unecessary service that might still be running & consuming resources

here is the output in this case:

<span style="color: #00ffff;">ps uax</span>
  PID  Uid     VmSize Stat Command
    1 admin       644 S   init       
    2 admin           SW  [kthreadd]
    3 admin           SW  [ksoftirqd/0]
    6 admin           SW< [khelper]
    7 admin           SW  [kworker/u:1]
  139 admin           SW  [sync_supers]
  141 admin           SW  [bdi-default]
  142 admin           SW< [kblockd]
  148 admin           SW< [ata_sff]
  158 admin           SW  [khubd]
  160 admin           SW  [kethubd]
  165 admin           SW< [md]
  258 admin           SW  [kswapd0]
  259 admin           SW  [fsnotify_mark]
  261 admin           SW< [crypto]
  358 admin           SW  [scsi_eh_0]
  361 admin           SW  [scsi_eh_1]
  365 admin           SW  [kworker/u:3]
  374 admin           SW  [scsi_eh_2]
  377 admin           SW  [scsi_eh_3]
  388 admin           SW< [orion_spi]
  396 admin           SW  [mtdblock0]
  400 admin           SW  [mtdblock1]
  404 admin           SW  [mtdblock2]
  408 admin           SW  [mtdblock3]
  412 admin           SW  [mtdblock4]
  416 admin           SW  [mtdblock5]
  441 admin           SW< [deferwq]
  475 admin           SW  [flush-1:0]
  578 admin      1276 S   /bin/sh /sbin/hotplug usb 
  583 admin      1532 S   /bin/sh /etc/hotplug/usb.agent 
  651 admin           SW  [md9_raid1]
  688 admin           SW  [md13_raid1]
  773 admin           SW  [kjournald]
 1144 admin           SW< [dm-block-clone]
 1164 admin           SW  [mv_crypto]
 1177 admin           SW< [cryptodev_queue]
 1209 admin           SW< [rpciod]
 1216 admin           SW< [nfsiod]
 1223 admin           SW< [cifsiod]
 1234 admin           SW  [fnotify]
 1244 admin           SW< [cfg80211]
 1265 admin       472 S < qWatchdogd: keeping alive every 1 seconds...
 1459 admin           SW  [flush-9:0]
 1736 admin           SW  [kjournald]
 1873 admin       980 S   /sbin/modagent 
 1918 admin           SW  [md2_raid1]
 2167 admin      1304 S   /bin/sh /etc/init.d/mtp_run.sh 
 2310 admin       632 S   /sbin/kerrd 
 2407 admin           SW  [md0_raid1]
 2409 admin           RWN [md0_resync]
 2760 admin           SW  [jbd2/md0-8]
 2761 admin           SW< [ext4-dio-unwrit]
 2821 admin      1688 S   /sbin/hotswap 
 2826 admin      1428 S   /sbin/qsmartd -d 
 3161 admin      5604 S < /usr/local/apache/bin/fcgi-pm      -k start -f /etc/apache-sys-proxy.conf 
 3168 admin      6588 S < /usr/local/apache/bin/apache_proxy -k start -f /etc/apache-sys-proxy.conf 
 3169 admin      6588 S < /usr/local/apache/bin/apache_proxy -k start -f /etc/apache-sys-proxy.conf 
 3170 admin      6588 S < /usr/local/apache/bin/apache_proxy -k start -f /etc/apache-sys-proxy.conf 
 3171 admin      6588 S < /usr/local/apache/bin/apache_proxy -k start -f /etc/apache-sys-proxy.conf 
 3172 admin      6588 S < /usr/local/apache/bin/apache_proxy -k start -f /etc/apache-sys-proxy.conf 
 3188 admin      6512 S   /usr/local/apache/bin/fcgi-pm       -k start -f /etc/apache-sys-proxy-ssl.conf 
 3196 httpdusr   6904 S   /usr/local/apache/bin/apache -k start -c PidFile /var/lock/apache.pid -f /etc/config/apache/apache.conf 
 3197 httpdusr   6904 S   /usr/local/apache/bin/apache -k start -c PidFile /var/lock/apache.pid -f /etc/config/apache/apache.conf 
 3198 httpdusr   6928 S   /usr/local/apache/bin/apache -k start -c PidFile /var/lock/apache.pid -f /etc/config/apache/apache.conf 
 3287 admin      3132 S   sshd: admin@pts/1                                        
 3315 admin      1484 S   -sh 
 3324 admin      1476 S   bash 
 3358 admin      9544 S   /usr/local/apache/bin/apache_proxys -k start -f /etc/apache-sys-proxy-ssl.conf 
 3398 admin      9472 S   /usr/local/apache/bin/apache_proxys -k start -f /etc/apache-sys-proxy-ssl.conf 
 3404 admin      9424 S   /usr/local/apache/bin/apache_proxys -k start -f /etc/apache-sys-proxy-ssl.conf 
 3420 admin      9140 S   /usr/local/apache/bin/apache_proxys -k start -f /etc/apache-sys-proxy-ssl.conf 
 3421 admin      9164 S   /usr/local/apache/bin/apache_proxys -k start -f /etc/apache-sys-proxy-ssl.conf 
 4017 admin      6588 S < /usr/local/apache/bin/apache_proxy -k start -f /etc/apache-sys-proxy.conf 
# yes it runs a full blown mysql database server
<span style="color: #ff6600;"> 4244 admin     45236 S   /usr/local/mariadb/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/usr/local/mariadb/my-mariadb.cnf --basedir=/usr/local/mariadb --datadir=/share/MD0_DATA/.system/data --plugin-dir=/usr/local/mariadb/lib/</span>
