

In the midst of a brutal conflict in #Ukraine, two of the world’s financial titans, #BlackRock and #JPMorgan Chase, are seemingly leading the charge in an ostensible #humanitarian effort. They are helping to establish the Ukraine Development Fund, a reconstruction bank designed to steer public seed capital into projects that can attract hundreds of billions of dollars in private investment. However, as those who are familiar with the words of Gen. Smedley Butler might ask, is this #really an #altruistic endeavor, or just another face of the long-standing war racket?

The echoes of Halliburton’s billion-dollar contracts during the #Iraq war are deafening. These corporations, the backbone of the military-industrial complex, have found a golden opportunity in mass #murder. The strategy is as lucrative as it is grotesque: #profiteering from death, destruction, and then the subsequent #taxpayer-funded #reconstruction of the rubble they helped to create — all while maintaining a veneer of benevolence.

When we delve into the intricacies of the Ukraine Development Fund, the disturbing reality begins to surface. The World Bank estimates that Ukraine would need a whopping $411 billion to rebuild after the war. Here, BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase see a bountiful harvest. The roles they will play in leveraging taxpayer funds provide them with the potential for #astronomical #profits that would easily dwarf any of their alleged “donated” services.



Apostles of the Prague Orloj

Seeing the street art in Prague today, include tributes to the spirit of Ukrainians, I'm reminded of the beauty and history of Prague, one of the few medieval cities which escaped the ravishes of World Wars, and still gives testimony to the arts and architecture which have endured over time.

Here is a closeup of a few of of the apostles who come out on the hour as the astronomical clock (orloj) comes alive.
The clock also offers astronomical and Babylonian time, as statues represent the aspirations of the good and bad of civilization.


A favorite city I've visited several times, and still come across images I've not remembered, such as this.

Much more photography of Prague over several years, at http://www.fenichel.com/prague

#myphotos #Prague #Praha #Czechia #Czech #orloj #clock #astronomical #babylonian #time #photography #fenfotos