

"MiniTorch is a diy teaching library for machine learning engineers who wish to learn about the internal concepts underlying deep learning systems. It is a pure Python re-implementation of the Torch API designed to be simple, easy-to-read, tested, and incremental. The final library can run Torch code."

"Individual assignments cover:"

"ML Programming Foundations"
"GPUs and Parallel Programming"
"Foundational Deep Learning"

"The project was developed for the course Machine Learning Engineering at Cornell Tech and based on my experiences working at Hugging Face."

Wow, how exciting! Where will I get the time to do this course?


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The full text of Dimitri P. Bertsekas's book A Course in Reinforcement Learning is available online for free. It's also available for purchase in print form. About 450 pages. It's the textbook for his course at Arizona State University "Reinforcement Learning and Optimal Control".

I've gone through more than half of Richard Sutton and Andrew Barto's book Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction (though I confess to have 'cheated' and not done all the exercises). It might be worth reading this book, too, to see the same material from an alternate point of view.

"Reinforcement learning can be viewed as the art and science of sequential decision making for large and difficult problems, often in the presence of imprecisely known and changing environment conditions. Dynamic programming is a broad and well-established algorithmic methodology for making optimal sequential decisions, and is the theoretical foundation upon which reinforcement learning rests. This is unlikely to change in the future, despite the rapid pace of technological innovation. In fact, there are strong connections between sequential decision making and the new wave of technological change, generative technology, transformers, GPT applications, and natural language processing ideas, as we will aim to show in this book."

"In dynamic programming there are two principal objects to compute: the optimal value function that provides the optimal cost that can be attained starting from any given initial state, and the optimal policy that provides the optimal decision to apply at any given state and time. Unfortunately, the exact application of dynamic programming runs into formidable computational difficulties, commonly referred to as the curse of dimensionality. To address these, reinforcement learning aims to approximate the optimal value function and policy, by using manageable off-line and/or on-line computation, which often involves neural networks (hence the alternative name Neuro-Dynamic Programming)."

"Thus there are two major methodological approaches in reinforcement learning: approximation in value space, where we approximate in some way the optimal value function, and approximation in policy space, whereby we construct a suboptimal policy by using some form of optimization over a suitably restricted class of policies."

"The book focuses primarily on approximation in value space, with limited coverage of approximation in policy space. However, it is structured so that it can be easily supplemented by an instructor who wishes to go into approximation in policy space in greater detail, using any of a number of available sources."

"An important part of our line of development is a new conceptual framework, which aims to bridge the gaps between the artificial intelligence, control theory, and operations research views of our subject. This framework, the focus of the author's recent monograph 'Lessons from AlphaZero ...',, centers on approximate forms of dynamic programming that are inspired by some of the major successes of reinforcement learning involving games. Primary examples are the recent (2017) AlphaZero program (which plays chess), and the similarly structured and earlier (1990s) TD-Gammon program (which plays backgammon)."

A Course in Reinforcement Learning

#solidstatelife #ai #aieducation #reinforcementlearning #rl


The full text of Simone Scardapane's book Alice's Adventures in a Differentiable Wonderland is available online for free. It's not available in print form because it's being written and this is actually a draft. But it looks like Volume 1 is pretty much done. It's about 260 pages. It introduces mathematical fundamentals and then explains automatic differentiation. From there it applies the concept to convolutional layers, graph layers, and transformer models. A volume 2 is planned with fine-tuning, density estimation, generative modeling, mixture-of-experts, early exits, self-supervised learning, debugging, and other topics.

"Looking at modern neural networks, their essential characteristic is being composed by differentiable blocks: for this reason, in this book I prefer the term differentiable models when feasible. Viewing neural networks as differentiable models leads directly to the wider topic of differentiable programming, an emerging discipline that blends computer science and optimization to study differentiable computer programs more broadly."

"As we travel through this land of differentiable models, we are also traveling through history: the basic concepts of numerical optimization of linear models by gradient descent (covered in Chapter 4) were known since at least the XIX century; so-called 'fully-connected networks' in the form we use later on can be dated back to the 1980s; convolutional models were known and used already at the end of the 90s. However, it took many decades to have sufficient data and power to realize how well they can perform given enough data and enough parameters."