 4365 admin      2388 S   /sbin/qpkgd -d0 
 4420 guest      1084 S   /usr/sbin/dbus-daemon --system 
 5328 admin      2380 S   /usr/local/sbin/_thttpd_ -p 58080 -nor -nos -u admin -d /home/httpd -c **.* -h -i /var/lock/._thttpd_.pid 
 5609 admin     22128 S < /usr/local/apache/bin/apache_proxy -k start -f /etc/apache-sys-proxy.conf 
 5718 httpdusr   1148 S   /sbin/lpb_scheduler -d 
 5760 admin      1560 S   /sbin/genthd 
 5948 admin           SW< [krfcommd]
 5973 admin      1480 S   /usr/sbin/bluetoothd 
 5982 admin       428 S   /usr/sbin/agent --adapter hci0 
 6044 admin      1916 S   /usr/local/sbin/remote_folder_daemon --reset 
 6202 admin       912 S   /usr/sbin/ntpdated 
 6216 admin      1600 S   /usr/sbin/upsutil 
 6478 admin      2756 S   /usr/sbin/sshd -f /etc/config/ssh/sshd_config -p 1234 
 6744 admin     23660 S   /usr/local/apache/bin/apache_proxys -k start -f /etc/apache-sys-proxy-ssl.conf 
 7211 admin      1348 S   /usr/bin/lunportman 
 7264 admin      2080 S   /sbin/bcclient 
 7347 admin      1944 S   /sbin/picd 
 7350 admin      1724 S   /sbin/gpiod 
 7355 admin      1868 S   /sbin/hwmond 
 7432 admin       816 S N /usr/bin/rsyncd --daemon --sever-mode=1 --qnap-bwlimit 
 7728 admin      1880 S   /sbin/hd_util 
 7730 admin       552 S   /sbin/gen_bandwidth -r -i 5 
 7863 admin      1128 S   /bin/sh /etc/init.d/klogd.sh start 
 7872 admin      1748 S   qNoticeEngined: Write notice is enabled...
 7885 admin      1304 S   /sbin/qsyslogd 
 7893 admin      1392 S   /sbin/qShield 
 7907 admin      1956 S   qLogEngined: Write log is disabled...
 7964 admin       460 S   /bin/dd if=/proc/kmsg of=/mnt/HDA_ROOT/.logs/kmsg bs=1 count=1024000 
 8131 admin           SW< [iscsi_eh]
 8179 admin           SW  [qnap_et]
 8250 admin       448 S   /sbin/iscsid --config=/etc/config/iscsi/sbin/iscsid.conf --initiatorname=/etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi 
 8251 admin      2248 S < /sbin/iscsid --config=/etc/config/iscsi/sbin/iscsid.conf --initiatorname=/etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi 
 8296 admin      1512 S   /sbin/vdd_control -d 
 8943 admin       820 S   /usr/bin/portmap 
 9189 admin       232 S   /usr/sbin/rpc.rquotad -p 30002 
 9465 admin      2476 S   /usr/sbin/rpc.mountd -p 30000 -F 
 9628 admin           SW  [lockd]
 9629 admin           SW< [nfsd4]
 9631 admin           SW< [nfsd4_callbacks]
 9633 admin           SW  [nfsd]
 9634 admin           SW  [nfsd]
 9635 admin           SW  [nfsd]
 9636 admin           SW  [nfsd]
 9637 admin           SW  [nfsd]
 9638 admin           SW  [nfsd]
 9639 admin           SW  [nfsd]
 9640 admin           SW  [nfsd]
 9775 admin      1440 S   /usr/sbin/rpc.idmapd 
 9784 admin      1940 S   /usr/sbin/rpc.statd -p 30001 
 9826 admin      1280 S   /sbin/daemon_mgr 
 9886 admin      2012 S   /usr/local/bin/qb_daemon -d 7 
 9906 admin      2048 S   /usr/bin/qsyncman 
10321 admin      2032 S   /sbin/upnpcd -i 300 
11289 admin      3860 S   /usr/local/apache/bin/apache-dav -k start -f /etc/apache-dav-sys.conf 
11296 admin      2024 S   /usr/local/apache/bin/apache-dav -k start -f /etc/apache-dav-sys.conf 
11516 admin       592 S   /sbin/getty 115200 ttyS0 
11731 admin     23484 S   /usr/local/apache/bin/apache -k start -c PidFile /var/lock/apache.pid -f /etc/config/apache/apache.conf 
12927 admin           SW  [kworker/0:1]
14999 admin      3136 S   sshd: admin@pts/2                                        
15024 admin      1488 S   -sh 
15291 admin      1568 S   bash 
15461 admin      8360 S   /usr/local/apache/bin/apache_proxys -k start -f /etc/apache-sys-proxy-ssl.conf 
16254 admin           SW  [kworker/0:2]
16963 admin           SW  [flush-9:9]
18716 admin       748 S   /usr/sbin/crond -l 9 -c /tmp/cron/crontabs 
18893 admin      8932 S   /usr/local/apache/bin/apache_proxys -k start -f /etc/apache-sys-proxy-ssl.conf 
19588 admin           SW  [kworker/0:0]
20944 admin      6764 S   /usr/local/apache/bin/apache_proxys -k start -f /etc/apache-sys-proxy-ssl.conf 
23461 admin           SW  [kworker/0:3]
23685 admin       400 S   /bin/sleep 1 
23686 admin       784 R   ps uax 
23687 admin      1848 R   chartReq.cgi 
23688 admin      1076 S   /usr/local/sbin/_thttpd_ -p 58080 -nor -nos -u admin -d /home/httpd -c **.* -h -i /var/lock/._thttpd_.pid 
30445 admin           SW  [flush-9:13]

