

#new #liberté #limites #totale #illusion #leurre #absence #espoir #Spinoza #Eluard #Pagny #contraintes #pressage-de-citron #mywork #mytext

Ce matin des potron-minet une interrogation pour le moins incongrue m’assaille : La libertĂ© peut-elle avoir des limites ? Et si oui n’est-elle alors qu’illusion, leurre et fantasme ? Non mais des fois je me demande si ça va bien dans ma tĂȘte. il faut dire que j’avais la perspective sitĂŽt levĂ©e d’une dure journĂ©e de femme d’intĂ©rieur, ce qui vous le comprenez ne m’agrĂ©e guĂšre. Ces milles contraintes plus ou moins prenantes nous assaillent quotidiennement : se nourrir, s’habiller, s’abriter, se chauffer, se dĂ©placer, se soigner, s’éduquer, s’informer, se dĂ©velopper (si possible) harmonieusement !
Bien sĂ»r, il y a la libertĂ© de penser, (chĂšre Ă  Florent Pagny). Une libertĂ© fondamentale, dĂ©terminante pour toutes les autres. Mais peut-on vĂ©ritablement penser librement avec les contraintes inĂ©luctables liĂ©es Ă  nos propres limites tant physiques, intellectuelles que sociĂ©tales. Choisir est la libertĂ© la plus ardue, car quel est le choix ? Et comment choisir ? Nos choix ne sont-ils pas orientĂ©s, dirigĂ©s, planifiĂ©s, un choix par dĂ©faut ? Charybde oĂč sylla ? La une ou la deux ? Vous voyez le dilemme. Aujourd’hui mĂȘme le suicide, ultime libertĂ©, sera gĂ©rĂ© par la loi. La dĂ©mocratie, la sociĂ©tĂ© ont-elles pour but l’épanouissement de notre libertĂ© ? (Le camp du bien). Comme elles le prĂ©tendent pour nous bourrer le mou. Certains ne sont pas loin de nous persuader (ils auront beaucoup de mal) que « le travail c’est la liberté », suivez mon regard. Bref je me presse le citron jusqu’à la pulpe, alors qu’il est presque midi et que je dois faire le jus de ma salade, la nĂ©cessitĂ© m’assaille surtout en passant la serpilliĂšre. Le soleil commence Ă  chauffer, c’est bien pour sĂ©cher mon parterre
mais il faudrait encore un peu de pluie pour les arbres. Ma propre libertĂ© mĂȘme infinitĂ©simale est finalement et Ă  coup sĂ»r une contrainte pour un autre.. Pour Spiniza « La libertĂ© n'est que l'ignorance des causes qui nous dĂ©terminent". Pour Eluard c’est le pouvoir d’un nom :« libertĂ© j’écris ton nom ».
La libertĂ© semble d’autant plus prenante et chĂ©rie qu’elle est perdue, absente ou inexistante : en prison, Ă  la guerre, au travail, en toutes occasions qui contraignent nos mouvements, nos dĂ©sirs, notre volontĂ©. Bref L’espoir de libertĂ© est la seule libertĂ© vĂ©ritablement totale et sans contrainte puisque indĂ©pendante des contingences qui nous obligent, quoiqu’elle est alors synonyme de son absence, et de notre seule possibilitĂ© de l’envisager. CQFD. Je ne sais plus oĂč j’ai lu que pour s’opposer à
il faut inĂ©vitablement une contrainte, un adversaire. On ne s’oppose pas au vide. Enfin je ne crois pas. Et ça change quoi en l’état des choses de la vie ? 
.Rien. Bon je vais prendre une petite libertĂ© Ă  ma disposition Ă  l’instant prĂ©cis : faire la sieste dans mon hamac avec mon sombrero sur le nez (Marcel Amont) pour mettre mon cerveau en repos. En espĂ©rant ne pas ĂȘtre dĂ©rangĂ©e par des importuns surtout s’ils sont impromptus. C’est souvent dans mon sommeil que me viennent « mes meilleures idĂ©es ». Mireille MOUTTE


#news #Palestine #Israël #guerre #paix #territoires #illusion #Hamas #Tsahal #colÚre #mywork #mytext

Kippa vs Keffieh ?

