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The purest first drop of rain will correctly define Swati #Nakshatra. Also, the fifteenth constellation of the zodiac means ‘ #sword’. As the name suggests, the natives of Swati Nakshatra will be impressed with brilliance and talent. Swati has excellent communication skills and is incomparable to expressing their thoughts freely. These will add to the charm of the native, and the native will use it to experience the world. Also, strongly believe in social etiquette. The native’s trials to best fit into society will continue throughout his/her life. Due to the positive attitude and confidence of the native, the native will remain unmoved in the changing times. Regardless of the situation the native is dealing with, doing the right thing will always be their motto. The ruling planet Rahu will indicate the hidden potential of the native.

Our #birth nakshatra and Lagna nakshatra are the roadmaps of our lives; it indicate our nature, the direction of our lives, and our preferences. It improves our development if we understand the quality of your birth constellation and apply it to our life

This Nakshatra is owned by Lord #Vayu and is also influenced by #Rahu. As a result, both of them leave their influence on the constellation and give it qualities like independence, spontaneity, complete freedom, and restless behavior.

Individuals are generally characterized by self-confidence and the immense knowledge that they possess.

characteristics of behavior

They are quite sociable by nature, but due to the influence of air, one of those distinguishing behavioural characteristics is a steadfast attitude. Natives are very helpful and proactive in assisting anyone who needs it, as long as it does not interfere with their independence. They dislike criticism, either of their work or of criticism in general. Another easily observable behavioural trait is not being overly influenced by a person’s status or social position and giving them limited respect.

positive signs

Referring to the positive traits of the individuals of this Nakshatra, they are very knowledgeable and witty, have high self-esteem and have a strong liking for working in freedom. They are God-fearing and religious people and helpful and truthful in nature, which defines some of the other positive traits found in these people.

negative signs and symptoms

Although they have many positive traits, their strong independence-centeredness draws some of the negative traits that are common in these people. They are frequently found to be obstinate and adamant. They refuse to listen to some coworkers if they believe their independence has been compromised in any way. This can create chaos in both work and personal life. Other common negative symptoms include agitation and uncertainty in decision-making. They may not be well-liked in society as a result of these characteristics.

Favourable: Business, Trade, Socializing, Buying/Selling, Art and Science, Diplomacy, Grooming of Oneself, Business and Trade Agreements,

Unfavourable: Travel, Confrontation, Fierce or Aggressive Behaviour

Symbol: A Single Blade of Grass waving in the Wind (reflecting the Independent )

Deity: Vayu (God of Wind and Prana or Life-breath)

Body Part: The Intestines, Chest

Guna (Quality): Tamas

Gana: Deva (Divine)

Purushartha (Goal): #Artha (Wealth or Material Pursuits)

Tridosha: #Kapha

Nature: #Chara

Varna (Caste): Butcher

Gotra (Clan): Marichi Direction: North

Element: Agni (Fire)

Direction: North

#Shakti (Power): Pradhvamsa Shakti ( Scatter like the Wind or Transform”)

Result of Shakti, Basis, & Desire: Transformation

TriMurthi : Shiva

Yoni (Gender): #Male

Animal : #Buffalo

Bird: #Bee-eater Bird, #Pigeon

Sounds: Ru, Ray, Raa, Tha

Tree/ Plant: #Arjun

Colour: #Black

Swati Nakshatra compatibility and incompatibility

These people normally do not enjoy a pleased married life and thus need to choose their partner carefully. They are compatible with constellations like Punarvasu, Chitra and Hasta, while the incompatible constellations are Rohini and Bharani.


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born to die as the evil ones will slay us even after 9 months in our mothers womb
Pierce with us with sharp points just at moment of #birth
what do they mean partially false ?
A claim that an abortion bill signed into law by Andrew Cuomo allows the procedure "up until birth" is partly false - 30 Apr 2020

Pro-life activist William Goodman sentenced to 27 months in prison for protesting outside of DC abortion

Ireland votes by landslide to legalise abortion - The Guardian

nobody guarding the unborn

26 May 2018 ... Nearly two in three Irish voters opted to repeal the eighth amendment to the constitution, defying opinion polls that suggested the election .. Another rigged election with bs from all the media evil ones


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The dasha sequence tells us about the kind of journey we’ll take through life based on the #constellation of the #Moon at the moment of our #birth. This is your life’s blueprint; if your birth #nakshatra and the 9th lord nakshatra (nakshatra) are in a favourable position, you should expect things to flow more easily.