"Gather round, friends: it's time for our beloved Alice's adventures in a differentiable wonderland!"

Alice's Adventures in a differentiable wonderland

#solidstatelife #aieducation #differentiation #neuralnetworks


The full text of Simon J.D. Prince's book Understanding Deep Learning is available online for free -- though the author asks that you buy the book and write a (positive, one would hope) review on Amazon. He will make a 2nd edition if sales are good.

The book is around 500 pages and a glance at the table of contents shows it goes from fundamentals to very advanced topics: Supervised learning, shallow neural networks, deep neural networks, loss functions (maximum likelihood, univariate regression, classification, cross-entropy, etc), gradient descent, stochastic gradient descent, initialization, the backpropagation algorithm, hyperparameters, regularization, convolutional neural networks, residual networks, transformers, graph neural networks, unsupervised learning, generative adversarial networks (styleGAN, etc), normalizing flows, variational autoencoders, diffusion models, reinforcement learning, why does deep learning work? and ethics. Appendices for notation, mathematics, and probability.

Simon J.D. Prince: Understanding Deep Learning

#solidstatelife #ai #deeplearning #sgd #backpropagation #genai #gans #aieducation


Time complexity of machine learning algorithms. I found this infographic oddly engrossing. Someone actually figured out the time complexity in "Big O" notation of linear regression ("ordinary least squares" (OLS) vs "stochastic gradient descent" (SGD)), logistic regression (binary vs multiclass one-vs-the-rest (OvR)), decision trees, random forests support vector machines, k-nearest-neighbors (kNN), naïve Bayes, principal component analysis (PCA), t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE), and k-means-clustering.

The Big O formulas are represented in terms of samples, dimensions, epochs, classes, depth, and some others for particular algorithms. The have separate Big O formulas for training and inference.

Not the kind of thing you normally see on an infographic, and it seems like by studying this you could get some intuition as to the efficiency of all these algorithms.

Training and inference time complexity of 10 ML algorithms

#solidstatelife #ai #aieducation


Company revives Alan Turing as an AI chatbot, hilarity, no, wait, outrage ensues.

The company is Genius Group, based in Singapore, which provides "AI-powered business education."

"Software engineer Grady Booch, a former Turing Talk speaker, wrote on Twitter/X: 'Absolute and complete trash. I hope that Turing's heirs sue you into oblivion.'"

"Another user told Genius Group's CEO: 'This is so incredibly unethical, disrespectful, and disgusting. You are pillaging the image of a deceased person (who frankly has suffered enough from exploitation) and the voice of an actor to suit your purposes. Vile.'"

Company revives Alan Turing as an AI chatbot, outrage ensues

#solidstatelife #ai #aieducation #llms #genai #computervision #videoai


DenseWiki is a new site that aims to provide simple, plain-English explanations of popular concepts in machine learning. They've started by adding explanations of a few popular concepts in reinforcement learning, starting with "Actor-Critic Methods".

"As a human, when you get better at playing a game (say soccer or boxing), isn't the improvement also usually accompanied by getting better at evaluating games -- i.e. answering questions such as 'which side is doing better' at any given point in a game?"

"It also goes the other way around -- being good at evaluating your own performance during a game also enables you to coach yourself, thus being able to try new things and get better over time -- without necessarily needing external supervision."

"And that is the fundamental intuition behind 'actor critic' methods. In essence, being your own critic helps you grow as an actor, growing as an actor makes you a better critic, and the cycle continues."

Actor Critic Methods -- A simple explanation

#solidstatelife #ai #aieducation #reinforcementlearning


The AI tutor Khanmigo, demonstrated by Sal Khan. Rather than AI destroying education, AI will turbocharge it, by giving every student on the planet an artificially intelligent but amazing personal tutor. And give every teacher on the planet an amazing, artificially intelligent teaching assistant. According to Khan, 1-on-1 tutoring boosts educational results by 2 sigmas, but most students have not had access to a 1-on-1 tutor. That's about to change.

He demos a simple math equation solving problem and shows Khanmigo is not a cheating tool. When the student says, "Tell me the answer," it says, "I'm your tutor. What do you think is the next step for solving the problem?"

