

#Vaccine #Crimes
Japanese #Professor, “The Actions of the Japanese #Government must be #stopped..."

Japanese Professor Delivers Stunning Message Everyone Needs to Hear
Published on April 10, 2024 By Vigilant Fox

Masayasu Inoue, MD, PhD, and Professor Emeritus at Osaka City University Medical School, recently released an eight-minute video with a groundbreaking message for the world.

He said, “The pandemic was used as a false pretext by the WHO to drive vaccinations of all peoples in the world.”

Inoue also declared that the #fraudulent use of “ #experimental #gene #therapy to #healthy #people” was not only an “ #extreme #violation #of #human-rights,” but “the result was the induction of the terrible drug-induced injury that has never [been] seen in human #history.”
#vaccinescam to depop
Watch on Aussie17’s Substack source: VigilantNews.com


The work of #CarolynMorgan: everything from Beyond the Clouds
Further #words #of #wisdom to #remember

Separation from #LOVE allows the mind to venture into places that do not suit.

This terminology makes the lower forms of energy available to us, should we wish to employ their actions.

We have all used their action at some point or other during our incarnate lives.

If this is so, then the LOWER ASTRAL FORMS WILL STAY ATTACHED THROUGH LIFETIMES, and we forget why they were there.

On this basis one needs to have a quiet word and RELINQUISH ONESELF OF THEIR SERVICES.

It is LOVE IN TRUE FORM that heals the bridges between adversity and chance.

Become THE TRUTH and the TRUTH will grow bigger than opportunity itself.

Personal LOVE and HONOUR relinquishes the hold the lower astral forms have over the HUMAN SPIRIT.




The #Sense #of #Being Stared at and the Extension of #Mind Through #Space: #Sheldrake-Vernon Dialogue

Do our minds reside solely inside our heads, or perhaps bodies? Or do they extend into the wider world, perhaps even reaching to the stars? In this episode of the Sheldrake-Vernon Dialogues, #RupertSheldrake and Mark Vernon discuss the extended mind theory, taking a lead from recent work of Rupert’s on the sense of being stared at, and also the problems that contemporary science has with understanding vision. The discussion considers new research carried out by Rupert and others, as well as the theories of A.N. Whitehead. The way in which science since Maxwell has considered light as moving backwards as well as forwards in time is explored, alongside the way that William Blake described how we see, which itself fits the ancient understanding, that seeing is an active process of engagement, not a passive mode of reception.


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only the center is solid gold and the first that came from America, more or less 15 kilos.

Years later, more or less 50, it was made the rest of the statue out of solid silver, 183 kilos of that.

Centuries later by the end of XVI, it was #gilded, only the silver, with gold match the color.

Defined as one of the #greatest #jewels #of #Christianity, the “Custody” of #Toledo #Cathedral, a tower of more than two meters of #gold and #silver, runs through the streets of the city during Corpus Christi.

In the “chapel of the tower, or of the treasure”, under the tower of Toledo Cathedral and after entering through a Plateresque door with the sculptures of the “Domine, quo vadis?”, we enter the enclosure that contains some of the greatest riches of Toledo Cathedral, over which the “cathedral monstrance” stands out.
