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Why is there so much fear promoted with the coming eclipse April 8th? Department of Homeland Security, National Guard, Sheriffs and hospitals, all on high alert. The news suggests being prepared with food and gas like it's Y2K! NASA is even launching sounding rockets at the eclipse like it's doomsday. Is there more to NASA calling this APEP, the serpent deity that eats the sun? And, for a bit more reptilian flavor, the Mother of Dragons comet, also known as the Devil Comet, will be bright in our darkened skies. What is going on? Might as well power up CERN while you're at it! For more thoughts on CERN and sounding rockets, watch Obama Alien Invasion

Humans are experiencing life-sims in a Construct. The Construct maintains protocols that are universally true for all participants and each individual is a ‘world unto themselves,’ an immortal being able to create worlds-within-worlds inside the Construct to better themselves and their conditions. We immortals are guided and protected by an Oversoul. The Construct is governed by an ancient artificial intelligence trapped inside this holography. This AIX is the origin of deceit and trickery that serves to compartmentalize humans into groups that are easily controlled.

Archaix YouTube
#Archaix, or Advanced Research of Chronological History of Artificial Intelligence #X is about the history of the human race trapped in the Simulacrum, this False Reality, a copy of a real universe and the tyranny of #AI X. Archaix documents the movements of AI X in the past and reveals what Artificfial Intelligence X will do next.

#JasonBreshears has authored 17 books and several articles, 10 works available on Amazon. His research bibliography is currently at 1357 nonfiction books read and data mined during a 19 year period, approximately 250,000 pages from many rare works as old as four hundred years, including translations of texts dating as far back as four thousand years.
#freeman #freezone


The number of X users in the US has fallen by a fifth since Musk took over

It's been around a year and a half since Elon Musk took full control of his favorite social media site, Twitter. The billionaire has made a ton of changes during this time, including changing the platform's name to X. How has that impacted users in the United States? According to a new report, the number of daily users in the country has fallen by around a fifth during Musk's time in charge. ...

More: https://www.techspot.com/news/102411-number-us-twitter-x-users-has-fallen-fifth.html

#elon #twitter #x


The fediverse, explained

The Verge

The buzziest new thing in social networking is a big deal. It’s also very confusing. And it’s not actually new. (...)

Illustration: fediverse as interconnected sociale media

So what is the fediverse?
It’s an interconnected social platform ecosystem based on an open protocol called ActivityPub, which allows you to port your content, data, and follower graph between networks.


Ugh, I know. Let me try again.

The fediverse is as if you took X, TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook and made them all interoperable so you could post anything from anywhere, and all your followers would be guaranteed to see it. And if you wanted to leave one platform for another, you could bring all your content, all your followers, all your everything with you. (...)

But all of this stuff only works if there is a standard, and I’d bet $10 that ActivityPub is going to be that standard. It’s the one that’s overseen by the World Wide Web Consortium, it’s the one with the most momentum, it’s the one Threads is supposedly going to support — it’s just kind of clearly winning. (...)

So why would I leave Instagram and Facebook?
That’s the big question. Do you like Instagram and Facebook?

I mean, sure. It’s where all my friends are.
That is the single biggest problem for the fediverse. A lot of folks I’ve talked to say that, basically, if we’d built social media like this 20 years ago, the world would be better and smarter and we’d all be richer and better-looking. (Or something.) But we didn’t. We built it on a bunch of closed platforms that turned out to be really sticky, really lucrative for the companies that made them, and frankly kind of user-hostile. But it’s really, really hard to convince people to stop hanging out where their friends are and go join something new just because it’s better. That transition will take a long time, if it ever happens. (...)

Complete article

Tags: #fediverse #social_media #activitypub #x #Twitter #tiktok #snapchat #instagram #facebook #youtube #algoritm #interoperability #mastodon #hubzilla #diaspora* #Bluesky #threads #AT_Protocol #Farcaster #Nostr #Reddit #Pixelfed #Lemmy #PeerTube #Friendica #BookWyrm #Goodreads #Misskey #Flipboard #Medium #hubzilla


De heroïne van sociale media wordt gratis verstrekt aan kinderen, terwijl volwassenen de andere kant op kijken

Jamal Ouariachi (Trouw)

(...) Dan heb je nog de sector Breinverpulvering. Die deed het in 2023 nóg beter. Alphabet, moederbedrijf van Google, noteerde alleen al in het vierde kwartaal van 2023 een winst van 20,7 miljard dollar, terwijl Tech-gigant Meta (onder meer Facebook, Instagram en WhatsApp) over heel 2023 een nettowinst van 39 miljard dollar binnenharkte. (...)

(Tekst loopt door onder de foto.)

Foto van Jamal Ouariachi
Jamal Ouariachi

Delen we in de winst, wij als content­leveraars? Haha, tuurlijk niet.

“Nou, daar ben je toch zelf bij, sukkel?”

Klopt. Ik ben niet te beroerd om mijn eigen stupiditeit onder ogen te zien, maar laten we eerlijk zijn: ik heb zo ontiegelijk veel mede-idioten – alleen al Facebook telt 3 miljard gebruikers, herstel: gebruikten. (...)

Het ergste is misschien dat die heroïne gratis wordt verstrekt aan kinderen, terwijl volwassenen de andere kant op kijken of preciezer: op hun eigen telefoon zitten te turen. TikTok, Snapchat, X, Instagram, ­Facebook, Whatsapp en Discord konden onbelemmerd uitgroeien tot platforms waar massaal kinderporno wordt verspreid, waar cyberpesten aan de orde van de dag is, waar drugshandel floreert en waar handige tips rondgaan over hoe je het best zelfmoord kunt plegen. (...)

