

Young, strong and fearless!

These are the second generation post revolution, they have not seen anything other than oppression, broken promises and betrayal.

They had enough, they saw a chance to raise their voice and stand up against the 2 symbols of the tyranny.

They may silence them during this movement, but their anger will be redirected toward an even stronger and more fearless movement in the coming years.

The regime has a chance, to listen to these voices and reform, to let them have their limited freedom and not make the same mistake Shah did in 1977-78. But sadly, the pea brain of these Iranian Taliban, does not allow them to see anything other than their "righteous" way of murder and torture until the country get into a point that it explodes and then it will be the most vicious groups and leaders who will have the control over the outcome of the events.

#Mahsa_Amini #Iran #IranProtests #WomensRights #Students #Women_Life_Freedom
#مهساامینی #آزادی #زنزندگیآزادی