

After 24 days of protests, Mohseni-Ejei, #Iran's head of the judiciary branch, announces his willingness to negotiate with protestors. He declared his willingness for an open dialogue during his weekly address at the Supreme Council of the Judiciary.

Ejei stated, "I declare readiness to all currents, all groups, all political factions, even individual people that I am ready to engage in a dialogue if there is any ambiguity, questions, protest, or criticism. If there is any criticism or protest, we certainly accept that. If there is a need to correct our mistakes somewhere, we certainly will make the corrections. If there is a weakness, we will address it."

#IranProtests2022 #politics #Mahsa_Amini #Iran #IranProtests
#مهساامینی #آزادی #زنزندگی_آزادی



Iran protests turning more violent with armed forces from separatist groups in Baluchistan and Kurdistan, escalating attacks against Iranian border patrols and armed forces

Videos show some #Basij training camps in #Baluchistan and #Khorasan, the 2 major eastern province bordering Afghanistan and Pakistan were attacked by what seems to be an RPG.

There are reports of #Pakistan Army is moving troops and armored units to the border of Iran, fearing that the violence in Iran would spill over to Baluchistan province of their country.

#Mahsa_Amini #Iran #IranProtests
#مهساامینی #آزادی #زنزندگی_آزادی


Weapons used against protesters in Sanandaj, Iranian Kurdistan by IRI forces.

There are reports of tanks and armored vehicles deployed to the areas where PKK and Kumelah killed several Iranian border guards last week.

The situation in Kurdish regions of Iran is explosive and can turn into a full out civil war anytime with risk of Iraqi troops and Kurdish fighters getting involved.

#Mahsa_Amini #Iran #IranProtests #Kurdistan #Sanandaj #Politics
#مهساامینی #آزادی #زنزندگی_آزادی


Protests in Iran expanding and turning into a full revolt.

The Nazi Abad district in southern Tehran is in control of demonstrators. Police and riot police has joined the people and in the video, crowd chanting "This is the year of the blood, Seyyed Ali (first name of Khamenei) is overthrown".

#Mahsa_Amini #Iran #IranProtests #Tehran #NaziAbad #Politics
#مهساامینی #آزادی #زنزندگی_آزادی



Young, strong and fearless!

These are the second generation post revolution, they have not seen anything other than oppression, broken promises and betrayal.

They had enough, they saw a chance to raise their voice and stand up against the 2 symbols of the tyranny.

They may silence them during this movement, but their anger will be redirected toward an even stronger and more fearless movement in the coming years.

The regime has a chance, to listen to these voices and reform, to let them have their limited freedom and not make the same mistake Shah did in 1977-78. But sadly, the pea brain of these Iranian Taliban, does not allow them to see anything other than their "righteous" way of murder and torture until the country get into a point that it explodes and then it will be the most vicious groups and leaders who will have the control over the outcome of the events.

#Mahsa_Amini #Iran #IranProtests #WomensRights #Students #Women_Life_Freedom
#مهساامینی #آزادی #زنزندگیآزادی


#IRGC riot unit and security police with help of #Basij #militia, has encircled students at #Sharif Institute of technology in #Tehran, and broken into the #university via the parking place.

There has been reports of many #casualties and 100s of students taken away by regime special forces.

#Reisi has given them the free hand in dealing with protesters, anyone helping them and those recording the #brutality of the police.

Lives of these students are in danger.



#Mahsa_Amini #Iran #IranProtests #WomensRights #Breaking
#مهسا_امینی #آزادی


Twitter spam in fake support of Iranian protesters is getting bigger.

The tweets seems to have a number. These 2, posted right after each other from a location in US show the numbers 43 and 621 on the header of the post.

It seems to be part of a coordinated mass tweet bots that tracks how many tweets each bit has sent.

It is upsetting that these garbage accounts have hijacked the stream making it hard to find any usable and valid information about iran current situation.

#Iran #Protest #Mahsa_Amini #WomensRights #Politics #SPAM #Activism #مهسا_امینی #ایران #تویتر #آزادی