

A little light schadenfreude

Trump's Lawyers Subpoena the Wrong Guy

FTA: But, whoopsie! They served the subpoena on the wrong Jeremy Rosenberg. Rather than the investigator, it went to some dude in Brooklyn who has nothing to do with the case.

... The icing on the cake is that they included $15.00 with the subpoena to cover costs incurred in producing the documents, and not-Investigator Rosenberg says he’s keeping the money.

... And this shitshow hasn’t truly started. Popcorn and mugs full of tears for everyone!

#Trump #Rosenberg #Incompetence #YouGetWhatYouPayFor



What, and expect Hamas to relinquish all those bargaining chip people? They might be dead for all we know and Hamas retains leverage as long as we believe there are hostages they actually can release. What needs to happen is recognizing that Israel's current tactics aren't finding them, aren't recovering them either. #incompetence

The Hindu :press: - 2024-04-06 03:13:08 GMT

Biden urges Egypt, Qatar to press Hamas on Israeli hostages agreementPresident Joe Biden has written to the leaders of Egypt and Qatar, calling on them to press Hamas for a hostage deal with Israel #press



Again I say, if you wrote this as a novel, nobody would believe it. It simply wouldn’t be possible that some big New York real estate mogul, a major hotshot, a former POTUS no less, would be surrounded by incompetent legal help. Yet once again we see that that is in fact the case. After all the hoopla about the enormity of the $454M bond the court ordered Trump to procure, which was finally reduced to $175M and after Trump bragging how he would post “cash” (wrong. He found a loan shark) the paperwork got bounced for being defective.

#Incompetence #TrumpIsaLoser #DonPoorleone #MAGA


Tiens bon camarade, bientôt tu mourras sous les balles de tes “oppresseurs”.
#retraite #manif #Nantes #incompetence #danger-de-mort #violences-policieres #Loi-sécurité-globale #HK-G36 #fusil-assaut

Entre 2016 et 2019, les tirs à balles réelles par la police ont augmenté de 54%
Les autorités elles-mêmes s’alarment dans une note confidentielle du nombre de tirs «accidentels» ou commis «par imprudence» avec ces armes de guerre.
L’incompétence des autorités, des donneurs d’ordre, les têtes pensantes sécuritaire, n’arrête pas de fusionner, le partage des pouvoirs, garante de notre république s’amenuise comme peau de chagrin, rien d’étonnant quand il reste que de simples exécutants auxquels on demande du chiffre pour seul mérite et efficacité (les bi ba bo bu, élargissent les rangs)
Ex, 2 morts par arme de guerre policière, un policier à la gâchette facile âgé de 24 ans et de six mois d’expérience (stagiaire à qui on confit une arme de guerre)
pour un peu de cok et 70E… “guerre à la drogue” notre politique sanitaire porte bien son nom.
#oppression #violences-policieres #police #justice #amateur #concentration-des-pouvoirs #armes #manif #le-capitalisme-tue



Please note: the Portuguese are among the best ppl in the world,
and the best they are the more they#migrate

Because #Fake and #Artistic #Democracy, #Corruption and #OrganizedCrime took over the #PoliticalParties, #Sovereign #Institutions, #Regulators, (pseudo) independent #media and #strategic #economic aspects.

Bazuca, aka the #PT #EuropeanUnion recovery project is a #CaseStudy of #country #incompetence, a #nonsense made over the knee for the good for a few.

The #EU
#Portugal is a #shithole #democracy that is backed by the conniving #blind #EU #Institutions, namely the #EuCouncil for sake of of #submissive voters.

#Potugal #election #VoterTurnout is usually under 50%

#SocialisParty #AntonioCosta #AntonioCostaPM


Biden And Harris LAUGH At Reporters Asking About Afghanistan Mess

Both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were caught on camera Sunday laughing at reporters who asked uncomfortable questions about the debacle in Afghanistan, prompting critics to ask, what is in any way funny about the situation?
#news #politics #Biden #Kamala #democrats #incompetence #ClownWorld #Afghanistan
