

A little light schadenfreude

Trump's Lawyers Subpoena the Wrong Guy

FTA: But, whoopsie! They served the subpoena on the wrong Jeremy Rosenberg. Rather than the investigator, it went to some dude in Brooklyn who has nothing to do with the case.

... The icing on the cake is that they included $15.00 with the subpoena to cover costs incurred in producing the documents, and not-Investigator Rosenberg says he’s keeping the money.

... And this shitshow hasn’t truly started. Popcorn and mugs full of tears for everyone!

#Trump #Rosenberg #Incompetence #YouGetWhatYouPayFor



#Rosenberg > Quotes.

What I want in my life is #compassion, a flow between myself and others based on a mutual giving from the heart.

All #violence is the result of people tricking themselves into believing that their pain derives from other people and that consequently those people deserve to be punished.