

Big #sunspot AR3590 is as dangerous as it looks. Late yesterday (Feb. 21 @ 2307 UT), the active region produced a powerful X1.8-class #solarflare with a shortwave radio blackout over the western USA and Pacific Ocean. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme #ultraviolet #flash:

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The explosion did not produce a CME, at least not a bright one. NOAA analysts are still inspecting SOHO coronagraph data for signs of a storm cloud. If they find one, it will be reported here.

This could be the first of many flares from AR3590. The sunspot has an unstable 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field that harbors energy for multiple #X-class #explosions



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#SOLAR #FLARE AND RADIATION STORM: Departing sunspot AR3559 erupted Monday morning, Jan 29th (0438 UT), producing a strong M6.8-class solar flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the exteme #ultraviolet flash:

This flare is going to affect #Earth in several ways. It has already caused a shortwave radio blackout over Australia: blackout map. Ham radio operators and mariners may have experienced loss of signal at frequencies below 30 MHz for as much as an hour after the flare.

Next, it is almost certanly going to cause a radiation storm. Sunspot AR3559 is well-connected to Earth. This may seem counterintuitive, because the sunspot is not directly facing us. However, when sunspots are near the sun's western limb, they can link to our planet magnetically. Take a look at this diagram, and you'll understand why. It's called "the Parker Spiral." Protons energized by the flare are now following the Parker Spiral toward Earth. Within hours, an S1-class (or stronger) radiation storm may be underway.


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NEW SOURCE OF FLARES: Suddenly, AR3445 is crackling with activity. The mixed-polarity sunspot has produced multiple #M-class #flares this weekend, including this M4-category explosion on Sept.24th (0328 UT):

A flash of extreme #ultraviolet #radiation from the #flare ionized the top of Earth's atmosphere, causing a shortwave radio blackout over #Australia: map. Mariners and ham radio operators may have noticed loss of signal at frequencies below 25 MHz for as much as 30 minutes after the flare.

This flare might have lasted long enough to lift a #CME out of the sun's atmosphere.


#Earth is dodging some big solar storms. For the second time in 3 days, departing sunspot AR3386 unleashed a powerful X1-class #solar #flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme #ultraviolet flash on Aug. 7th at ~2100 UT:

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Radiation from the flare caused a deep shortwave radio blackout over the Pacific Ocean (map), and a magnificent CME has emerged from the blast site
X1 2046 UT Aug07


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MINOR GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH: NOAA forecasters say that minor G1-class geomagnetic storms are possible on June 2nd when a stream of solar wind is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field. The gaseous material is flowing from a pair of holes in the sun's atmosphere. Aurora alerts: SMS Text

#SOLAR #FLARE AND RADIO BLACKOUT: A new sunspot is emerging over the sun's SE limb. It announced itself on May 31st with a long-duration M4-class solar flare:

A pulse of extreme #ultraviolet #radiation ionized the top of #Earth's #atmosphere, causing a shortwave radio blackout over the Pacific Ocean almost perfectly centered over Hawaii. Mariners and ham radio operators may have noticed loss of signal below 30 MHz for as much as an hour after 2252 UT.

Designated AR3323, the #sunspot is now turning toward Earth, and it appears to be growing more complex. NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of more M-flares on June 1st.


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Departing #sunspot AR3234 produced another X2-class solar flare on March 3rd (1752 UTC). NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme #ultraviolet #flash:
Radiation from the flare ionized the top of Earth's atmosphere, causing a shortwave radio blackout over the Americas. Aviators and ham radio operators may have noticed loss of signal and other unusual propagation effects at frequencies below 30 MHz for as much as an hour.
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New sunspot AR3242 is magnetically complex and crackling with M-class #solar #flares. This morning in Hong Kong, David Leong pointed his solar telescope at the #sun and immediately saw an explosion:

"AR3242 was already flaring when I started shooting at 5:11 UT," says Leong. "The unusually dark filaments kept changing shape minute by minute on my computer screen. It was an hour of wonder and excitement."

This sunspot is turning toward Earth, and it will soon be in our planet's strike zone. Stay tuned.


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AURORAS ARE NOT AURORAS: Two nights ago astrophotographer Ruslan Merzlyakov went to the coastal wilderness of Denmark's Thy National Park and set up his camera for a long exposure of the Milky Way. He found the galaxy surrounded by aurora-like bands of red and green:

"It wasn't the aurora borealis," says Merzlyakov. "This was a magnificent display of airglow."

#Airglow is aurora-like #phenomenon caused by #chemical #reactions in the #upper #atmosphere. It gets started during the day when the air is illuminated by #ultraviolet #radiation from the #sun. At night the delicate afterglow can be seen from dark-sky locations like Thy National Park.
Green airglow is caused by oxygen. Red airglow is more rare; it is caused by OH. These neutral molecules (not to be confused with the OH- ion found in aqueous solutions) exist in a thin layer 85 km high where gravity waves impress the red glow with a dramatic rippling structure.

Who needs auroras? "The airglow," says Merzlyakov, "was out of this world."


