

Extinction Rebellion JP Morgan window breaking trial:

Judge Silas Reid, giving directions to the jury ahead of their deliberations yesterday (28 February 2024), said: “It is important to note that the circumstances which are relevant are those of the damage and not other circumstances… The circumstances of the damage do not include any climate crisis which may or may not exist in the world at the moment nor does it include whether nonviolent direct action can prompt change.

Whether climate change is as dangerous as each of the defendants may clearly and honestly believe or is not, is irrelevant and does not form any part of the circumstances of the damage.”

Source Extinction Rebellion

#ExtinctionRebellion #JPMorgan #ClimateTrials #Activism #Protest #ProtestTrials


737 maîtres du monde contrôlent 80 % de la valeur des entreprises mondiales

Une étude d’économistes et de statisticiens, publiée en Suisse cet été, met en lumière les interconnexions entre les multinationales mondiales. [...] Résultat : 80 % de la valeur de l’ensemble des 43.000 multinationales étudiées est contrôlé par 737 « entités » : des banques, des compagnies d’assurances ou des grands groupes industriels. Le monopole de la possession du capital ne s’arrête pas là. « Par un réseau complexe de prises de participation », 147 multinationales, tout en se contrôlant elles-mêmes entre elles, possèdent 40 % de la valeur économique et financière de toutes les multinationales du monde entier.

#BlackRock #Vanguard #JPMorgan #StateStreet #entreprise #entreprises #capitalisme #capital

un de mes posts précédents, sur le même sujet


In the midst of a brutal conflict in #Ukraine, two of the world’s financial titans, #BlackRock and #JPMorgan Chase, are seemingly leading the charge in an ostensible #humanitarian effort. They are helping to establish the Ukraine Development Fund, a reconstruction bank designed to steer public seed capital into projects that can attract hundreds of billions of dollars in private investment. However, as those who are familiar with the words of Gen. Smedley Butler might ask, is this #really an #altruistic endeavor, or just another face of the long-standing war racket?

The echoes of Halliburton’s billion-dollar contracts during the #Iraq war are deafening. These corporations, the backbone of the military-industrial complex, have found a golden opportunity in mass #murder. The strategy is as lucrative as it is grotesque: #profiteering from death, destruction, and then the subsequent #taxpayer-funded #reconstruction of the rubble they helped to create — all while maintaining a veneer of benevolence.

When we delve into the intricacies of the Ukraine Development Fund, the disturbing reality begins to surface. The World Bank estimates that Ukraine would need a whopping $411 billion to rebuild after the war. Here, BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase see a bountiful harvest. The roles they will play in leveraging taxpayer funds provide them with the potential for #astronomical #profits that would easily dwarf any of their alleged “donated” services.




#JPMorgan #JPMCC #JPMorganCorporateChallenge #JPMorganLauf


Que cache le #scandale #FTX ? | #IdrissAberkane

C'était un #génie, le #nouveau #JPMorgan, l' #idole de la #presse #américaine et le second plus gros #donateur du #Parti #Démocrate (Bon Sang ne saurait mentir); il pensait même racheter #GoldmanSachs à ses heures perdues... Las, c'était en fait le #Madoff de la #cryptomonnaie, et comme avec Madoff, l' #Autorité des #Marchés #Financiers #US (la #SEC) s'est démontrée sourde et aveugle à tous les #signes #précurseurs #graves d'une #arnaque #imminente. #SamuelBankmanFried, fils de bonne famille ultra-connecté aura participé à un #réseau #opaque de #blanchiment, d' #arnaque et de #corruption dans lequel des millions d' #épargnants auront laissé un bras...

#cryptocrash #sambankmanfried #économie #banque #politique


Megabanks @jpmorgan and @GoldmanSachs are exploiting a loophole to evade our sanctions and profit off the war in Ukraine—in turn helping Russia fund its human rights abuses.

@SenWarren and I are demanding answers from the CEOs directly.

JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. are being pressed to hand over extensive information on clients trading Russian debt, as US Senator Elizabeth Warren and Representative Katie Porter expand efforts to pry into whether Wall Street is profiting on the invasion of Ukraine.

The Democrats sent JPMorgan Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon and Goldman CEO David Solomon letters Tuesday demanding lists of clients betting on Russian government and corporate debt since the war broke out in February, as well as the types and sizes of wagers and any gains. The lawmakers also want information on the banks themselves, including tallies of any trades they’ve handled and revenue generated.


#russia #jpmorgan #chase #GoldmanSachs #KatiePorter


Your first #Black (Bi-racial) President gave financial assistance #USTaxpayers money and arms to #Ukrainians

#Maidanrevolution #nazis took over the government now civilians are going through the #Russian meat grinder thinking they can take on a #super-power immigrants being conscripted to be canon-fodder for the Ukraine army all while the #USPresident and #BritishPM sit back and watch it on TV at the same time Americans and Brits go homeless and line up for miles outside food banks who wrote this script this is a classic block-buster movie

obama and poroshenko






#news #politics #plandemic #inflation #economy #Biden #democrats #bankers #globalists #bitcoin #Ethereum #gold #zionism #communism #globalism #economy #currency #economics #frauds #liars #deceivers #inflation #deflation #goldmansachs #communism #globalism #economy #currency #economics #frauds #liars #deceivers #inflation #deflation #hedgefunds #lockdowns #vaccines #NewNormal #nwo #banksters #rothschild #bildeberg #jpmorgan #rockefeller #warburg #soros #economicslavery #debt #currency #fiat #money #falseflag #plutocracy #plutonomy #oligarchy #europe #refugres #shameofeurope #inhumanity #2nd-amendment, #freedom #mandate #FBI #PoliticalPersecution #tyranny
