

Nika and Nima, 2 black bear cubs who were caught by the police from the smugglers at the border of Iran with Pakistan, were moving to a care facility in Tehran.

The 2 cubs are healthy and the intial dehydration and malnutrition signs are all gone after a few days at the care of the staff of the wild life services in Baluchestan province of the country.

The 2 cubs will be taken care of until they can be released in one of the protected national parks.

#Iran #Animals #BlackBears #AnimalProtection #Smugglers #BearCubs #Aww #WildLife #Baluchestan #Pakistan


Donkey nanny, Lombardy, Italy.

In the early spring shepherds drive huge flocks of livestock, here sheep, mules, donkeys, and goats from the Pre-Alpine hills to the plains of #Lombardy, for grazing. The newborn lambs are carried in a custom made side saddle by the donkeys, and returned to their mothers at rest time.
Photo: Elspeth Kinneir

#Photography #Italy #Animals #Sheep #Donkeys #AWW


Chester Zoo: Rare tree kangaroo emerges from mum's pouch

Animal conservationists have described the moment a rare tree #kangaroo was seen emerging from its mother's pouch as "celebratory".

The joey, the first of the endangered species to be born at Chester #Zoo, arrived in July and has since been developing in the pouch.

Unlike its famous Australian counterpart, the shy Goodfellow's species live in trees, the zoo said.

Zookeepers now had a "unique position" to record its development.

#Australia #Animals #Aww