


#GeoffreyCornelius on The #Moment of #Astrology

An #interview with #astrologer #Geoffrey-Cornelius about his book The Moment of Astrology: Origins in #Divination.

In this extensive interview with Geoffrey, the discussion centers on his book and the arguments he makes for viewing astrology as a form of divination.

The conversation covers a wide array of topics, including the redefinition of astrology, the distinction between natural and judicial astrology, the importance of horary astrology, the limitations of scientific validation, the participatory nature of astrology, the role of subjectivity, the metaphor of astrology as a language, symbolic thinking, and the complexities surrounding fate and free will.

This is a re-release of an old audio episode of The Astrology Podcast with Geoffrey Cornelius and Chris Brennan that was originally released on November 24, #2015.

Geoffrey passed away on August 27, 2024, and part of the purpose of the re-release is to honor is life and work, as well as to make this interview available to listeners on YouTube.

This is episode 53 of The Astrology Podcast:


Anti-Olympics mural painted in Hamburg in 2015 to denounce the city lobbying to host the games / Anti-Olympia-Wandgemälde, das 2015 in Hamburg gemalt wurde, um die Stadt anzuprangern, die sich um die Ausrichtung der Spiele bewirbt

Gefunden auf Mastodon: https://todon.eu/@RadicalGraffiti

#hamburg #olympics #olympia #2015 #RadicalGraffiti #graffiti #streetart


#The-Method ( #2015)
The main character is an extraordinary and mysterious person, at the same time, he (Rodion Meglin) is an outstanding inspector. Rodion is used to work alone in order to keep the secrecy of his unusual #method.

Young graduate Esenya Steklova is eager to get the internship with the glorious investigator but she could hardly expect the challenges she would face while working with Rodion. Together they investigate the cruelest crimes that took place in the history of Russian criminality.

to watch free here:

https://freemoviesfull.net/tv/the-method-37423See less

Watch latest episode The Method full HD on Free #Movie #Full Free


Yyyyyup! tests were ready in 2017.
Not only that, COVID19 appeared, by that name, in a UK Gov document listing scary infectious diseases in 2015.
Not only that, the SARS-Cov2 viral line was fraudulently patented in 2002, and no significant changes since then.
Buuuuut if you’re actively avoiding looking at clues, these three pieces of information will plink off your eyeballs.
#agnotology #2017 #2015 #2002 and earlier. #2001 #1997 #sackthepnac #1984. #1974. #1948. #1947
… beware the lies to scare you into the agentic state, obeying, without question. power over others, attracts psychos.


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In #2015, researchers in the #Netherlands performing a #CT #scan on a #statue of a sitting #Buddha discovered the last thing they were expecting to find. The statue contained a #monk that had been #mummified for 1,000 years. Rather than simply placing the monk inside the statue, researchers discovered that the monk was filled with scraps of paper covered in Chinese characters. In order to mummify oneself a monk would take on a special diet of poisonous tea in order to ensure that the body would be too toxic to be consumed by maggots. It’s rare that a monk could accomplish such a feat, but the few who pulled it off were revered within the community.


Roboter (by Kraftwerk)

Lemmchen Grundschule (2015)

“Lemmchen Grundschule” is, apparently, “Lemmchen elementary school.” It’s in Mombach, in Mainz, Germany. “Roboter” is (you guessed it) “The Robots.” Apparently the teacher’s name is Lars Reimer.

This is kids dressed in robot costumes they made. It’s quite cute. I found out about this on www.openculture.com.


#kraftwerk #the-robots #roboter #deutschland #germany #mombach #mainz #children #kinder #elementary-school #grundschule #fun #cute #kids #costumes #cosplay #video #music #2015 #1978


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high-resolution #moon #photo above was captured last week by Polish photographer Bartosz Wojczyński. It was stacked together using 32000 separate #photos.
Wojczyński tells us that he used “advanced image acquisition and processing techniques,” mapping violet and infrared images of the moon to blue and red channels in the final shot.
It took him about 28 minutes to shoot 32000 photos weighing 73.5 gigabytes using his ZWO ASI174MM monochrome camera, a couple of filters, his Sky-Watcher HEQ5 mount, and his Celestron C9.25 #telescope (which is equivalent to a 2350mm f/10 camera lens) — equipment that cost him about $3500 total.

The #photography was done from the balcony of his apartment in Piekary Śląskie, #Poland:



G. Friedman "..c’est cynique, immoral, mais ça marche ». Extraits du discours. - Invidious


Shared April 13, 2015

#Ukraine, #Impérialisme, #exceptionnalismeUS, #prévision, #Russie, #2015

Stratfor: comment Washington peut conserver sa domination sur la planète. Extraits du discours de George Friedman, directeur de la société de renseignement et d’analyse Stratfor, au Council on Foreign Relations de Chicago.
Dans son discours au Council il explique comment Washington peut conserver sa domination sur la planète. Il identifie également les ennemis potentiels des USA.

Friedman voudrait que le monde actuel soit exclusivement sous le contrôle direct ou indirect des USA
Le président de Stratfor déclare que les USA n'ont pas de relations avec l'Europe. « Nous avons des relations avec la Roumanie, la France et ainsi de suite. Il n'y a pas d'Europe avec laquelle les USA ont des relations quelconques". Cela rappelle forcément la conversation de la sous-secrétaire d'Etat Victoria Nuland avec l'ambassadeur des USA à Kiev en 2014. Nuland avait alors expliqué à son interlocuteur en des termes très crus ce qu'elle pensait de l'Europe unie et de ses dirigeants: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-kbw... 33] Plus tard, elle a présenté ses excuses pour la forme de ses propos, mais pas sur le fond. Il faut savoir que Mme Nuland est une lectrice des notes analytiques de Stratfor.
« Les USA contrôlent tous les océans de la terre. Personne n'avait encore réussi à le faire. Par conséquent, nous pouvons nous ingérer partout sur la planète, mais personne ne peut nous attaquer. Le contrôle des océans et de l'espace est la base de notre pouvoir", a déclaré Friedman à Chicago,
Selon lui, "la priorité des USA est d'empêcher que le capital allemand et les technologies allemandes s'unissent avec les ressources naturelles et la main d'œuvre russes pour former une combinaison invincible".Créer un "cordon sanitaire" autour de la Russie permettra à terme aux USA de tenir en laisse l'Allemagne et toute l'Union européenne


Russia-Ukraine Crisis


Best advice to solve the #Russia-Ukraine #Conflict was given by #JohnJMearsheimer in #2015 which nobody listened.

"The #West is leading #Ukraine down the #primrose #path and the end result is that Ukraine is going to get #wrecked."
#russia #ukraine #nato
