

#ADITI: The #Boundless #Goddess, #Mother of the #Adityas (The #Rig #Vedic #Gods)
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#Aditi is not known for having a specific function, and unfortunately not much is known about her personality and her appearance is not described, besides being “Red hued like a dappled mare”. One thing we do know is that she is a supremely #ancient goddess, being the mother of the Rig Vedic pantheon. The circumstances of her #birth are certainly #mysterious.

The contradictory verses suggest she is not just a singular goddess, but rather a #ethereal #presence, an ancient #soul that #pervades the #various #realms, changes form at will, and perennially comes again to take birth.

In the Rig Vedic times she was called Aditi, the Boundless Goddess, in the Puranic times she was called #Adi #Shakti, the #Primordial #Power. Again she was born as the daughter of Daksha, taking the form of #Sati / #Parvati, the #wife of #Shiva. Today, #Shakta Hindus call her "Mother of the Universe", or simply, " #Mother". #maa