A l’origine deux peuples traumatisĂ©s, l’un par la Shoah et l’autre par la nakba. L’un sur la dĂ©fensive du « jamais plus ça », l’autre sur la blessure de l’exode et de l’expropriation de ses territoires. Comment ces deux peuples aujourd’hui en replis identitaires, unis par la haine des exactions rĂ©ciproquement commises, pourraient-ils espĂ©rer vivre en paix sur un mĂȘme territoire ? Comment cette guerre permanente depuis 1948 peut-elle perdurer ? Avec comme toujours l’aide et les implications internationales des pays arabes, du Proche- orient, de l’Occident, avec comme partout aussi la prĂ©dominance d’intĂ©rĂȘts Ă©conomiques, stratĂ©giques, hĂ©gĂ©moniques. Non pas dans « l’indiffĂ©rence gĂ©nĂ©rale » mais dans l’incompĂ©tence gĂ©nĂ©rale. Les intĂ©rĂȘts en jeu seraient-ils plus importants que la souffrance des peuples passĂ©e par pertes et profits ? N’y a-t-il pas meilleur ciment national qu’un ennemi commun ? La solution incontournable de deux Ă©tats sur un mĂȘme territoire n’est-elle pas chimĂ©rique ? Entretenue depuis l’origine pour que les tensions s’apaisent d’elles mĂȘmes par l’oubli de l’évolution gĂ©nĂ©rationnelle ? C’est ratĂ© ! Alors on met le couvercle sur la marmite pour essayer de maintenir les dĂ©bordements que l’on connaĂźt avec en corollaire l’étonnement hypocrite des nations devant tant de violences. Mireille MOUTTE


Les #réseaux #sociaux manipulent-ils notre #réalité ? ( #TikTok, #Instagram, #Facebook, #YouTube, I.A etc.) - #DeadWill

Les #RĂ©seauxSociaux manipulent-ils notre rĂ©alitĂ© ? CrĂ©ent-ils pour notre corps et notre esprit une #illusion du #rĂ©el nous impactant jusque dans notre chair ? D’ailleurs oĂč s'arrĂȘte le #virtuel et oĂč commence le rĂ©el ? Les rĂ©seaux sont-ils devenus la #nouvelle #religion que nous prions chaque soir avant de nous endormir ? Voici bon nombre de questions particuliĂšrement intrigantes conditionnant, pourtant, plus que jamais nos vies. Des vies segmentĂ©es, fragmentĂ©es au travers diffĂ©rents #Ă©crans et #applications, TikTok, Instagram, Facebaook, Youtube etc... faisant coexister des versions diffĂ©rentes de nous mĂȘme. Mais quelle est notre vĂ©ritable emprise face Ă  tout ceci. Sommes nous des #utilisateurs ou bien des #utilisĂ©s ? Et bien pour tenter de rĂ©pondre Ă  ces questions complexes, nous allons nous reposer sur un chef d'Ɠuvre de la #ScienceFiction : #Videodrome de #DavidCronenberg. Un #film profondĂ©ment #philosophique et surtout terriblement #prophĂ©tique ce bien avant un certain #Matrix, dont il est, nous le verrons le pendant inverse.




Feb 18-19 Potent #New #Moon | How to harness the power of #Shivaratri | #VedicAstrology + Tarot
Book a reading with Kari: https://anandastrology.com/services
Calculate your Vedic Birth Star: https://anandastrology.com/

The new moon of Feb 19 (11:06 pm PT) has a potent dose of #spiritual #energy.

Following just after the sacred night Lord #Shiva – Maha Shivarati– this is a potent new moon for letting go of the past and turning inward.

The new moon will be in the area of the sky called Shatabhisha in Vedic Astrology, the “veiling star” which has the power to veil (and unveil) mysteries. It’s said that Lord Shiva burns through the veil of #illusion called #maya when he opens his third eye on this dark new moon.

read more: https://anandastrology.com/feb-new-moon-harnessing-the-spiritual-power-of-maha-shivaratri-vedic-astrology


#Freewill or #Destiny
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by Dr. Newton Kondaveti

"In the days of instant everything, the internet is exploding with instamagic formulas guaranteed to make all your dreams come true. Manifestation is the new mantra! Is it true? Is the choice all ours? Or are we still the puppets of fate whose strings lie in the hands of unknown forces?

