

Elon #Musk declares “it is #war” on ad #industry as #X sues over “illegal #boycott

source: https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/08/elon-musk-declares-it-is-war-on-ad-industry-as-x-sues-over-illegal-boycott/

#ElonMusk's X Corp. today sued the World Federation of #Advertisers and several large #corporations, claiming they "conspired, along with dozens of non-defendant co-conspirators, to collectively withhold billions of dollars in #advertising revenue" from the #social #network formerly known as #Twitter.

Elon is a brilliant #mastermind because he can stop advertising without an #AdBlocker. :D

#justice #usa #economy #conspiracy #problem #advertisement #law #news #finance


The actions of a "great" businessman and intellect

ICYMI: Elon Musk tells advertisers off, sealing X's fate

Looks like Musk is ready to abandon Twitter, er, “X”

Yesterday, Elon Musk told his corporate advertisers, and specifically Disney CEO Bob Iger, to “Go fuck yourself.” And after claiming he’d never let advertisers “blackmail” him (and clearly not understanding that word’s meaning), he admitted, “What this advertising boycott is going to do is, it’s going to kill the company.” Then he said he wouldn’t use his own money to bail out the company.

You're a moron, Elon; a spoiled little rich kid with no talent but metric fucktons of ego due to money you inherited. (Reminds me of someone.)

Your mistakes are predictable, and if they didn't hurt thousands (sometimes millions) of other people, they'd be hilarious.

I hope this hurts you more than you think, in ways your tiny intellect cannot anticipate. I look forward to watching your downfall.

#Musk #Twitter #Advertisers #Idiocy #Capitalism #Hubris



Brave: The False Sensation of Privacy

Before reading this post, I must warn you. He has received a ton of responses on Reddit (He didn’t post it, but it got quite viral). And he has been proved wrong on some statements. So you have to check the facts and he must correct the post. Until he finishes that task, keep in mind that there are various mistakes.

Brave is a chromium based browser, which comes with a built-in adblocker and with a “rewards” program, that is supposed to make you earn money. But the relevant part today is that Brave is advertised as a “private browser by default”.

Brave has taken the false privacy approach similar to other companies (yes Apple, I’m looking at you), they use “privacy“ for marketing but in reality they provide a hypocritical service that “blocks tracking” but instead tracks you and profits from you.

Brave: The False Sensation of Privacy

Brave Glittery Shit


#technology #search #brave #privacy #bullshit #propaganda #advertisers