

Jakob in Yaroslavl sent me this great video...

Finding the Most Secluded Cabin in Switzerland

On this hike, I tried to get to the most secluded Cabin in the Alps. Day one shows me hiking the long way up to the cabin, day two is me summiting a nearby mountain. I was lucky to have spectacular views all the way to the cabin and the summit.

Reaching this cabin has definitely been my highlight this year. With this video, I am hoping to share some of the impressions and fantastic views that I managed to capture while hiking. Thanks for watching.

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#zen #hiking #Switzerland #cabin #mountains #alps


Up there - Là-haut.

Reportage #photos. La transhumance à Sondrio, au cœur des Alpes lombardes.
Un travail dur et des conditions difficiles, dans une nature à couper le souffle ; une histoire qui lie traditions, écologie, et économie.

#Photo report. The transhumance in Sondrio, in the heart of the Lombardy Alps.
Hard work and difficult conditions, in a breathtaking nature; a story that links traditions, ecology and economy.

#nature #environnement #Alpes #montagne #traditions #Alps #environment # #mountain