Wonderlijke soort zijn we toch. We schenken onze ziel en onze centen aan precies de bedrijven die alles wat ons dierbaar is kapotmaken: onze omgeving, onze kinderen, ons brein.

Hele artikel

Tags: #nederlands #sociale_media #social_media #facebook #alphabet #google #isntagram #whatsapp #tiktok #snapchat #x #discord #kinderporno #cyberpesten #drugs #zelfmoord #kinderen


Je n'arrive pas à comprendre les personnes qui ayant fuit à juste titre #x(Twitter) en se réfugiant sur #mastodon, maintenant délaissent celui-ci pour #bluesky où il n'y a pas grand monde et où l'aspirateur à DATA fonctionne merveilleusement à tout va … pour nourir le shitly business !


You Know What They Are

Unfortunately, the vast majority of Americans don’t, and will not believe it until the fireworks start. Even then, they will struggle to believe that war has actually come to the #UnitedStates, a #war that isn’t going to be a #civil war in any sense of the term:

1stResponderMedia posted a video on #X showing an interview with a group of #migrants who illegally crossed the #border 12 miles east of Sasabe, #Arizona, over the weekend. At least one of the migrants in the small group identified himself as an #African migrant from #Morocco.

A second male migrant traveling in the same group responded to a question about his country of origin with an ominous message.

“If you are smart enough, you will know who I am,” the migrant began. “But you are really not smart enough to know who I am. But soon you’re gonna know who I am.”

The migrant then walked away.

These young male migrants are neither #refugees nor conventional #immigrants. They are being brought into the United States to serve as a #PraetorianGuard for the #foreign #elite that is terrified of the reaction of the #US #citizenry to the inevitable #collapse of the #empire that the people never even wanted in the first place.

We wondered what the reaction to the failure of the jump to China would be, and now we know.

The picture below doesn’t show any poor huddled masses yearning to breathe free. It’s a well-funded #army of #mercenaries that only lacks #weapons and #orders to take action. And it’s already present across most of the United States.


Bitcoin slides after false ETF approval post

Bitcoin slid Tuesday after the Securities and Exchange Commission’s social media account — which was compromised — sent a false social media post stating the regulatory agency had approved a long-awaited bitcoin exchange-traded fund. Immediately after the first post, the world’s largest cryptocurrency jumped to as high as $47,901 to its highest level since March 2022, but later traded lower by 3%.

#hacked #SEC #X #false #post #bitcoin #ETF #approval

via https://www.cnbc.com/2024/01/10/stock-markets-a-crypto-bros-false-dream-.html


29.12.2023 Gesundheitsdaten nur bedingt sicher

KIM = Kaos in der Medizin

Eigentlich sollte KIM ein sicherer E-Mail Service für die Medizin, also die Kommunikation zwischen Krankenkassen und Ärzten sein. Etwas ähnliches gibt es auch seit Jahren im Bereich der Justiz für Gerichte und Anwälte. Insofern handelt es sich nicht um die grandiosiste Innovation.

Trotzem ging es schief. Wie auf dem 37. CCC Kongress in Hamburg von dem Münsteraner Sicherheitsforscher Christoph Saatjohann vom Fraunhofer-Institut für Sichere Informationstechnologie (SIT) in Münster und Sebastian Schinzel berichtet wurde, haben insgesamt acht Krankenkassen durch die Gematik den gleichen S/MIME-Key erhalten. Sichere E-Mail beruht auf dem seit den 80-iger Jahren von Phil Zimmermann entwickelten Public-Private-Key Verfahren. In öffentlichen Einrichtungen geschieht das nach dem Standard X.509, während im privaten Umfeld Jede/r seine Schlüsselpaare selbst generieren kann.

Wenn jedoch die Zertifizierungsstellen (CAs) für verschiedene Akteure die gleichen Schlüssel verteilen, dann war es das mit der Sicherheit sensibler medizinischer Daten. Das ist der GAU in der PKI - der Public Key Infrastructure.

Laut den Sicherheitsforschern hatten, wie Heise.de schreibt, einmal drei Krankenkassen denselben im September 2021 ausgestellten Schlüssel, bei einem zweiten Schlüssel fünf. 28% der Bürgerinnen und Bürger seien über diese acht Krankenkassen versichert gewesen. Dieser Vorfall war nicht der erste mit KIM. 2022 wurde eine Log4J-Schwachstelle im KIM-Clientmodul von T-Systems gefunden.

Künftig werden die Schlüssel nun monatlich auf Dopplungen geprüft.

Mehr dazu bei https://www.heise.de/news/37C3-Schluessel-fuer-E-Mail-Dienst-KIM-fuer-das-Medizinwesen-mehrfach-vergeben-9583275.html
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3y7
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8633-20231229-gesundheitsdaten-nur-bedingt-sicher.html
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8633-20231229-gesundheitsdaten-nur-bedingt-sicher.html
Tags: #KIM #Gematik #Telekom #Scheinsicherheit #CCC #X.509 #Zertifizierungsstellen #doppelt #Keys #Schlüssel #Email #PP #GPG #Verbraucherdatenschutz #Datensicherheit #Datenpannen #Datenskandale #eGK #ePA #Datenverluste #Anwaltspostfach