

All the planets in the #solar-system are undergoing #big #changes #now, due to the 12,000 year solar #cycle.

a science article lately mentioning that Nasa or some similar agency had noticed that #Saturn’s #rings had started to #heat the #planet itself, which scientist did not quite know or understand up to now.

´The #discovery: Saturn's vast ring system is heating the giant planet's upper atmosphere.´

https://science.nasa.gov/missions/hubble/hubble-finds-saturns-rings-heating-its-atmosphere/#:~:text=The discovery: Saturn's vast ring,the giant planet's upper atmosphere


enter image description here
The #Six #Enemies of The #Mind ( #Arishadvarga / #Shadripu)
These are the fundamental tenets of #Kali-yuga ( The #Dark-Age)

#kama — lust, craze, desire
#krodha — anger, hatred
#lobha — greed, miserliness, narrow minded
#moha — delusory emotional attachment
#mada — pride, stubborn mindedness
#matsarya — envy, jealousy, show or vanity, and pride
According to #Hindu #scriptures, these #bind the #soul to the #cycle of #birth and #death and keep it confined in this material world (confines of #Maya or relative existence). Especially the first three are said to pave the way towards #hell. The first two bring about difficult experiences we face in our lives.

No matter how powerful, rich, successful or outwardly happy we are, we cannot be considered mature if we have not conquered these six #internal #enemies.

In fact, #SanātanaDharma says that we will never be truly #happy and #peaceful #within our #hearts unless we defeat these six enemies — the ‘ #Shadripus.’



#Cycling in #StormIsha was fun. To work, there was a very strong #Headwind which added about 25% to the time getting there, at least the sky was blue. By the time I’d finished, the #wind had died down to a brisk #Breeze but there was quite heavy #rain. However, I always have my #WaterproofTrousers at this time of year and so I didn’t get wet.

I used the anonymous interface to #ChatGPT to write a #Haiku for the occasion (https://anonchatgpt.com/). Here it is:
Storm Isha roars strong,
Cyclists brave the wind and rain,
Pedals spin through pain.

#Biking #Bike #Bicycle #Cycle #Commuting


Climate Change, The Great Disaster Cycle, #Atlantis & More | The Culture War With Tim Pool

#BenDavidson of #SuspiciousObservers and #JimmyCorsetti (" #Bright-Insight") are guests on #TimPool's show in a discussion about the science and historical accounts regarding the 12,000 solar cycles, the current magnetic #pole #reversal (or "geomagnetic excursion"), what that will cause within the next 2 decades or so, and what the #cycle caused in past cycles, such as the sinking of Atlantis.

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=h7Dc5m4C8P8


The recent stormy weather has caused many #trees to shed large twigs and even whole branches onto the ground and in particular paths. Today a large twig, about 15 cm long and 1 cm in diameter wedged into the #spokes of the rear#wheel of my #bicycle, causing it to jam completely. Luckily, I wasn't going too fast and so was able to stop safely but it caught the #mudguard and bent it double. Though I managed to untangle it, I may have to replace it. Ho hum.

#Bike #Cycling #Biking #Cycle


Last week, I took my old #bicycle to a #cycling charity shop that refurbishes old #bikes and then sells them at a low price to anyone who can't afford a brand new one. To me that's a much better way of giving it a new lease of life than to take it to a recycling centre where anyone who picks it up will have to spend more money repairing and replacing worn out parts to make it road worthy again. They also train volunteers to become bike mechanics.

#Cycling #Biking #Cycle


🌞 Joyeux solstice à toutes et à tous !... 😊

Bandcamp : Seelie, par Clann.

Le 22 décembre se fête le solstice d’hiver, également appelé fête de Yule. À ce moment précis de l’année, la nuit est la plus longue. Le soleil est à son plus haut point, proche du pôle Nord.
On arrête les récoltes dans les champs. La nature est au repos. L’hiver est arrivé. Mais le soleil va être de retour...

Dans les traditions scandinaves et germaniques, le retour du soleil est lié à la fertilité et à l’enfantement. Cette renaissance du soleil est accordée par les déesses de la fécondité. De même, chez les Saxons et les Celtes, la figure de la mère est associée au renouvellement.
Les foyers sont décorés et illuminés par des bougies, ainsi la lumière et la chaleur du soleil s'invitent dans les habitations.
La tradition des cadeaux est ancienne. Dans la mythologie nordique, le dieu Heimdall descend sur la terre à chaque fête de Yule pour apporter des cadeaux aux enfants.
Dans l’Antiquité romaine on célèbre les Saturnales, la virilité et la force du soleil, en l’honneur de Saturne, dieu de l’agriculture.
Après les Saturnales, les Romains fêtent le règne du soleil fixé au 25 décembre par l’empereur romain Aurélien. Il instaure la fête du Sol Invictus, soleil invaincu. Cette divinité du soleil est inspirée du dieu Apollon et de Mithra, divinité perse.
Quelques décennies après, l’empereur romain Constantin, récemment converti au christianisme, fait coïncider la fête du soleil avec la commémoration de la Nativité. Dans la Bible, la date exacte de la naissance de Jésus n’est pas précisemment expliquée.
Noël remplace ainsi les cultes païens de Yule, des Saturnales et de Sol Invictus. Et près d’un siècle plus tard, au concile d’Agde, Noël devient une fête d’obligation.
Mais à l'origine, il s'agit bien d'une fête du retour de la lumière et de la fertilité.

#solstice #Yule #Sol-Invictus #célébrations #astronomie #cycle

L'illustration est de Seb McKinnon. The Moon’s Daughter.