

The-Federation.info has a new maintainer 🥳

Starting in November 2013 as pods.jasonrobinson.me, later settling on https://the-federation.info, there have been many stages to this site over time. Initially a rather simple #NodeJS app, the frontend was completely overhauled by @{https://mastodon.social/@fla} into the style it is currently. Some years later a complete rewrite was done by myself to the current #Django / #VueJS stack.

After a few years of dropping into lack of maintenance due to lack of time from my part to contribute, the site has now finally found a new maintainer, @{https://chaos.social/@6543}, who is also active in the #Gitea project (which you may or may not know is also working on ActivityPub federation \o/).

The-federation.info is a rather dear project to me, and it makes me happy that it may still have a future with a new maintainer, instead of going into even worse disrepair and eventually shutting down. There is a rewrite planned to fix the horrible scalability issues the site has been suffering from (ever since adding ActivityPub protocol nodes into the mix), if you're interested see this issue.

For those who want to help, there is also the Matrix chat room: #thefederation:federator.dev..

I would also like to thank the various people who have helped maintain data over the years, hopefully you'll stick around to help the site grow in the future too! 💚

#thefederation #federation #fediverse #activitypub #diaspora #matrix


#Quasar #vuejs #openSource #crossPlatform #web #desktop #mobile
#Telefaza #تلفزة
هو تطبيق مفتوح المصدر و متعدد المنصات, مبني باستخدام Quasar Framework و هو من تطوير الأخ محسن ابوتاج.
يتيح لك مشاهدة اي قناة تلفاز تريدها فقط من خلال جهازك و يجمع لك اغلب القنوات التي تريدها في مكان واحد دون الحاجة للبحث عن كل واحدة بشكل منفصل
النسخة الحالية تتوفر على 8372 قناة منها قنوات عربية (متل الاولى المغربية, mbc, ناسيونال جيوغرافيك, الجزيرة ...) و أخرى عالمية, و هي مرتبة للاقسام, كما يمكنك البحث عن القناة باسمها و تحديد قائمة المفضلة...
المشروع ما زال في نسخة alpha لكنه يعمل بشكل جيد
متوفر حاليا للأندرويد و غنو/لينكس بصيغة #appimage
Demo: https://telefaza.netlify.app/
Github repo: https://github.com/mohssineAboutaj/telefaza

#gnutux #linux #لينكس #iptv