

#Yunohost #Linux backs up to a local directory, I haven't got enough space on the drive for a backup, so I wanted to mount a remote #SSH folder to that backup folder, but then @YunoHost refuses to run the backup because of some file system rights.

I use this command to mount:

sshfs -o reconnect,nonempty,default_permissions,uid=1007,gid=0 user@server.example.com:/home/user/folder /home/yunohost.backup

I read that umask does only apply to reading files. Does that have to do with it?

Any input welcome! #Yunohost


Today I will update my server from debian 10 to 11. So, it can be that I am not available for a few hours (or days or weeks ;) ) I try it with live system, but can be good that I have to rebuild everything. So do not be surprised if I come as a new friend. #debian #server #yunohost


France is the open culture open source country at the moment. Thank you!

Germany used to be like that. But it failed because of section 293.B § 7.12, which says that no one is allowed to lean out of the window.

Especially things like https://framasoft.org and https://yunohost.org are wonderfully radical underground stuff. But also absolutely professional and relevant. (You should definitely donate something to them!).

But also in the university environment (and I really expected more in Germany) it is an important component. My respect!

#framasoft #france #open-culture #open-source #yunohost

Originally posted at: https://word.undead-network.de/2022/08/19/france-is-the-open-culture-open-source-country-at-the-moment-thank-you/


Acropolis is now available for installation via YunoHost. 🎉

This is Magic Stone's fork of diaspora*, and is fairly similar to diaspora* at this stage. They key difference is that it's being managed via the Collective Code Construction Contract which prioritizes the community around software over the technicals. Sign up at https://dogieda.org if you want to try the early results.

🛠️ If administration is your thing, #YunoHost is the easiest way to install #Acropolis. Version 2021.12.02~ynh1 still requires initial account creation via web interface and promotion to admin via command line but in the near future, admin account creation will be more seamless. Link to install on your YunoHost box: https://install-app.yunohost.org/?app=acropolis

⚠️ Please report issues at https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/acropolis_ynh/issues


Anyone here got some experience with #clamscan and #Nextcloud, I thought it might be a good idea to set it up, but it is bringing load up to 8 when I move many files. So I wonder if there is some tweaking that has to be done or if I should deactivate it again?
I think it also slows down uploads a lot, but am not sure about that, but uploads from Nextcloud #Linux client are slow while the load is high and clamscan is adding much load for the CPU.
Screenshot of higher load, didn't manage to capture the moment of max CPU usage. It uses 100% for one process almost all the time.

Settings in Nextcloud:

This is a #Yunohost setup, but I guess that should not matter.


I have a #question about #fail2ban, #YunoHost and #SSH, of course running on a #Linux host.

I get this diagnosis mail daily (or more frequent) with failed login attempts via SSH (see message below), I think it is not unusual to have many failed login attempts, I checked fail2ban is running. On other servers I get one failed login per second, I don't run fail2ban on these (as I don't give a fuck, hackers can just switch through #tor circuits to get not banned).

So I also run some #Tor exit and the SSH login attempt with wrong user/password is the most common abuse complaints I get there. (Note: Please do not send out abuse complaints for this or filter out Tor Exits, there is blacklists that contain all Exits. It is just your ticket system talking to my ticket system offering to block access to your servers IP, which would not help to solve your problem anyway)

So what do I do about the failed logins, why is Yunohosts threshold so low that it complains about that?

Should I switch to a not standard port? Login by SSH is only allowed key based, so guessing the password would not work.

What do I do?


[WARNING] There's been a suspiciously high number of authentication failures recently. You may want to make sure that fail2ban is running and is correctly configured, or use a custom port for SSH as explained in https://yunohost.org/security.


Entrer une description pour l'image ici

Firefox OS phone - importer le certificat suite au 30 Septembre 2021

Etant toujours possesseur d'un smartphone ZTE OpenC sous Firefox OS, système plus du tout mis à jour car abandonné par Mozilla, l'appareil fonctionne encore correctement pour toutes les utilisations basiques telles que SMS, MMS, mails, surf web, alarmes, radios hertziennes, musiques mp3, etc.

Cependant, depuis le 30 Septembre 2021, date connue pour cette histoire d'expiration de certificat d'autorité de certification, les sites et autres services (serveur mail par exemple) qui sont basés sur Let's Encrypt, posent problème avec ce smartphone.

A l'époque, il était possible d'ajouter son certificat auto-signé dans le système de ce smartphone, et donc aujourd'hui il est possible d'utiliser cette technique pour insérer le nouveau certificat utilisé par Let's Encrypt, et ainsi décoincer nos bons vieux appareils :)

Merci les systèmes libres d'accès !!! Sinon ça n'aurait pas pu être possible :)

Technique trouvée ici :

Mon ZTE OpenC recommence donc à pouvoir se reconnecter aux serveurs mails utilisant des certificats Let's Encrypt, comme celui qu'on peut utiliser sous #Yunohost et notre serveur en #auto-hebergement

TAGS: #letsencrypt #ZTE #OPENC #mozilla #firefoxos #firefox-os #firefox_os #informatique #smartphone #mobile #smartphonosaurus



En attendant de choisir définitivement un autre #pod que celui de #Framasoft qui ferme dans une dizaine de jour, je me suis inscrit sur le pod diaspora.psyco.fr sous le pseudo: arg0s@diaspora.psyco.fr

et sur celui de Diaspora-fr-org sous le compte: arg0s@diaspora-fr.org.

Vous pourrez me retrouver sur l’un ou l’autre au choix en attendant que l’import de mes données #Framasphere soit possible dés la mise à jour de #Diaspora en version 0.8. (Je fermerai alors l’un des deux comptes)
Qui sait d’ici là je remettrai peut-être en route mon Raspberri Pi avec #Yunohost et pourquoi pas une instance perso de #Diaspora

Retrouvez-moi aussi sur Friendica sous le profil:

Merci à #Framasphere et toute la communauté dev et d’utilisateur de #Diaspora et à la revoyure dans la #Fediverse


Galego / Galician language added to YNH webadmin


saúdos á comunidade de yunohosters galegas!!

nos últimos meses traducín a interface SSO (xa dispoñible) e a interface WebAdmin. Nos próximos días vai estar dispoñible e quixera pedir que por favor informásedes de calquera problema ou erro que puidese ter perpetrado. Desde fallos ao mecanografar ata utilizar palabras que non existen (en galego). Pódese informar directamente aquí respondendo a este tema ou ben directamente en weblate.

Intentei utilizar unha linguaxe inclusiva respetuosa co xénero de cada quen (usuaria = persoa usuaria) así como guiarme por academia.gal, exceptuando expresións e nomes técnicos como por exemplo “reverse-proxy”, que creo que ao traducilos engaden unha confusión que o nome en inglés facilita.

#yunohost #selfhosting #galego #galicia #tradución