

Don't use Reddit for Linux or BSD related questions

If you're looking for answers related to Linux or BSD (or anything for that matter), Reddit is most likely not the right place to search for them. If you want to get valuable information, why would you try to locate it at a place that is mainly occupied by childish, immature, hostile and selfish people?This is not unique to Reddit, but it generally relates to most social places on the Internet, especially those with point based voting. By the very nature by which these places work, they not only attract, but often nurture the most hollow and miserable people. Reddit and other places like it are often toxic and superfluous.


#reddit #linux #bsd #support


I was impressed with the computer security at my state's DMV. #Windows 10. Username/password and web address to log in written on the side of the computers just in case anyone needed to reboot, which had to be done while I waited. Every place I go that has Windows, same freaking problems. Boggles my mind why people use commercial software and not #Linux or #BSD and it can stay running for years at a time without reboots