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The #Six #Enemies of The #Mind ( #Arishadvarga / #Shadripu)
These are the fundamental tenets of #Kali-yuga ( The #Dark-Age)

#kama — lust, craze, desire
#krodha — anger, hatred
#lobha — greed, miserliness, narrow minded
#moha — delusory emotional attachment
#mada — pride, stubborn mindedness
#matsarya — envy, jealousy, show or vanity, and pride
According to #Hindu #scriptures, these #bind the #soul to the #cycle of #birth and #death and keep it confined in this material world (confines of #Maya or relative existence). Especially the first three are said to pave the way towards #hell. The first two bring about difficult experiences we face in our lives.

No matter how powerful, rich, successful or outwardly happy we are, we cannot be considered mature if we have not conquered these six #internal #enemies.

In fact, #SanātanaDharma says that we will never be truly #happy and #peaceful #within our #hearts unless we defeat these six enemies — the ‘ #Shadripus.’



#China's #population drops for second year, with record low #birth rate

Source: https://www.reuters.com/world/china/chinas-population-drops-2nd-year-raises-long-term-growth-concerns-2024-01-17/

The country's retirement-age population, aged 60 and over, is expected to increase to more than 400 million by 2035 - more than the entire population of the United States - from about 280 million people currently.
The state-run Chinese Academy of Sciences sees the #pension #system running out of money by 2035.

Population reduction is good for the #environment. Perpetual growth is nonsense on a finite planet. Why not solve this problem now while we are still doing relatively well? I forgot, because it means work for politicians and they're not so good at that. Besides, many people don't want to change and adapt and believe that everything was better in the past. We used to cause the problems in the past that are now threatening to ruin our #future!

#economy #growth #news #statistics #children #youth #politics #earth #problem #civilization #humanity #capitalism #collapse #finance #resources