

The Future's News Today

90% of Social Media Users Revealed to be Deep Fakes

On Instagram, almost all photos are fakes, picturing people who never existed.

As creating extremely realistic fake photos and AI-written text has become easy and free, social media companies have quietly replaced human users with fictional users. Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk have admitted that most of their users are not actually human beings. Musk explained that "Artificial users are much easier to please, and they love to watch ads!" Zuckerberg pointed out that "Artificial users don't violate copyright, post porn, or start fights. They're wonderful. I can't believe that we didn't think of this sooner."

When asked if advertisers will be upset about this, Zuckerberg replied, "Why should they? Artificial people buy things. They're actually better at ordering online than humans. And you can cheat them by not sending them what they ordered. They can't complain to the police and courts; legally, they aren't even people. Merchants can sell the same goods again and again. They can even sell fictional goods. Where do we get the money our artificial people spend? Easy. From advertisers, of course."

Musk pointed out that "You can't violate the privacy of an artificial person. They have no right to privacy; they have no rights at all! They don't exist."

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