25.08.2022 Facebook verrät Abtreibungen an Polizei

Schwerer Eingriff in die Privatsphäre alles US Bürger:innen

Nachdem das Oberste Gericht der USA das Grundsatzurteil aus den 70-iger Jahren in sein Gegenteil verkehrt hat, droht nun allen Menschen im Land Gefahr durch ihr Kommunikationsverhalten. Wer sich über Facebook mit Freunden über Informationen über Abtreibungen oder nach Abtreibungsmedikamenten austauscht, muss damit rechnen, dass plötzlich die Polizei vor der Tür steht.

Kathy Plate von UltraViolet berichtet über diesen Fall:

Ein Teenager aus Nebraska wird wegen einer Abtreibung angeklagt - und das nur, weil Facebook sie angezeigt hat. Die örtlichen Strafverfolgungsbehörden stellten Facebook einen Durchsuchungsbefehl für die privaten Facebook-Nachrichten des Teenagers zu. Nachdem Facebook die Nachrichten ausgehändigt hatte, nutzte die Polizei die Kommunikation zwischen der Teenagerin und ihrer Mutter als Beweis dafür, dass eine Abtreibung stattgefunden hatte.

Natürlich war dieser eklatante Eingriff in die Privatsphäre nur möglich, weil Facebook Nachrichten standardmäßig nicht verschlüsselt sind. Wenn alle Menschen nur noch Nachrichten über Messenger mit einer Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung austauschen würden - so wie es z.B Signal u.a. anbieten -, hätte Facebook keine Beweise mit den Strafverfolgungsbehörden teilen können.

Auch wenn seit einer Woche Facebook Berichten zufolge, die Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung als Standard für alle Nutzer testeti, so werden Facebook und WhatsApp keine sicheren Tools werden. Angesichts der wachsenden Bedrohung des Zugangs zu Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen im ganzen Land, und weil viele Bundesstaaten bereits Verbote und strenge Einschränkungen erlassen haben, seit der Oberste Gerichtshof Roe v. Wade gekippt hat, sollten alle Menschen künftig nur noch verschlüsselte Messengerdienste nutzen.

Gegen den Richterspruch des Obersten Gerichtshofs und für eine sichere Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung auch bei Facebook kann man hier eine Petition unterschreiben.

Mehr dazu bei https://civicshout.com/p/tell-facebook-stop-spying-on-abortion-seekers
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3pj
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8123-20220825-facebook-verraet-abtreibungen-an-polizei.htm
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8123-20220825-facebook-verraet-abtreibungen-an-polizei.htm
Tags: #Facebook #Abtreibungen #Polizei #USA #Privatsphäre #UltraViolet #Petition #Verbraucherdatenschutz #Datenschutz #Datensicherheit #Grundrechte #Menschenrechte #Verschlüsselung #Ende-zu-Ende #Signal #Wire #Unschuldsvermutung #Verhaltensänderung #SupremeCourt


Watch a Scorpion and Its Young Glow Different Colors Under UV Light


Did you know that Scorpions glow when you put them under an ultraviolet light? Ecological artist The Butterfly Babe (Sarah Folts) has shared a video showing a mother scorpion with her young gathered on her back and glowing a bright blue and purple under ultraviolet light.

As spotted by Laughing Squid, this fluorescent feature is due to specific proteins in scorpion exoskeletons, although the reason for its evolutionary usage is not entirely clear.

What is clear is that subjecting the large arachnids to ultraviolet light makes for some stunning photo and video opportunities, as different species of scorpions glow different colors. As shown in the video above, even differently aged scorpions of the same species fluoresce different colors.

The glow is caused by chemicals in its outer shell (cuticle / Hyaline layer) absorbing and then re-emitting the light at a lower wavelength, which creates the soft blue-green color. This hyaline layer is incredibly strong and stands up to time incredibly well: scientists have found that even fossilized scorpions can glow when a UV light source is placed on them.

It has even been shown that when scientists preserve scorpion samples in liquid-filled jars, the hyaline layer can make the liquid glow. An interesting thing observed by researchers is the creatures don't glow immediately after molting. Instead, the cuticles have to completely harden before they start to shine blue/green.

"We don't really know exactly why they do it -- it could just be an accident, a freak of nature, that all scorpions fluoresce," Owen Seeman, the collection manager for arachnids at the Queensland Museum, said in an interview with ABC in 2017.

In fact, it is still unknown if the glowing material comes from a chemical reaction in the hardening process or if the scorpions actually secrete the chemicals that create the glowing reaction.

Some theorize that it could help scorpions find each other while others think it is just a fluke of evolution and has no purpose at all. Another theory is that scorpions use the glow to see at night, as their eyes are more sensitive to the blue-green colors. However, there is very little UV light at night which makes this explanation unlikely. Another theory is the fluorescence makes their bodies more sensitive to light, which in turn makes it easier for them to find a shade-covered hiding spot. Because scorpions avoid sunlight in general and UV light in particular, Carl Kloock, an arachnologist at California State University, postulates that the glow actually helps them determine if they are safe to come out or if they need to stay hidden based on how much UV light shines on them.

Even though the reason for the glow remains a mystery to scientists, it can definitely make things easier for researchers while out in the field since they can easily spot scorpions at night by simply using a UV flashlight.

#educational #arachnids #colorful #colors #cool #creepy #nature #scorpion #ultraviolet #uv #wildlife