

Die wichtigste Ermittlerin im #cumex Skandal gibt auf

Die Politik, so Brorhilkers Fazit, habe elf Jahre nach Bekanntwerden der ersten Cum-Ex-Fälle noch immer nicht hinreichend reagiert. Der Steuerdiebstahl sei längst nicht gestoppt, es gebe Nachfolgemodelle, wie bei einem "Hase-und-Igel-Spiel". Grund seien fehlende Kontrollen, was bei Banken und auf den Aktienmärkten geschehe. "Wenn keine Kontrolle passiert durch staatliche Organe, dann greifen die Menschen in die Auslagen. Aber wenn da eine Videokamera über der Auslage installiert ist, dann denkt man dreimal darüber nach, ob man zugreift."

Wenn deine beste Leute aufgeben, hast du ein massives Korruptionsproblem.

#korruption #deutschland #taxtherich #politischsogewollt #steuerskandal #deinesteuernbeiderarbeit #finanzbetrug #justizskandal #lobbyismus #hinterzimmerpolitik #finanzaufsicht #bafin #finanzwende #finanzmarkt @Finanzwende



The whole model of taxing "income" is wrong. We need to tax Wealth, not Income. Because the ones who desperately need taxing aren't the working folk.

Incidentally, in Canada there is a tax rebate called the "Canada Workers Benefit" (previously "Working Income Tax Benefit") which returns several thousand dollars to those within the bracket. It's a tiny band-aid step in the right direction, to lighten the tax load on those who are working for it, but the whole system needs to change.


Source: https://mstdn.ca/@ned/112298407262329100


Now here's a great idea! A double dose of positive impact: Tax the obscenely wealthy here, and help Ukraine too.

US President outlines plan to shield Ukraine from "butcher Putin"

Biden spoke about the possibility of raising additional funds by increasing taxes for billionaires in the United States.
He noted that if billionaires paid a 25% federal tax rate, it could generate US$400 billion over the next 10 years.

Quote: "Imagine what we could do with that. We could do so many things – consequential – including finally making sure that we take care of Ukraine from that butcher Putin," Biden said.

Almost Bernie-esque in simplicity, clarity, morality, and practicality. A bit perplexing that this is coming from beyond our domestic press/news coverage here (rather than Ukraine Pravda). But still, a fabulous thing to ponder, and to do! Go Bernie! I mean Biden...

#taxation #Ukraine #TaxTheRich #StopTsarPutin


Now here's a good idea! Double dose of positive impact: Tax the obscenely wealthy here, and help Ukraine too.

US President outlines plan to shield Ukraine from "butcher Putin"

Biden spoke about the possibility of raising additional funds by increasing taxes for billionaires in the United States.
He noted that if billionaires paid a 25% federal tax rate, it could generate US$400 billion over the next 10 years.

Quote: "Imagine what we could do with that. We could do so many things – consequential – including finally making sure that we take care of Ukraine from that butcher Putin," Biden said.

Almost Bernie-esque in simplicity, clarity, morality, and practicality. And a bit perplexing this is coming from beyond our press/news coverge here, rather than Ukraine Pravda. But still, a fabulous thing to ponder, and do!

#taxation #Ukraine #TaxTheRich #StopTsarPutin


It's all on paper, though.
You can't eat gold and you can't eat diamonds, and their value is still determined in terms of currency, which is on paper. They may hoard it but they can't spend it because if they do, there will be an oversupply of currency and that will devalue the currency. They're a bunch of morons with a hoarding disorder which makes 'em no different than your hoarding cousin living in a trailer park.

DoomsdaysCW - 2024-01-07 17:33:06 GMT

[Paywall] #Billionaires Are Hoarding Trillions in Untaxed #Wealth. They Want the #SupremeCourt to Keep It That WayA new report from #AmericansForTaxFairness found that America’s richest families accumulated $8.5 trillion in untaxed capital gains in 2022

by Nikki McCann Ramirez
January 5, 2024


#TaxTheRich #SCOTUS #SCOTUSIsCompromised #ImpeachJusticeThomas #ImpeachClarenceThomas #Oligarchy #Oligarchs #EatTheRich



"Earlier this month, Statistics Canada released a report looking at the income and capital gains of the wealthiest Canadians in 2021. The findings are startling.

