

Cité d'or / City of Gold

Au soleil levant
Médaillon sur le cristal
Lève le mystère

In the rising sun
Medallion onto crystal
Reveals mystery

Musique : Le serpent à plumes (c) Haim Saban/Shuki Levy 1983 - Réorch. Yannick Rault 2002.
Source médaillon - Tous droits réservés.

#photo #photographie #photography #maphoto #myphoto #mywork #CC #BY-NC-ND 4.0
#SundayPhotoEdit #Sunday-photo-edit (not #sundayGimp)
#haiku #HaikuDominical #HaikuSunday
#musique #BO #soundtrack #electronic #synth #LesMystérieusesCitésdOr #TheMysteriousCitiesOfGold


#Diadvent21 – 1 Taillis

Important: I forgot to state that #Diadvent21 is not an idea of mine, it was first initiated by @(: aNNa :) blume (lookup #Diadvent20 and this post) after many other yearly games like #diaphoto-Adventskalender. All credits for the game goes to her; I had no intention to steal her thunder by just being an early starter.
Sorry Anna, don't let that stop you from launching the game officially if that's what you planned :)

#photo #photographie #photography #maphoto #myphoto #mywork #CC #BY-NC-ND 4.0
#Diadvent-30-11-21 #Avent #Advent #calendrier #AdventCalendar #Adventskalender


Store d'hiver / Winter Blinds

Étourneaux transis
Plaqués sur les lames jaunes
Grisaille occultée

Starlings in a chill
Plastered on the yellow slats
Occulting the gloom

Texture bambou / bamboo background: topntp26 - www.freepik.com

#photo #photographie #photography #maphoto #myphoto #mywork #CC #BY-NC-ND 4.0
#nature #oiseaux #birds #store #blinds #Sunday-photo-edit #SundayPhotoEdit (not #sundayGimp)
#haiku #HaikuDominical #HaikuSunday


#Diadvent21 – 28/11 Premier dimanche

Novembre n'est pas fini que Noël a déjà commencé... Oublions les magasins, revoici le calendrier de l'Avent sous forme de rétrospective de mon année photographique. Je dois dire qu'avec tous ces confinements, la production a été plutôt médiocre... Hé bien, voilà un belle occasion de stimuler la créativité !
Et bien entendu, tout le monde peut jouer à #Diadvent21 :)

November is not over yet; Christmas season has already started... Let's ignore the merchants, here is the Advent calendar as the usual retrospective of my photographic year. With all the lockdowns, I must say production has been average... Cool opportunity to stimulate creativity!
Of course everyone can contribute to #Diadvent21

#photo #photographie #photography #maphoto #myphoto #mywork #CC #BY-NC-ND 4.0
#Diadvent-28-11-21 #Avent #Advent #calendrier #AdventCalendar #Adventskalender