

Bildet Banden – YunoHost for a self-determined digital life

Your own federated sever for your squat, rocker gang, syndicate. Runs on a raspi or an old computer or on a dedicated server that you can rent cheaply. Easy to install and you can install all the wonderful federated services with just one click. Peertube, Element, mastodon, diaspora*, nextcloud, invidious and many more. Free yourself and your friends.


#anarchy #anon #banden #federated #FOSS #oss #rocker #SelfEmpowerment #selfdefence #selfhosting #squat #Yunohost


No hay suerte

Con #yunohost consegui levantar una instancia personal de #pleroma ( #akkoma ) para unirme al #fediverso desde mi casa, en una #raspi v3, sin absolutamente NINGUN otro añadido.

Aun asi, no hay suerte. Cada dia tengo que reiniciar la raspi, porque simplemente se queda congelada.

Y me pregunto si se puede hacer algo para cambiar esta situacion. O quisas mejor invierto en un viejo y pequeño ordenador (que usados los he visto en 100€, thinkpad) para usarlo con yunohost.


Does anyone got some experience from importing a large amount of files into a Nextcloud (user)?

It seems to be possible to copy the files into the Nextcloud data folder and then run "occ files:scan --all" to get #Nextcloud to digest them.
Does that work well? Is there a better way? Webdav is sooooo slow to upload the files.

#Debian #Yunohost


#Yunohost question

Copying form the log is not allowed, it says:

Text selection is disabled. If you want to share this log, please share the full log with the 'Share with Yunopaste' button.
Or if you really really want to select text, press these keys: ↓↓↑↑.

Which keys? It is not the arrow keys, at least these don't have an effect for me.


Seem the #Vaultwarden application for #Yunohost is unmaintained. 🙁
I wanted to use that for our company, I don't want to setup another server just for this. I guess I will put some more trouble shooting effort into this in 2 weeks when I have a week without projects, maybe I can work 8 hours on it then.