If the student makes a mistake, not only does it notice the mistake, it asks the student to explain their reasoning. It guesses what is probably the misconception in that student's mind (they didn't use the distributive property).

He demos a computer programming exercise on Khan Academy to show it understands the code and the full context of what the student is doing. (The code draws elipses but it understands that those ellipses combine to draw clouds.)

It can engage in Socratic dialogue, if the student asks, for example, "the age-old question, 'Why do I need to learn this?'". It can connect the lesson to knowledge outside the lesson. It can act as a school guidance counselor.

Rather than writing "for" you it can write "with" you and teach writing.

In "teacher" mode, when you say, "Tell me the answer", instead of refusing and going into tutoring mode, not only will it tell you the answer but it will give you explanations and advice on how best to teach it. As such it helps teachers create lesson plans and progress reports, and figure out how to grade the students.

How AI could save (not destroy) education | Sal Khan | TED

#solidstatelife #ai #genai #lmms #gpt #aieducation #khanacademy


Microsoft has launched a new course, "Artificial Intelligence for Beginners". A 12-week, 24-lesson curriculum where you learn: different approaches to Artificial Intelligence, including the 'good old' symbolic approach with knowledge representation and reasoning (GOFAI), neural networks and deep learning, using code in two of the most popular frameworks, TensorFlow and PyTorch, neural architectures for working with images and text, and less popular AI approaches, such as genetic algorithms and multi-agent systems.

Artificial Intelligence for Beginners - A curriculum

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"DeepHyper is a distributed machine learning (AutoML) package for automating the development of deep neural networks for scientific applications. It can run on a single laptop as well as on 1,000 of nodes."

"It comprises different tools such as: optimizing hyper-parameters for a given black-box function, neural architecture search to discover high-performing deep neural network with variable operations and connections, and automated machine learning, to easily experiment many learning algorithms from Scikit-Learn."

Looks like a pretty powerful tool for neural architecture and hyper-parameter search to be publicly available.

DeepHyper: scalable neural architecture and hyperparameter search for deep neural networks

#solidstatelife #ai #aieducation #automl


Machine Learning for Art is a collection of tools for machine learning for art. Models for DeepDream, neural style transfer, salient object detection (detecting foreground images), image-to-image translation, StyleGAN2 (generates photorealistic images), super-resolution (also known as upsampling), cartoonization, semantic segmentation (pixel-by-pixel labeling of what's in an image), text-to-speech synthesis, reversible generative models and GAN inversion (going from images to parameters of a generative model rather than the other way around), processing faces (detecting faces in images, identifying people, track faces from image to image), photo sketching (going from photographs to sketches), lip-syncing videos, and optical flow (detecting and measuring motion in video).

Machine Learning for Art

#solidstatelife #ai #aieducation


The full text of Nicolas Rougier's book Scientific Visualization: Python + Matplotlib is available online for free.

Skimming through the book it looks like something I'm going to want to learn. I previously invested a lot of effort in learning ggplot, but the rest of the world decided Matplotlib was the way to go, so I think I should switch gears and learn all about Matplotlib.

Scientific Visualization: Python + Matplotlib

#solidstatelife #visualization #python #matplotlib #aieducation


The Physics-based Deep Learning Book, written by the Thuerey Group at the Technical University of Munich (TU Munich) (team of 20 people), is available online for free. The book "contains a practical and comprehensive introduction of everything related to deep learning in the context of physical simulations. As much as possible, all topics come with hands-on code examples in the form of Jupyter notebooks to quickly get started. Beyond standard supervised learning from data, we'll look at physical loss constraints, more tightly coupled learning algorithms with differentiable simulations, as well as reinforcement learning and uncertainty modeling. We live in exciting times: these methods have a huge potential to fundamentally change what computer simulations can achieve."

Topics include "How to train networks to infer a fluid flow around shapes like airfoils, and estimate the uncertainty of the prediction", "How to use model equations as residuals to train networks that represent solutions, and how to improve upon these residual constraints by using differentiable simulations", and "How to more tightly interact with a full simulator for inverse problems".

The Physics-based Deep Learning Book

#solidstatelife #ai #aieducation #physics