Being true followers of #Mercury, they possess the wisdom and curiosity of the planet, but also receive a lot of attribute from their ruling deity, the #Naga or the ‘Serpent King’

they are hypnotic. In no time, they will have you under their influence.Secrecy and manipulation are their weapons which makes them a great fit to be successful politicians. However, there is a good side to all of this. The natives of #Ashlesha Nakshatra are some of the sharpest, responsible, and efficient people.

favourable activities -activities that require a harsh demeanour like filing lawsuits, poisoning ,scheming against enemies, carnality, short term prospects, Kundalini yoga ,gambling, pest control , sexual activities and disposing of useless items.

unfavourable activities– lying in the background ,dealing with money ,beginning new activities or starting project of a positive nature, business ,trade, and giving or receiving a financial loan

positive traits– philosophical , intelligent ,versatile ,clever ,independent ,has a number of different job, entertainer ,learnd leadership qualities, can accomplish much when motivated ,good income ,mystical ,puts great energy into thing that interest them ,seductive nature, benefit from spiritual work

negative traits– mental instability worrrisome, depressed nature,deceitful, non caring attitude, impolite ,tactless , rule breaker , hoarding mentality ,secretive ,scattered and unprodactive ,temperamental,lie to serve their needs ,introspective ,reclusive .

career interest– politician ,Lawyer, writer, teacher, astrologer, Mystic, snake charmer ,zookeeper , junky ,reptile keeper, zoologist, self-serving robber, business people, those that given via sex.

Interesting Facts about Ashlesha Nakshatra

Meaning: Person who embraces, or has an intimate connection

Nakshatra Lord: Mercury Symbol: Coiled #snake, #circle, or #wheel

Deity: Ahi – the n#aga or serpent of wisdom #Shakti: (power to/of…) poisonous

Nature: The Sharp or Dreadful (Tikshna) or hard (Daruna)

Gana: Rakshasa Gana

Nakshatra Body Parashara: Chin

Marriage: Not auspicious Ruling Deity of Mercury: Vishnu

Number: 9 Gender: #Female

Names Letter: Di, Du, Dae, D Lucky Stone: Emerald

Lucky Colour: Black-Red Lucky or Favourable Numbers: 5

Guna: #Satwic Dosh: #Kapha Element: #Water

Bird: Small Blue Sparrow Yoni/Animal Symbol: #Male #Cat (Marjala)

Tree: Punnaga Tree or #NagaChampa

Ashlesha Nakshatra 1st Pada: The first pada of the Ashlesha Nakshatra comes in the Sagittarius Navamsa, and is ruled by Jupiter. It signifies hard work, dedication and perseverance.

Ashlesha Nakshatra 2nd Pada: The second pada of the Ashlesha Nakshatra comes in the Capricorn Navamsa, and is ruled by Saturn.Show ambitious and will demonstrate all your negative traits to achieve your goals by hook or by crook. You are interested in the materialistic world, attached to wealth.

Ashlesha Nakshatra 3rd Pada: The third pada of the Ashlesha Nakshatra comes in the Aquarius Navamsa and is ruled by Saturn. Secrecy will dominate during this phase, and you will be associated with the occult side of the Nakshatra.

Ashlesha Nakshatra 4th Pada:The fourth pada of Ashlesha Nakshatra comes in Pisces Navamsa ruled by Jupiter. Here you may need to resolve the tug-of-war between illusion and morality. This is the verse in which Ashlesha Nag is finally killed. During this position, people become mentally weak and are unable to have much control over others.


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It is the most curious Nakshatra in the zodiac belt and supports a good sense of humor. According to #VedicAstrology, the planet #Mars is the ruling planet of #Mrigashira #Nakshatra whose symbolic head is #Deer. As Deer are always sensitive, anxious, and suspicious about their surrounding, so are the natives of Mrigashira Nakshatra. Being born in this nakshatra is considered a good #soul filled with immense #love in their #heart. Therefore, they are very delicate and sensitive. Although their mind fluctuates a lot at times, they are intelligent and blessed with honesty and obedience.

Mrigashira is a fifth of 27 Nakshatra, and if you were born when the Moon was between 23: 20 degrees Taurus and 6: 40 Degree Gemini then this guide is for you.

#Buddha was also #born in this #constellation. This Nakshatra is the #birth sign of #Shakti #Parvati and the domain of manifestation.

One of the prominent traits of this person is that they tend to be suspicious of others. However, they themselves are very honest in their interactions with others and expect the same honesty in return. They are susceptible to being taken for granted by friends and family, so they should be careful and not blindly trust them. Trusting them without caution can lead to heartbreak later. However, if they find out that they have been cheated on by someone, they will still deal with them, but in a very cautious manner. This person does not believe in just living a simple life and thinking big, but also follows higher values. They are very intolerant of people who have prejudices and judgmental views or those who act in a dishonest way. It’s worth noting that this person may have a double personality, where their outward appearance may not match their true inner self.

The female native of the Mrigashira Nakshatra is intelligent and interested in charity work. These females are always alert and witty, but at the same time, can be selfish. She has a sharp tongue that can sometimes curse others. She must learn to control her temper, or she may end up harming herself. She is literate and inclined towards the arts. She is very fond of material comforts, enjoys various cuisines, lots of ornaments, and branded clothing.

