

#music #rock #alternative #brass #experimental #ireland #irish #jazz #noise #northern-ireland #post-punk #samples #saxophone #sprechgesang #synth #Belfast

Living Isn't Easy by Robocobra Quartet

  • "This is the first album we wrote entirely collaboratively and recorded live. We had spent the past few years playing shows and improvising on stage so it felt right to try to use that energy in the studio. We kept a really limited palette on this record, restricting the amount of people and the instruments used to keep things focused. Loosely written around one character trying to negotiate modern life, all of the vocals were recorded in one sitting to let the narration get exhausted and more worn out over time." - Chris, June 2022

#news #cinéma #Belfast #Irlande #religion #catholiques #protestant #émeutes #violences #enfance

« Belfast », un film réalisé par Kenneth Branagh avec Caitriona Balfe, Jamie Dornan : Été 1969 : Buddy joue avec ses amis dans une rue de Belfast (Irlande du Nord). On jouait beaucoup dans ma rue aussi, à l’époque, je me suis souvenue de ça et du désert actuel de nos villes. On connaît un peu l’histoire récente de l’Irlande : Les catholiques VS Les protestants. La religion encore, mais pas que. Les Irlandais contre les occupants Britanniques. Sur fond de nationalisme, de chômage, de grèves, d’inégalités sociales, de migration économique. La vie d’un quartier ouvrier vu par les yeux d’un enfant qui ne comprend pas l’emballement subit de la situation. Témoin bouleversant des échauffourées au seuil même de sa porte entre communautés, avec ses héros, ses gentils, ses méchants, sa violence, ses confrontations, son monde chavire et avec lui l’insouciance de l’enfance. Ce n’est malheureusement pas comme au cinéma, c’est la vraie vie et les pertes ici sont définitives. J’en retiens surtout que les Hommes sont d’ incorrigibles bellicistes


Mechanical musical instrument stands on Belfast quayside


SoundYard, photo by Joe Laverty

Architects Eunan Deeney, Matthew Kernan and Hannah Wilson have created the five-metre-tall SoundYard musical pavilion on Queen's Quay in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

The ten-metre-wide circular canopy with central oculus is supported on 16 slim columns, from which hang two concentric sets of suspended rods.

SoundYard, photo by Joe LavertySoundYard comprises 500 concentric metal rods

Walking, running or playing below the structure triggers motion sensors that cause the mechanisms in the canopy to turn slowly, striking the hollow tubes around them.

The instrument was designed so that the music it creates gets louder as more people interact with it.

SoundYard, photo by Joe LavertyThe instrument is situated opposite the Titanic Belfast museum

"In order for the installation to project its maximum sound, collaborative effort is needed by its users to set off all hidden motion sensors," explained architect Kernan.

"These were carefully placed in order for them not to be apparent and introduce curiosity," he told Dezeen.

SoundYard, photo by Joe LavertyThe design includes both polished and weathered metal rods

The outer ring of reflective metal tubes were designed to act as a visual and acoustic barrier, encouraging visitors to investigate the structure.

The inner veil was made from weathered tubes as well as the exposed turning mechanisms responsible for the auditory element of the design.

"The mirror-polished columns and soffit heighten the space whilst also creating an element of play within themselves, as users intrigued by their distorted figures point and play with their reflections," explained architect Kernan.

[ Sonic Bloom by Yuri Suzuki


Yuri Suzuki designs Sonic Bloom to connect people with the sounds of London


The resulting soundscape was designed to be reminiscent of the constant, rhythmic noises of striking, hammering and riveting that defined Belfast's Maritime Mile when shipbuilding was at its peak.

The installations' site, which housed a brass foundry and coal yard in the 18th and 19th centuries, was more recently occupied by an open grass amphitheater, which informed its current use.

"We chose to work with [the existing site] and created SoundYard as a performance space for people to gather within and around" added Kernan.

SoundYard, photo by Joe LavertyA reflective soffit and central oculus draw the eye up

The large-scale musical instrument stands near the Harland and Wolff shipyard, which is famed for the construction of the ocean liner Titanic, where the Titanic Belfast museum now stands.

Its construction was funded by the Titanic Foundation following a design competition in 2019 run by the Royal Society of Ulster Architects for emerging architects to create a structure that integrated the concept of play into Belfast's cityscape.

Architects Eunan Deeney, Matthew Kernan and Hannah Wilson are graduates of the University of Ulster, Queen's University Belfast and University of Westminster respectively.

Other musical installations recently featured on Dezeen include Sonic Bloom by Yuri Suzuki, The Soundwave by Penda and Lullaby Factory by Studio Weave.

The photography is byJoe Laverty.

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