

Please consider and act with kindness as much as possible


Man holding a sign that reads:
It is a misconception that the ultimate power belongs to the government because the greatest power has always and will always belong to the people. The 1% knows this, which is why they divide us, so we can hate and fear each other, thereby disempowering the greatest power there is, which is the power of the people. It is critical that we stop fighting each other and begin fighting for each other because that is what it means to be human and that is what makes us whole.

#unity #together #whole #human #power


How to #hug, according to #science

source: https://www.science.org/content/article/how-hug-according-science

Where do your arms go? How long is too long? Never fear, science has your … back.


In total, the results suggest the safest, most likely to be pleasant hug is one that’s 5 to 10 seconds long with crisscrossed arms. Good luck out there, humans!

#humanity #study #knowledge #news #together


Carl Sagan testifying before Congress in 1985 on climate change


"We are pouring #carbon #dioxide and other #gases into the #atmosphere with hardly any concern for its long term and #global-effects ... the #solutions to these #problems requires a #perspective that embraces the #planet and the #future because we are all in this #greenhouse #together."

(Sobering to watch in 2021)
#carlsagan #sagan #congress #1985 #climatechange #science #greenhouse-effect #international #amity #global #consciousness



How can we, #together as one #human #family, mend our severed ties to the #Earth? How can we reshape #society in a way that #balances #collectivism and #individualism? How can we, as #individuals, reclaim our #joy and #spirit in what often feels like a #broken #world?
#Separation breeds #violence. #Interconnectedness encourages #compassion.

#ChiefSeattle of the #Suquamish and #Duwamish #tribes reminds us: “We know the sap which courses through the #trees as we know the blood that courses through our veins. We are part of the earth and it is part of us. The perfumed #flowers are our #sisters. The #bear, the #deer, the great #eagle, these are our #brothers. The rocky crests, the #dew in the meadow, the body heat of the #pony, and #man, all belong to the same family.”