We have all found ourselves stuck between ‘maybe it was never destined to happen’, or ‘maybe I don’t have a choice’ at least ten times in a day while dealing with the smallest of things like hoping to catch an empty bus, getting away with an unfinished project, or dealing with a fallout with someone over a silly fight. The argument for destiny is deeply embedded in our psyche, a notion so known to us that we fall back upon it as an excuse for every thing that went wrong. So where does destiny end and free well begin? Dr.Newton clears up the myths and mysteries.

Does destiny exist or everything is free-willed?

Both exist. As long as we don’t wake up to our ‘real self’, we are going to be affected by the forces of destiny. Let us take the analogy of students in a school. The beginners studying in the kindergarten will not have many options and choices and as we advance to the higher classes, students have the free will to choose their subjects to study. Forces of destiny are nothing but our sum total of karmic forces from the past. In the beginning stages of our evolution, the karmic forces of destiny will be affecting us and as the soul advances to the old soul level, there happens the awakening of the wisdom and free will. Old souls create their own reality and participate in co-creating realities with others.

Why are we given free-will? Wouldn’t it be nicer to create mankind as inherently good?

‘All That Is’ or Source is an impersonal creative force which created everything in the universe with pure love and joy. Let us take the example of parents who create their children out of sheer joy and love. The parents give all the free will to their children because they love them unconditionally. There is inherent goodness in the whole of creation. Evil that we see in the world is the misdirection and distortion. As beginner souls who have incarnated on the earth, will be operating with aggression and fear of survival. Several opportunities are given for them to learn the karmic lessons in this school of earth. It takes several lifetimes to reach the stage of maturity to understand it and as we reach to the old soul stage of evolution, free will is recognized.

Since #human #brain is maybe designed to have hallucinations, what if free will is just an #illusion?

Free will is absolute truth. As we expand into higher levels of #consciousness, we start creating our destiny by exercising our free will.

Is anybody’s destiny defined by forces outside of themselves?

Outside forces which are influencing is inversely proportional to the evolution of the soul. “The wiser the soul, the lesser the impact of outside forces.” Unfinished business and unresolved issues from the past lives are the karmic forces which influence one’s current life. However, all these external influences fade away as the soul perfects the lessons on this earth. But the higher truth is there is no outside force which can influence our present life. Not to exercise free will is also a choice made by few souls because of their own free will.

#How can some #people predict the #future and be absolutely correct about it?

All possibilities and probabilities exist for all of us. Those who are able to tune into the highest possible futures are able to receive the information through precognitive ability and that’s why they are able to predict the exact future. Take the analogy of two ships which are coming towards each other but there is a hill which is blocking the view. There is a high probability of collision of the two ships. But someone who can be in a helicopter can view the possibility of this collision well ahead in time and alert the captains of the ships of this possible danger. Those who are spiritually sensitive or meditators can develop the faculty of precognition.

What is the concept of ‘surrendering?’

#Surrender is harnessing the #universal collective forces in the creation process. For example, a person intends to create a project which costs lots of money. After the initial steps of intending and putting all the effort in creating an astral template, surrenders to the collective force of the universe. It is like swimming in a river. At some places you will be exercising your free will and at other places where the current is strong, you surrender to the river and allow the river to take you forward. We do exactly the same way in our life too; there is a time we need to exercise our free will and to surrender to the higher collective forces.

Do you have any experience or knowledge of “Gods/lords of karma?”

There are astral beings in the astral world who act like guides. In the life after death states, those guides will make us review our life and facilitate this process. They don’t judge us; they only make us see what we have learned and what we have not from that past life. Some of these astral beings are known as Lords of Karma who reside in the higher astral worlds. They evaluate our evolution. They can also offer guidance regarding the next incarnation cycle, along with helping us in the selection process of our parents, country, religion, gender and situations based on our karma that is accumulated from all the past lifetimes.

How can one consciously create their destiny?

One stumbling block in creating our own destiny is unfinished and unresolved past. Meditation is like a vacuum cleaner which eliminates past imprints. Daily Meditation practice and cultivating the awareness will remove the negative thoughts and limiting beliefs. Meditation can help us focus on the present. By being in the present moment and using our free-will, we can intend to create what we desire in our life because thoughts create reality. After adding the positive feeling and emotional energy to the primary thought that you created, visualize in your mind’s eye what you would like to create. Now surrender it to the collective forces of the universe to join you in the co-creation process."

The #Work Is on #Yourself | #RamDass #Q&A