Welche falschen Videos nach Angriff des Iran im Netz kursieren
In den sozialen Netzwerken waren nach dem Großangriff des Iran auf Israel zahlreiche Bilder und Videos der vermeintlichen Attacke im Umlauf. Viele davon sind jedoch alt und zeigen andere Ereignisse. Von P. Siggelkow.
In den sozialen Netzwerken waren nach dem Großangriff des Iran auf Israel zahlreiche Bilder und Videos der vermeintlichen Attacke im Umlauf. Viele davon sind jedoch alt und zeigen andere Ereignisse. Von Pascal Siggelkow.#Iran #Israel #Fakes
Welche falschen Videos nach Angriff des Iran im Netz kursieren
Exposing The YouTube Automation Scam
YouTube Automation is the latest get rich quick scheme being pushed by fake gurus on YouTube. In this video I peel back the current and show you that YouTube automation is a scam and should be avoided. Any fake guru that tells you that you can make millions of dollars by just working a few hours a day is a liar and should be avoided at all cost. Don't trust fake guru's selling youtube automation courses!
Exposing The Liars, Frauds and Fake Automation Gurus
#Frauds #Fakes #Conmen #Youtube #ScottShafer #Expose
Economist Fakes Political History Of Gaza
#Economist #Fakes #Political #History Of #Gaza #Israel #US #Muhammad #Dahlan #Fatah #Palestine
"The Economist is faking history:
[Bibi Netanyahu is the wrong man in the wrong place - Economist](https://www.economist.com/middle-east-and-africa/2023/10/31/bibi-netanyahu-is-the-wrong-man-in-the-wrong-place) - October 31, 2023
In the absence of clear government direction the Israeli defence establishment is doing all the planning. Its preferred solution is to see the **PA ultimately return to Gaza, which it controlled until Hamas’s coup in 2007.
🦤 Est-on moins des pigeons qu'en 1835 ? - #DEFAKATOR
#HISTOIRES DE #FAKES : "Pour savoir où l'on va se faire avoir, regardons où se sont fait avoir nos anciens." Et que falsetés s'y conchient !
00:00 #Falsetés s'y conchient
00:52 L' #histoire de #Vidocq
05:02 Le tourne au tour
08:49 Le #mikel
12:58 #Grincher à la cire
16:21 #Missives
19:49 L' #altercation
21:50 #Découvertes sur la #Lune
29:20 Voir la Lune depuis la #Terre
33:17 Conclusion
#culture #éducatif #reportage #divertissement
15 Jahre Haft für "Fakes" über Söldner: Verschärft Russland die Militärzensur? | DW | 12.03.2023
In Russland sollen Menschen, die Teilnehmer am Krieg gegen die Ukraine diskreditieren oder über sie "Fakes" verbreiten, noch härter bestraft werden. Wie werden sich die Gesetzesänderungen auf die Gesellschaft auswirken?#Russland #Ukraine #Krieg #Gesetzesänderung #Fakes #Diskreditierung #Militär #RusslandsKrieggegendieUkraine #russischeArmee #Wagner-Gruppe
15 Jahre Haft für "Fakes" über Söldner: Verschärft Russland die Militärzensur? | DW | 12.03.2023
The Future's News Today
90% of Social Media Users Revealed to be Deep Fakes
On Instagram, almost all photos are fakes, picturing people who never existed.
As creating extremely realistic fake photos and AI-written text has become easy and free, social media companies have quietly replaced human users with fictional users. Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk have admitted that most of their users are not actually human beings. Musk explained that "Artificial users are much easier to please, and they love to watch ads!" Zuckerberg pointed out that "Artificial users don't violate copyright, post porn, or start fights. They're wonderful. I can't believe that we didn't think of this sooner."
When asked if advertisers will be upset about this, Zuckerberg replied, "Why should they? Artificial people buy things. They're actually better at ordering online than humans. And you can cheat them by not sending them what they ordered. They can't complain to the police and courts; legally, they aren't even people. Merchants can sell the same goods again and again. They can even sell fictional goods. Where do we get the money our artificial people spend? Easy. From advertisers, of course."
