

**Das Rind, es weiß es nicht zu fassen,

wo einst der #Kaiser weilte, darf es grasen.**

#myphoto, #TiereAmWegesrand No. 7, #Nordhessen, #Chattengau, #TourDeChattengau

Gedenkstein anlässlich das Kaiserbesuchs von #Wilhelm_I. im Jahr 1878 auf dem #Nacken:

Der Anwesenheit
Seiner Majestät des Kaisers + Königs
Wilhelm I.
Am 23. September 1878
Nach glücklicher Wiedergenesung
In treuer Liebe und Ergebenheit
Gewidmet vom Kreis #Fritzlar 1879

Der Nacken, ein kleiner #Basaltkegel mit waagerechtem Basaltsäulenverlauf, bei #Gudensberg - #Obervorschütz:


Der Philosoph, er weiß es nicht zu fassen,
Da liegt der Fels, man muss ihn liegen lassen

#FaustByGoethe 2, Vers 10113, 10114

#mypoem, #poem, #Tiere, #Kuh, #animals, #cow, #Geschichte, #history, #Foto, #photo, #Natur, #nature, #Radtour, #Fahrrad, #biking, #ChattengauFuldaRadweg = #R12, #ChattengauRadweg = #R21, #Hessen, #fedibikes, @fedibikes_de group, @fedibikes group

#Wilhelm I


enter image description here

house of astrologer Ernst Wilhelm

Interviews with Astrologer Ernst Wilhelm
Over the years I’ve had the good pleasure of becoming friends with #ErnstWilhelm. He’s an intelligent, thoughtful, kind and entertaining personality. I have used his #astrology software KALA for years, and have found him to be a wealth of #knowledge. In the following videos you will find a collection of interviews with Astrologer #Ernst #Wilhelm, ranging from Outer Planets to Divisional Charts. I trust you will enjoy all that he has to offer.


#Mike #Emery, has been working Bill Tiesing on modifications and greter improvemnets to teh Whilhelm Reich #Orgone technologies. Vastly increasing the #technology, and adding electric field, magnetic field and plasma energies to these apparatus. Mike's team constructed three pyramids, held up with the new cone technologies, to increase their #power and effectiveness.

These ones were built on the stage of the hall in Peswey, Wiltshire, as demo versions.

Bubble Tech is on Facebook, and covered in Bases 78. It is importnat to understand the modern world use of intense microwave frequencies makes the original #Wilhelm #Reich designs imperative to upgrade and modify.

BASES2022 Mike Emery Orgone Cones Bubble Tech and the ANU