

In #synapse:

# du -sh remote_*
3.5G    remote_content
28M remote_thumbnail
# find remote_content -empty -type d -delete
# find remote_thumbnail -empty -type d -delete
# du -sh remote_*
828K    remote_content



So #Element has forked #Synapse and #Dendrite and will be releasing their own versions, arguing that since they do most of the development, why not own the backlog as well? I’m not too surprised, given that they have a (necessary) profit motive to advance certain features.

With the new Element X client and now this, it seems like #Matrix development is centralizing. I wonder how the Matrix Foundation feels about it. Not great, I’d imagine.


I switched my band website to wordpress with ActivityPub. feels a bit beta but you can subscribe here @Reverend@reverendelvis.de (if you want). Then I realized that WP also works with matrix.synapse. I like the protocol very much and think this will be much more important and powerful than ActivityPub in the long run. Community creation is almost not possible with AP and you can use matrix e.g. also very well as cloud, it goes all real-time things: streaming, video chat, chat etc... Both has its justification and are good. Both can be integrated into WP... how nice.


#activitypub #aissolution #federation #matrix #matrixsynapse #reverendelvis #synapse #wordpress


I’m really embracing the #Matrix #ChatOps thing. All the tedious manual tasks I need to do as an admin are slowly turning into scripts that report to a room on my #Synapse server. It’s nice to reduce the workload, and lets me muck about with shell scripting, which is a pleasant distraction.


Und wach!

Aus der Serie #EinmalMitProfis:

Successfully installed matrix-synapse-1.72.0
RuntimeError: Synapse requires PostgreSQL 11 or above.
 Error during initialisation:
    Synapse requires PostgreSQL 11 or above.
 There may be more information in the logs.

# dnf info postgresql | grep Version
Version      : 10.19


Wie zur Hölle ging noch mal der Downgrade? Ah...

pip install matrix-synapse==1.71.0


#Matrix #Synapse #Postgresql

Another very exciting thing that happened this week is the merge of the base code infrastructure to support running Rust code in Synapse! You can find more about this in the pull request, but what this means is we can now replace some bits of Synapse written in Python with code written in Rust to make it more efficient. This is not a rewrite of Synapse in Rust, but rather a way for us to optimise some specific hot paths. Currently there's some more work going on with implementing push rules support in Rust, as well as converting some caching code. Watch this space for more info!


This is huge!

#synapse #matrix #rust


Devoted some time to continue to tear down my #Kubernetes #k8s infrastructure at #Hetzner and move it to my #k3s infrastructure at #ssdnodes. It's pretty easy to move everything, the actual work involving moving files and databases and a bit of downtime. As I relieve the old infrastructure I can save some money by shutting down nodes as the workload decreases. I've shut down two nodes so far. Might free up another tonight if I can move #Synapse and Diaspora.


I recently upgraded to an ARM64 laptop from using x64 for the past decade or so. I didn't think much about building Docker images for my cloud servers, all of which run on x64 architecture, but the GA Docker release allows you to build multi-platform images that Just Work™, which I think is kind of amazing. Today I built my first, an image of #Matrix #Synapse that I use in the cloud.

Truly, we live in the future.


Sorry for the spotty pod performance; it looks like a recent #Synapse upgrade is thrashing the shit out of #Postgres, which is shared with Diaspora and some other services. I'm going to let it run a while and then see if I need to shut down Synapse until it gets fixed.


Synapse Mediastore aufräumen

Nach knapp 2 Jahren wartungsfreier Zeit belegte der Mediastore meines #Synapse 4.6G. Mir war etwas mulmig dabei, weil Synapse da keinen guten Ruf hat, was die Wartbarkeit angeht.

Aber die ersten Erfahrungen mit der neuen API machen Mut und haben schon mal ordentlich aufgeräumt:

(env) [root@vj2 synapse]# datelimit=`date --date="1 month ago" "+%s000"`

(env) [root@vj2 synapse]# echo "$datelimit"

(env) [root@vj2 synapse]# curl --header "Authorization: Bearer $mx_token"  -XPOST "http://localhost:8008/_synapse/admin/v1/purge_media_cache?before_ts=$datelimit"

Aber da geht noch mehr.

Herzlichen Dank auch an die Helden im Support-Chatroom 'Matrix-Admins (DE)',



Oops, heut' morgen war mein #Synapse für die Clients nicht mehr erreichbar. Offenbar hat ihn eine Regression erwischt. Eigentlich wollte ich das aussitzen, aber nun hab ich doch aktualisiert.

Successfully uninstalled matrix-synapse-1.32.0
Successfully installed matrix-synapse-1.32.2



Element is the company that currently hires most of the people working on the open #Matrix communication protocol specification. Element also produces the #opensource Matrix servers #Synapse and #Dendrite, and the #web, #desktop, #Android and #iOS clients called #Element.

I also work at Element. Element is not just open source and open specifications. Element is also about #business. The thing that is needed to pay the #developers that work on the open specifications and open source that anyone can use freely. And people do! Matrix is hugely popular and massively growing, in public sector, private sector and hobbyist self-hosters. It's an exciting time to be involved.

Element is currently hiring for multiple roles - including the team I work for. This is the SaaS team of Element Matrix Services, which provides hosted Matrix (servers) and Element (clients) to all kinds of customers, from small teams to large enterprises - and sometimes virtual conferences.

It's a fun company to work at. And remote friendly, even outside Covid! Interested? Have a look at the roles below. We're growing fast so there are many - and not just #engineering.

  • Senior Developer Advocate
  • Office Administrator (fluent French)
  • Designer, Marketing
  • Fullstack Developer (EMS - Element Matrix Services)
  • VP/Head of Product
  • Automation / Business Processes Engineer
  • Engineering Manager/Director - Product Engineering
  • Android Developer - Element
  • Trust and Safety Engineer
  • Product Manager
  • Engineering Manager/Director - Element Web
  • iOS Developer
  • Senior Front End Engineer - Element

Full descriptions: https://apply.workable.com/elementio/

If you're interested but don't see a role, recommend dropping your your details to be considered anyway - who knows we might need you! Am also happy to answer questions and of course give a strong referral to good talented people I'd like to work with 😊

#jobs #recruitments #opportunities