


Feb 18-19 Potent #New #Moon | How to harness the power of #Shivaratri | #VedicAstrology + Tarot
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The new moon of Feb 19 (11:06 pm PT) has a potent dose of #spiritual #energy.

Following just after the sacred night Lord #Shiva – Maha Shivarati– this is a potent new moon for letting go of the past and turning inward.

The new moon will be in the area of the sky called Shatabhisha in Vedic Astrology, the “veiling star” which has the power to veil (and unveil) mysteries. It’s said that Lord Shiva burns through the veil of #illusion called #maya when he opens his third eye on this dark new moon.

read more: https://anandastrology.com/feb-new-moon-harnessing-the-spiritual-power-of-maha-shivaratri-vedic-astrology



#New #Moon in #Aquarius & #MahaShivaratri
The Moon and Sun join for this New Moon on February 19th at 9:06 pm HT (11:06 pm PDT) in Aquarius in the #nakshatra #Shatabishak. Ruled by #Varuna, god of the #cosmic #waters and the night sky, the dark sun which dips beneath the ocean at night. His name itself means “all enveloping sky”. It is called the star of “a hundred healers,” indicating its capacity to bring #healing on a #physical, #spiritual and #social level.

This New Moon also comes as the culmination of Maha #Shivaratri, the "Great Night of #Shiva" where millions of devotees fast, pray and meditate and pilgrims from all over flock to the holy waters of #India to bathe. To Read the Full Article & Receive 2 FREE forecasts for all 12 Signs , go to: http://www.alexiscoxyoga.com/forecasts