

FYI this is objectionable content for Facebook. Not right wing insurrectionist planning and fantasies of violence against non-Trumpists. No longer even COVID-19 conspiracy theory nonsense or QAnon bullshit. This. #DeleteFacebook



The reason companies want our data is pure profit. Google, Facebook and other large companies make billions from our data. But if it's our data, why isn't it our money?
I am also not allowed to earn money with the music that someone else makes? Why is someone else allowed to earn money with data that I have generated?
#surveillancecapitalism #deleteFacebook #deleteGoogle


Even though a lot of people were talking about #DeleteFacebook, I have seen very few of my friends move to Diaspora* or one of the federated networks. Any advice on how to get the masses moving?


Français en dessous

#diasporaTips of the day: Invite your friends!

It's still not very easy for new users to join diaspora*. even if we're working on it. But did you know that you can help? There is an invitation link in the left column of the main page, in the "Invite your friends" section. It allows to register to diaspora*, and you will automatically be proposed to the new user as a possible contact. That way, your friends will be on your pod and already linked to you. Share it!

L'astuce du jour : invitez vos amis !

Ce n'est pas toujours facile de s'inscrire sur diaspora* pour les nouveaux utilisateurs, même si on y travaille. Mais saviez-vous que vous pouvez aider ? Il y a un lien d'invitation dans la colonne de gauche de la page principale, dans la section "Invitez vos amis". Il permet de s'inscrire sur diaspora*, et vous serez automatiquement proposé au nouvel utilisateur comme un contact possible. De cette facon, vos amis seront sur votre pod et déjà liés à vous. Partagez-le !

#diaspora #newhere #nouveauIci #inviteYourFriends #deleteFacebook


Hello, #newhere , just getting a feel for this so i can get away from #facebook ( #deletefacebook ) want to find a new platform to carry on my friendships with people. of all the networks on the federation page...i like #diaspora and #hubzilla the best. each has its pros and cons, but overall they both seem good. hard to decide my favorite...lol

what are the thoughts of the community here who have looked into both?

My interest are #hunting #fishing #guns #offgrid #selfsufficeincy #gardening #oilandgas #aquaponics #hydroponics etc.