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#X-ray #SolarFlares
6-hr max: #X8 1651 UT May14
STRONGEST #SOLAR #FLARE OF THE CURRENT CYCLE: #Sunspot AR3664 just unleashed the strongest #solarflare of the current solar cycle--an #X8.7-category blast from beyond the sun's western limb. #X marks the spot in this image of the flare from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory:

Because the sunspot is behind the edge of the solar disk, the flare was partially eclipsed. It was probably even stronger than it appeared. "X8.7" is almost certainly an underestimate of the flare's true strength.

Extreme ultraviolet radiation from the flare ionized the top of Earth's atmosphere, causing a deep shortwave radio blackout over the Americas. Ham radio operators, aviators and mariners may have noticed a sudden loss of signal at all frequencies below 30 MHz.

Subatomic debris from this event might soon reach Earth, guided toward our planet by the Parker Spiral


Big #sunspot AR3590 is as dangerous as it looks. Late yesterday (Feb. 21 @ 2307 UT), the active region produced a powerful X1.8-class #solarflare with a shortwave radio blackout over the western USA and Pacific Ocean. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme #ultraviolet #flash:

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The explosion did not produce a CME, at least not a bright one. NOAA analysts are still inspecting SOHO coronagraph data for signs of a storm cloud. If they find one, it will be reported here.

This could be the first of many flares from AR3590. The sunspot has an unstable 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field that harbors energy for multiple #X-class #explosions



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Yesterday, a pair of bright #CMEs left the #sun. Both are off target:

The CME on the right is debris from a magnetic filament, which erupted near the sun's southwestern limb on Sept. 23rd (1330 UT). The #CME on the left came from new sunspot AR3110. An M1-class #solarflare hurled it into #space (1810 UT). The bright light at 3 o'clock is Venus. None of these things will hit our planet.

The sun can't keep missing forever, can it? Active sunspot AR3110 is turning toward #Earth and will soon be in the strike zone