where the actual threats are coming from...
#insurance #corporates #corporatemotherfuckers #threats #propaganda #gutthemilitary
Hey Digit, why don't you talk about #climatechange?
Same way I don't talk about #globalists / #globalism.
These are contorted terms, language of the oppressor.
They want you using these terms because it deprives you of remedy, and traps you into throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
#throwingthebabyoutwiththebathwater #orwellian #languageoftheoppressor #choose #betterwords
* #ecocide #environmentaldevastation #extinction
* #capitalists #corporatists #corporates #thecorporation #fascists #fascism #oligarchs #oligarchy #psychopaths #psychopathiccirclejerk #sociopaths #darktriad #plutarchy #kleptarchy #attercoparchy #kakistarchy
corporate media stick to the script...
#corporatemedia #hostilealiens #conservatives #corporates #script #theylive #1988 #vidcap
start rating these motherfuckers based on how their treat their employers, not how they treat their customers...
#capitalism #corporates #corporatemotherfuckers #treatment #employees #references #tweet #screenshot
corporate conservative action figure with hoffman lens...
#theylive #corporates #corporatemotherfuckers #hostilealiens #conservativemotherfuckers #actionfigure #hoffmanlens #obey #animatedgif
corporates normalize insanity...
#corporates #cancercapitalism #normalize #insanity #billionaires #taxtherich #tweet #screenshot