related articles:




#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #qnap #nas #nfs #storage

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/03/14/gnu-linux-debian-10-how-to-access-qnap-ts-219p-nas-via-nfsv4-why-qnap-has-created-a-security-mess-portmap-query-failed-rpc-program-version-mismatch-protocol-not-supported/


GNU Linux (Debian) 10 - how to access QNAP (TS-219P) NAS via NFSv4 - portmap query failed: RPC: Program/version mismatch / Protocol not supported

  1. create a new shared folder on the nas call it “data”
  2. enable NFSv4, disable NFSv3
  3. specify list of IPs that are allowed to access the NFSv4 share:
    • don’t forget to hit “Apply”
    • the idea is “anyway” to NAS<-directly-LAN-1000MBit->PC connect the NAS to the GNU Linux 10 based PC for maximum speed (PC will get fixed IP so no problem here)
<span style="color: #00ffff;">lsb_release -a</span>; # tested on
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Release:    10
Codename:   buster

su - root; # become root
# create mount point
<span style="color: #00ffff;">mkdir /media/user/nfs/</span>

# the actual mounting process
<span style="color: #00ffff;">mount -v -t nfs4 /media/user/nfs/

possible errors: portmap query failed: RPC: Program/version mismatch / Protocol not supported

in this case what fixed those errors, was to allow access from specific list of IPs:

mount.nfs4: timeout set for Mon Mar 14 16:32:09 2022
mount.nfs4: trying text-based options 'vers=4.2,addr=,clientaddr='
mount.nfs4: mount(2): Protocol not supported
mount.nfs4: trying text-based options 'vers=4.1,addr=,clientaddr='
mount.nfs4: mount(2): No such file or directory
mount.nfs4: trying text-based options 'addr='
mount.nfs4: prog 100003, trying vers=3, prot=6
mount.nfs4: trying prog 100003 vers 3 prot TCP port 2049
mount.nfs4: portmap query retrying: RPC: Program/version mismatch
mount.nfs4: prog 100003, trying vers=3, prot=17
mount.nfs4: trying prog 100003 vers 3 prot UDP port 2049
mount.nfs4: portmap query failed: RPC: Program/version mismatch
mount.nfs4: Protocol not supported



#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #qnap #nas #nfs #storage

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/03/14/gnu-linux-debian-10-how-to-access-qnap-ts-219p-nas-via-nfsv4-portmap-query-failed-rpc-program-version-mismatch-protocol-not-supported/


Problème de sauvegarde…

J'ai un soucis, avant j'utilisai BorgBackup pour mes sauvegardes, et dû à des données corrompues au niveau du dépôt je suis passé à Restic.

Mais j'ai aujourd'hui le même soucis avec Restic… Que cela soit avec BorgBackup ou Restic il y a des solutions pour corriger ces corruptions, mais je me demande si ce n'est pas mon serveur NAS QNAP qui n'aurait pas un problème, que cela soit en configuration ou des disques dur.

J'ai lancé un restic check --check-unused --read-data il y a 1h, il n'est qu'à 5% et me signale déjà 7 Pack ID does not match, et donc des données corrompues…

Pour info, j'ai un serveur sous Debian qui fait les sauvegardes Restic (ou BorgBackup avant) sur un serveur NAS QNAP via SFTP.

Quelqu'un a déjà eu ce genre de soucis ? Dois-je changer les disques du NAS ? Ou les disques de mon serveur Restic ? Ou mieux configurer mon SSH ou Restic ?

Pour les disques dur les données SMART sont ok sur les deux serveurs.

#Restic #BorgBackup #Borg #Backup #Sauvegarde #Debian #QNAP #LogicielLibre