


"Unbound The Scream" feat. TIM "RIPPER" OWENS, новая песня группы SIRIUS, доступна для прослушивания ниже. Этот трек взят из альбома A Quest For Life:

"Unbound The Scream"

"Beyond The Sands Of Time"


"Edge Of The World"



"Land Of Swords"

"Among The Heavens"

«Мы молчали некоторое время... Последние несколько месяцев были для нас сплошным водоворотом эмоций и действий. Вышел новый альбом, и ваша реакция просто ошеломляет! Нам пришлось расстаться с нашим давним ритм-гитаристом по личным причинам. Мы хотим поблагодарить Dimitris Stathopoulos за это сотрудничество. Но, с огромным удовольствием, мы хотели бы объявить о новом пополнении в семье Sirius. Поприветствуйте нашего нового ритм-гитариста George Koursoumis! То, что он с нами, — это большой стимул для того, что нас ждет впереди».


Видео: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0dBv9aICIM

#lang_ru #метал #darksideru


The Origin of #Time and the Great #Sirius Observatory | #HughEvans | #Megalithomania Conference #2024

An #advanced #ancient #civilisation created the heavens and conceptualised time in all its forms. Now we have the key to understanding their great design, and this is explained in Hugh’s new book, The Origin of Time.

Time in the present at all its scales, the past and the future, time since creation and the human journey, and time of the spirit ‘until eternity’ was created by our ancestors and presented as the constellations. These ancient astronomers named all the constellations, the planets, and stars to reflect their ideas.

For the first time in #human #history we can understand this great design and credit their ingenuity. The Origin of Time is a journey from #Egypt and #GöbekliTepe, Rome and Athens, back to Lascaux and Gwynedd in #Wales.

#Hugh-Evans studied #Astrophysics and graduated in Aeronautical Engineering.

Hugh applies scientific theory, engineering rigour and professional scrutiny to understand our ancient astronomer ancestors. A chance set of circumstances resonated with Hugh’s lifelong research and sent him on the odyssey around North Wales and the #heavens. The result is Hugh’s first book, Origin of the #Zodiac.


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#Airglow Sky Over #France by #JulienLooten
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This unusual sky was both familiar and unfamiliar. The photographer's mission was to capture the arch of the familiar central band of our #MilkyWay #Galaxy over a picturesque medieval manor. The surprise was that on this January evening, the foreground sky was found glowing in a beautiful but unfamiliar manner. The striped bands are called airglow and they result from air high in Earth's atmosphere being excited by the Sun's light and emitting a faint light of its own. The bands cross the entire sky -- their curved appearance is due to the extremely wide angle of the camera lens. In the foreground lies Château de Losse in southwest France. Other familiar sky delights dot the distant background including the bright white #star #Sirius, the orange planet Mars, the blue #Pleiades star cluster, the red California Nebula, and, on the far right, the extended #Andromeda Galaxy. The initial mission was also successful: across the top of the frame is the arching band of our Milky Way.


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urce: https://youtube.com/watch?v=lAw3KmTreFs
At 29:49 into the video she shows her #Interstellar #Neighborhood #Map.

These are the things she's added:

  1. #Aldebaran- Blonde blue-eyed with Hitler WWII.
  2. #Procyon A & B- Nordics from Rigel.
  3. #Rigel- Reptilians now. Originally Nordics before Procyon exodus.
  4. #Epsilon Eridani- Hostile insects.
  5. #TauCeti- Red-headed humanoids.
  6. 82 G. #Eridani- Tall Whites.
  7. #Sirius A & B- Nordics and water-living humanoids. Rigel is missing from both maps:

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....a powerful #lunar #eclipse cardinal t square, to come this autumn
the full moon total eclipse with #uranus and square #saturn, loaded with powerful star alignments..looks like a game changer...eclipses usually brings things to a head
...the old(saturn) and new(uranus) are eternally at odds, one creates the other, so it is with opposites..libra is the 3rd arm, balance..energetic eclipse
..nov 8th, date of u.s. midterm vote
for this event the #sun will be conjunct orange alpha libra star ZUBENELGENUBI and parallel white star #SIRIUS...Moon will be parallel white star ALHENA
.. #mars will be parallel the #PLEIADES and out of bounds
..uranus, with the moon, continues in alignment with red MENKAR
...saturn parallel DENEB ALGEDI, and SIRIUS
..all in all a mix of good and bad

from #ianwood