Translation: Deer head Symbol: Head of a deer

Lord: Mars (Mangal) Zodiac: Taurus & Gemini

Diety: #Soma -God of immortality Nature: The soft mild and tender (Mridu)

Gana: Devata Gana (Lord Like) Mode: Passive

Constellation: 4 Body Parashara: Nose

Number: 5

Letter: Ve, Vo, Ka, Kee Lucky Stone: Coral

Lucky Color: Silver, grey Lucky Numbers: 9

Element: #Earth Dosh: #Pitta

Bird Name: #Hen Yoni/Animal Symbol: #Female #Serpent (Sarpa)

Tree: #Khadira

favorable activities -light hearted action ,travel exploration, sexual activity ,art healing and rejuvenation, education, socializing ,shifting home ,moving to a new location ,communication, religion and spirituality ,sales and advertisement, taking new name ,art and creative pursuits, socializing and making new friends, health and Ravitlization ,gardening .

unfavorable activities – marriage, harsh or aggressive action ,such as confrontation or combat, pre- wedding ceremonies ,long-term decision.

positive traits– strong individuality, sharp intelligence ,natural leader, action-oriented, witty, curious, seeks new knowledge, perceptive and sensitive, like good clothing and accessories ,gain many pleasure in life, enjoy singing writing talking and speaking ,creative, articulate in a number of subjects, enjoy singing ,enjoys debates and arguments ,,enthusiastic youthful ,clever curious ,helpful ,rabid learning ability, focus is more mental than physical , affluent.

negative traits -flirtatious, fickle mind , needs constant attention, multiple partnerships ,crave sensation not committed ,burn out from seeking too much excitement, bores easily ,scattered ,,suspicious ,unbalanced ,sensitive to criticism.

carrier interests- writers, poets, astrologer, mystics , researchers, teachers, engineer ,gemmologists, acting, music, real estate, sales, travel agents, textile and garments, foresters, veterinarians, pet shop owner, animal trainer ,administrator.



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#Rohini #Nakshatra, also called “ #Aldebaran,” is thought to be one of the brightest stars in the whole sky. ruled by “ #Brahma,” who represents the essence of creation. Rohini Nakshatra, which represents the essence of fertility, is shown by a cart pulled by two bullocks.

Rohini Nakshatra contains the essence of fertility, conception, growth, and development. people belonging to Rohini Nakshatra have charm and sexual appeal. With their attractive physical features and essential attractiveness, they rely more on gestures than words to exploit a situation.

traits of the people born under the #birth #star of Rohini include apparent calmness and gentleness. With an aura of stability and calmness internally.

They equally appreciate the beauty of life and decorative luxury. Thus, diligent and hardworking natives reap the benefits of creative ingenuity along with material success. People with a high level of emotional awareness and empathy are known for their strong sensitivity to emotions.

This native is pragmatic but can be very hot-tempered and even violent when provoked.

Translation: The red one. Symbol: #Chariot

Lord: Moon Deity: #Prajapati -lord of creation

Nature: fixed or permanent (Dhruva) Gana: Manav Gana (Human)

Constellation: 5; Body Parashara: Eyes

Number: 4 Letter: O, Va, Vi, vu Lucky Stone: Pearl

Lucky Color: White Lucky Numbers: 2

Element: #Earth Dosh: #Kapha

Bird Name: #Owl Yoni/Animal Symbol: A #Male #Serpent (Sarpa)

Tree: #Jamun

favourable activities include initiating activities, agriculture, trade, finance, marriage, self-improvement, exploration and travel, construction, romance and sexuality, and purchasing jewellery, vehicles, and garments.

unfavourable activities– demolition, destruction

positive traits – lovely appearance,charismatic ,good communicator and listener, inner strength ,affects other, strong public life, gentle manner ,smooth talker, Sharp, balance mind, fixed in purpose ,does well financially .

negative traits – materialistic, take advantage of others through manipulation and deception ,sexually or sensually indulgent ,critical of others, possessive of individuals or ideology, jealous ,overly sensitive ,changeable ,addictive and indecisive.

career interests -politics , authority positions, real estate ,restaurant and Hotel business, fashion designer, model and musicians.

The highly productive birth star signifies the quintessence of natural growth, sustenance and development. The redness associated with this birth star brings out its common characteristics of sentimentality and enthusiasm.Essentially creative, imaginative and talented; The question of personal gain or success usually depends on their ability to connect imagination with action.

Rohini Nakshatra is widely regarded as auspicious for the birth of a child. It is also thought to be able to bring about spiritual liberation, success, and fortune.
Rohini Nakshatra is linked to Vrishabha Rashi, or the sign of Taurus.
