

A quick story and photo.... AN INTERESTING BIRD

Great-Tailed Grackles’ Googly Eyes Offer a New Glimpse Into Bird Vision

They're the first bird species known to look at two objects simultaneously. - Audubon

I took this photo of a small black bird, which reminded me of boat-tailed grackles but I was not sure. So I took this bit of a photo and fed it to Google Image search and immediately, voila.

I was led to this Audubon Society page about this bird, which it recognized. Apparently, I am not alone in thinking these birds have unusual eyes. (Betty Davis? no, read on, almost there!)

It's a Great-Tailed Grackle.... small and indiscreet the few times I've seen them clearly. But those eyes... Not Davis eyes, but stereo 'chamelion eyes'. Easy to read article, got me to squeeze this into Cyberspace.

#myphoto #birds #nature #grackle #Fenfotos #Audubon #GreaTailedGrackle #eyes #photography + www.fenfotos.com + flickr