

If you have a website hosted on #Hetzner, take it off from their servers immediately. This morning I woke up with my instance down and this message in my mailbox:

"Dear Ms...

We have noticed irregularities on your account, so we unfortunately cannot have a contract with you at the present time. We have therefore had to close your account.

In general, if customers give us incomplete or incorrect information, we have to close their accounts.

We cannot provide any information on individual cases. Thank you for your understanding.

Kind regards"

Without giving any warning or reason, they deleted my account with everything inside (Thankfully we have back ups every 12 hours). >
I couldn't even log into their site to open a ticket. They deleted my entire instance.

I replied the email asking about what information was incomplete or incorrect. Their answer was "we can't provide you this information due to security reasons"

It was a Kafkanian situation. They didn't ask me for more information or indicate what was wrong. They didn't even warn me that something was wrong. They didn't give me at least 10 minutes to look for a new server. They deleted my account and any possibility of having access to their website in an unilateral decision. And I learned that, interestingly, this has already happened to another progressive instance. Another curiosity is that they host the website of AfD, the far-right-almost-nazi German party.

In other words: a progressive and feminist instance is overthrown without explanation. An LGBTIQA+ instance is also taken down with no justification. But a far-right website is comfortably hosted in there, for years now, because they are the good guys according to Hetzner.

Never, ever use their services.



Ich hasse Passwortrichtlinien, ich bestimme immer gerne selbst wie sicher mein Passwort sein soll. Heute: #Hetzner was habe ich falsch gemacht?


Das Passwort muss zwischen 6 und 128 Zeichen lang sein und folgende Zeichen enthalten: mindestens einen Kleinbuchstaben: 'a-z', mindestens einen Großbuchstaben: 'A-Z' und mindestens eine Zahl oder eines der folgenden Sonderzeichen: '0-9!$%()=?+#-.:~*@[]_'

Mein Wunschpasswort:


Das System:

Das gewählte Passwort entspricht nicht unseren Sicherheitsrichtlinien.

warum? warum? Was habe ich nicht beachtet? Das "oder" darf es nur eine Zahl ODER ein Sonderzeichen enthalten, nicht beides?


#pod #podmin #diaspora #hetzner #vserver #server #inflation #strom

und schon wieder wird der Betrieb von Diaspora* teurer :(

Sehr geehrte(r) Frank,

seit Ende letzten Jahres haben sich die Bezugskosten für Strom drastisch erhöht. Diese globale Entwicklung ist in vielen Bereichen des täglichen Lebens bereits spürbar. Da sich in absehbarer Zeit keine Stabilisierung der Energiepreise abzeichnet, sehen wir uns leider gezwungen, die Preise zahlreicher Produkte um ca. 10 % anzuheben. Die Strom-/Klimapauschale für Colocation muss leider noch deutlich stärker angehoben werden.

Die Preisanpassung erfolgt zum 1. September 2022 für Neubestellungen. Sämtliche neue Preise für die aktuell angebotenen Produkte finden Sie ab dem 1. September 2022 auf unserer Website unter https://www.hetzner.com. Bei Produkten, die vor dem 1. September 2022 bestellt und bereit gestellt werden, berechnen wir erst ab dem 1. Januar 2023 den neuen Preis.

Kunden mit Bestandsprodukten profitieren ebenfalls bis zum 31. Dezember 2022 vom bisherigen Preis.

Um Ihnen größtmögliche Transparenz und Planungssicherheit zu geben, haben wir uns dazu entschlossen, über die Preisanpassungen für Bestandsprodukte bereits heute in dieser Nachricht zu informieren. Wir werden zu Beginn des 4. Quartals mit detaillierten Informationen auf Sie zukommen.

Wir sind überzeugt, dass wir Ihnen trotz der Preisanpassung unsere Produkte nach wie vor zu einem fairen Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis anbieten können.

Falls Sie Ihren Vertrag dennoch nicht fortführen möchten, können Sie ihn innerhalb der regulären Kündigungsfrist über die entsprechende Administrationsoberfläche beenden.

Wir hoffen Sie können unsere Entscheidung nachvollziehen und bitten um Ihr Verständnis für diese Maßnahme.

Bei Rückfragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Antworten auf häufig gestellte Fragen finden Sie unter https://docs.hetzner.com/de/general/others/price-adjustment oder wenden Sie sich an unseren Kundensupport. Verwenden Sie dazu bitte das Kontaktformular in Ihrer Administrationsoberfläche im Menüpunkt “Support”.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Hetzner Online


Musst gerade meine #Nitter Instanz unter nitter.eu offline nehmen, da #Hetzner sagt das verstößt gegen Absatz 8.2 der AGB. Hmm ja kann man so sehen, finde ich valide, finde ich aber nicht gut, weil solche Angebote eben den Zugang zu Informationen erleichtern.