The total incomes of the top 1 per cent of tax filers, excluding capital gains, rose by 9.4 per cent in 2021. As StatCan explains, “This [income growth] occurred in the context of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions easing, many government benefit programs winding down, the labour market recovering, and the Canadian house prices and stock market indexes increasing in 2021.”

In other words, the wealthiest benefited from both growing earned income and gains from capital, at the same time that many workers were seeing benefit reductions and paltry wage growth amid a cost-of-living crisis.

By contrast, workers’ average hourly wages grew by just 3.9 per cent between 2019 and 2021. (Average wages actually fell between 2020 and 2021 because the share of low-wage jobs recovered post-pandemic and thus affected the composition of jobs in the data sample.)

To put things in perspective, it took workers nearly a decade to see their wages grow as much as the 1 per cent managed to realize in one year. Between 2012 and 2021, average hourly wages increased by roughly 9.6 per cent... ."
#CANADA, #socialJustice, #UBI #TaxtheRich


Endlich solide Informationen zum, für die Region ziemlich irrelevanten, Amateurflughafen #CityAirport #Mannheim der #RheinNeckarAirGmbH

Nähe Wasserturm ist folgendes Plakat zu sehen:

Privatjet fliegen mit Steuergeldern?
Jetzt am City Airport Mannheim

Die Stadt Mannheim subventioniert den Flugbetrieb am City Airport durch jährliche Verlustausgleiche in Höhe von bis zu 1,3 Millionen Euro. Nur 0,5 % der Flüge am City Airport sind Linienflüge.

Mehr Infos im offenen Brief an Oberbürgermeister #ChristianSpecht #CDU

#Flugplatz #FlugplatzMannheimCity #TaxTheRich #deineSteuernbeiderArbeit #korruption


les inégalités n’ont eu de cesse de se creuser, au point qu’aujourd’hui, les 1 % les plus riches de la planète possèdent près de la moitié des richesses mondiales et que ces mêmes 1 % émettent également plus d’émissions de CO2 que la moitié la plus pauvre de la planète.


La création d’un impôt européen sur la grande fortune répond à de nombreux appels de la société civile, de scientifiques et d’élus. Récemment encore, plus d’une centaine de députés européens, soutenus par des économistes, ont appelé l’Union à instaurer un impôt progressif sur l’extrême richesse. La future directive relative à la mise en place d’un niveau minimum d’imposition mondial pour les groupes multinationaux dans l’Union européenne a déjà montré que l’Union était capable de s’entendre pour plus d’équité fiscale. Plus généralement, la Conférence sur l’avenir de l’Europe a insisté sur la nécessité d’harmoniser la politique fiscale, et d’utiliser ce levier pour lutter contre la crise environnementale.

L’instauration d’un impôt européen sur la grande fortune nécessiterait trois interventions législatives :

  • une proposition de directive portant création d’un impôt européen sur la grande fortune
  • une modification de la décision 2020/2053 du Conseil du 14 décembre 2020 relative au système de ressources propres de l’Union européenne, qui aura pour objet de permettre à l’impôt européen sur la fortune de contribuer au régime des ressources propres de l’Union européenne.
  • la nouvelle ressource propre tirée d’un impôt sur la grande fortune devrait être affectée à une transition écologique et sociale juste, via l’alimentation des politiques de l’Union et des États membres consacrées à cet objet.


#tax #impot #riche #UE #europe


Qasim Rashid, Esq.

From 1940s-1980, the wealthiest paid 70-94% marginal tax rates. Zero of them went broke from taxation. Zero of them left the USA. All remained exceedingly wealthy, manufacturing boomed, AND we had the strongest middle class growth in US History.

Let's do that again. #TaxTheRich