Musk pointed out that "You can't violate the privacy of an artificial person. They have no right to privacy; they have no rights at all! They don't exist."
#internet #advertising #big-tech #social-media #business #capitalism #social-media #innovation #artificial-intelligence #ai #fakes #deep-fakes #finsta #fake-accounts #chatgpt
The plan is to first get Russia, then take on and bring down China and then, eventually, Iran and any other nation daring to disobey the rulers of the Hegemony.
#Facts vs #fakes
video evidence:
The plan is to first get Russia, then take on and bring down China and then, eventually, Iran and any other nation daring to disobey the rulers of the Hegemony.
#Facts vs #fakes
video evidence:
update: major of Berlin fooled by Klitschko LIVE deep fake video conference (actually not so funny)
- it would mean: do not trust phone calls, even if the number is shown as “police” “doctor” “friend”
- trust no video conference
- what can be trusted?
how deep fakes work:
- computer program analyzes facial expressions of person A in footage
- computer program then applies this, to make the facial expressions of person B, look like person A
- (it is easier for the program to generate good results, if person A and person B look alike, but in the future not even this might need to be necessary)
- this is great news, for fake news, but bad news, for truth, as it adds to confusion of the masses (land of confusion)
- that means, for authenticity, other ways to truly identifying a person in a video have to be found
“Massive challenge for Europe”
‘A “massive challenge for Europe” is when citizens are confronted with disinformation through misleading or openly false information. AI could exacerbate the effects of such “hybrid threats”, as such lies and propaganda could be brought to the people en masse “without technical expertise”. Trends in “deepfake technology” also increased concerns here. According to reports, criminals have already taken advantage of such procedures. AI is also likely to play into the hands of “traditional organized crime” and terrorists.”‘
- ‘5G also poses problems for investigators’
- ‘more difficult to identify SIM cards and their users and to eavesdrop on or locate them afterwards’
- ‘mandatory end-to-end encryption could make eavesdropping even more difficult’
- ‘virtualization of networks with the new standard does not taste good to the law enforcement officers’
auto translated from: https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/KI-5G-und-Krypto-Europol-warnt-vor-disruptiven-Technologien-4547719.html
#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #fake #fakenews #news #deepfake #berlin #major #video #conference #fakes
Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/05/01/the-deep-fake-crisis-destroying-trust-in-online-conferencing-from-fake-klitschko-conferences-to-fake-tom-cruise-videos-massive-challenge-for-europe-is-technology-neutral/
Snopes: No, This Ironic Greta Thunberg Sticker on a Flooded Car Isn’t Real
... the image isn’t real.
The real photograph was included in a report published by the German news website Bild, where the submerged car can be seen without the sticker on its window, as noted by another Twitter user who included the real photo in a reply:
The floods themselves and massive damage caused around the world by them, as well as wildfires and other ongoing hazards, are very, very real. And Greta Thunberg is absolutely correct to be mad as hell at older generations, my own included, for not doing enough about them.
(Where fault lies and more pointed blame are further questions.)
LREM entend des voix.
-- "Nous allons dès aujourd'hui envoyer un courrier aux trois chaînes qui organisent ces trois débats pour leur demander officiellement de mettre en place un dispositif anti-mensonges, anti-fake news en direct", a expliqué Pascal Canfin, numéro 2 de la liste du mouvement présidentiel.
-- Très concrètement, ce dispositif doit se traduire, pour Pascal Canfin, par "une cellule de trois, quatre journalistes qui, en live, pendant le débat, vérifient si le chiffre ou l'affirmation qui viennent de sortir sont vrais ou faux".
[voix d'outre-tombe] : "Larèm... Va bouter les fakes niouzes hors de Ffffraaansss"...
Perso, sans vouloir plomber les enthousiasmes, la plus grosse fake news de ces dernières années, c'est l'élection de mai 2017.
Mais bon.