Devoted some time to continue to tear down my #Kubernetes #k8s infrastructure at #Hetzner and move it to my #k3s infrastructure at #ssdnodes. It's pretty easy to move everything, the actual work involving moving files and databases and a bit of downtime. As I relieve the old infrastructure I can save some money by shutting down nodes as the workload decreases. I've shut down two nodes so far. Might free up another tonight if I can move #Synapse and Diaspora.


Is there a cloud provider similar in price to #Hetzner but in the US? The round trip times are hard to bear. If I curl from my old cluster to the new, it takes about 3ms. If I do the same exercise from home, it’s about 900ms. The trouble is, I can’t find a cloud server close to that price here. What I can get here are large, bare-metal servers with tons of bandwidth and storage for cheap.

Hetzner does offer US servers, but they’re 50% more than the European equivalents. I’m not certain the extra performance is worth it.



Hmm. I'm having some difficulty with the #Hetzner load balancer. Every once in a while it hangs for 5-10 seconds before returning. I've confirmed through repeated testing that my nginx servers are working (and fast!), but for some reason the load balancer is unreliable. It's occasionally listing my servers as "Unhealthy" too, which I can confirm they are not. It looks like it might be an issue with the private network?


Alright, after a bit more puttering about I've got my #k3s #Kubernetes cluster networking working. Details follow.

From an inbound perspective, all the nodes in the cluster are completely unavailable from the internet, firewalled off using #hetzner's firewalls. This provides some reassurance that they're tougher to hack, and makes it harder for me to mess up the configuration. All the nodes are on a private network that allows them to communicate with one another, and that's their exclusive form of communication. All the nodes are allowed any outbound traffic. The servers are labeled in Hetzner's console to automatically apply firewall rules.

In front of the cluster is a Hetzner firewall that is configured to forward public internet traffic to the nodes on the private network (meaning the load balancer has public IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, and a private IPv4 address that it uses to communicate with the worker nodes). The load balancer does liveness checks on each node and can prevent non responsive nodes from receiving requests. The load balancer uses the PROXY protocol to preserve source #IP information. The same Hetzner server labels are used to add worker nodes to the load balancer automatically.

The traffic is forwarded to an #nginx Daemonset which k3s keeps running on every node in the cluster (for high availability), and the pods of that DaemonSet keep themselves in sync using a ConfigMap that allows tweaks to the nginx configuration to be applied automatically. Nginx listens on the node's private IP ports and handles #TLS termination for #HTTP traffic and works with Cert-Manager to maintain TLS certificates for websites using #LetsEncrypt for signing. TLS termination for #IMAP and #SMTP are handled by #Dovecot and #Postfix, respectively. Nginx forwards (mostly) cleartext to the appropriate service to handle the request using Kubernetes Ingress resources to bind ports, hosts, paths, etc. to the correct workloads.

The cluster uses #Canal as a #CNI to handle pod-to-pod networking. Canal is a hybrid of Calico and Flannel that is both easy to set up (basically a single YAML) and powerful to use, allowing me to set network policies to only permit pods to communicate with the other pods that they need, effectively acting as an internal firewall in case a pod is compromised. All pod communication is managed using standard Kubernetes Services, which behind the scenes simply create #IPCHAINS to move traffic to the correct pod.

The configuration of all this was a fair amount of effort, owing to Kubernetes' inherent flexibility in the kinds of environments it supports. But by integrating it with the capabilities that Hetzner provides I can fairly easily create an environment for running workloads that's redundant and highly secure. I had to turn off several k3s "features" to get it to work, disabling #Traefik, #Flannel, some strange load balancing capabilities, and forcing k3s to use only the private network rather than a public one. Still, it's been easier to work with than a full-blown Kubernetes installation, and uses considerably fewer server resources.

Next up: storage! Postgres, Objects, and filesystems.


Last week one of the nodes in my #Kubernetes cluster failed due to an issue on the bare metal machine. #Hetzner fixed the problem reasonably quickly, but in the meantime Kubernetes noticed it, moved the workloads to other servers, and kept right on running. When the machine was repaired, it notified K8S that it was available again, and resumed processing work.

Which is good because I was on vacation.


Die spinnen, die bei Hetzner:

Invalid characters, allowed are: A-Z a-z 0-9 ä ö ü ß Ä Ö Ü ^ ! $ % / ( ) = ? + # - . , ; : ~ * @ [ ] { } _ ° §

Na, ihr kommt bestimmt drauf, wo nur diese Zeichen erlaubt sind. Genau, beim PASSWORT.

Mein Verbrechen? KeepassXC's Password Generator hat mir ein "<" in's Passwort geschummelt. Schlingel.

#hetzner #passwords #alleskaputt


War bei #Hetzner bisher nicht immer so eine 100GB storage box bei den Servern inklusive? Bei meinem "alten" Server von vor einem Jahr habe ich eine kostenloste Storagebox, beim neuen von letzte Woche nicht mehr.