

#2024 will be the biggest #election year in the #history of the #world.

slaves voting to continue being slaves ?

#India - Indian general election, expected in April/May
#Indonesia - Indonesian general election, expected in April
#South-Africa - South African general election, expected in May
#Malawi - Malawian general election, expected in May
#Lithuania - Lithuanian parliamentary election
#Latvia - Latvian parliamentary election
#Greece - Greek legislative election, expected in October
#Portugal - Portuguese legislative election, expected in October
#United-States - United States presidential election on November 5
#Mozambique - Mozambican general election, date TBD
#Botswana - Botswanan parliamentary election, date TBD
#Comoros - Comorian parliamentary election, date TBD
(to name but, a few)

#UK , #Russia , #Germany As well


#fl-fleur23 #fl-mai23 #monde #Zimbabwe #Botswana #Afrique #épidémie #clôture #frontière # #barrière #passage #migration #animaux #société

Visitons les murs du monde XVI

Le Botswana a mis en place une barrière métallique électrifiée de 2,50 m de haut, longue de 500 km sur sa frontière avec le Zimbabwe, empêchant toute migration du travail en provenance de ce pays. Cette clôture a été édifiée en 2003 pour lutter contre la propagation de l'épidémie de fièvre aphteuse (maladie virale très contagieuse qui tue principalement les vaches et les porcs). Au Botswana, au moins 13 000 vaches sont abattues dans les années qui suivent. Le pays, dont l'économie dépend fortement de l'élevage bovin, désigne le Zimbabwe voisin comme le principal responsable de l'épidémie. Le gouvernement a construit cette barrière pour éviter que les animaux passent. Le Zimbabwe affirme que cette clôture n'a pas pour but de lutter contre la fièvre aphteuse, car elle n'a pas besoin d'être aussi haute pour cela. Selon le pays, elle serait destinée à empêcher les réfugiés d'entrer sur le territoire du Botswana.


A Sociable weaver's giant nest in Namibia, probably the most spectacular structure built by any bird.

The Sociable weaver (Philetairus socius) is a species of bird in the weaver family found across #SouthAfrica, #Namibia and #Botswana. This species construct large compound community nests that resemble huts, complete with a sloping thatched-grass roof that sheds rain. These nests are the world’s largest and most populated tree houses, with some weighing up to a ton or more and measuring up to 20 feet wide and 10 feet tall.

Built around large and sturdy structures like acacia trees or sometimes even telephone poles, the nests provide shelter from direct sunshine, rain, drought, and cold. They are large enough to house over a hundred pairs of birds, consisting of several generations at a time. Each breeding pairs tends to its own compartment with its private entrance and line the interior with soft downy plant material. These entrances are packed closely together and when seen from below, the communal nest has a honeycomb appearance. These #birds are constantly making home improvements, adding new nesting chambers, and some nests have remained occupied for over a century!

#Nature #Africa #Amazing #TIL
