

The Chinese Giant Salamander is being illegally hunted and used for meat marketing.
They also suffer badly from habitat loss, due to Pollution and trash being dumped in waters/rivers.
They can be extinct any time if we don’t stop the Chinese from hunting them.
These huge salamanders grow about 6 ft or 1.8 meters, komodo dragons are 10.3 feet, which means the salamander might be the 2nd most largest reptile.
About 50,000 of them are left, it is estimated that 2,000,000 died because of being hunted.
It is time to act now because they are critically endangered, which means their population is decreasing.

#Petition #Stop #Illegal #Hunting #Chinese #GiantSalamander


Stop illegal hunting the Chinese giant salamander!
The Chinese Giant Salamander is being illegally hunted and used for meat marketing.
They also suffer badly from habitat loss, due to Pollution and trash being dumped in waters/rivers.
They can be extinct any time if we don't stop the Chinese from hunting them.
These huge salamanders grow about 6 ft or 1.8 meters, komodo dragons are 10.3 feet, which means the salamander might be the 2nd most largest reptile.
About 50,000 of them are left, it is estimated that 2,000,000 died because of being hunted.
It is time to act now because they are critically endangered, which means their population is decreasing.

#Petition #Stop #Illegal #Hunting #Chinese #GiantSalamander


A quotation by Krutch, Joseph Wood

When a man wantonly destroys one of the works of man we call him Vandal. When he wantonly destroys one of the works of God we call him Sportsman.

Joseph Wood Krutch (1893-1970) American educator, writer, critic, naturalist

The Great Chain of Life, ch. 9 “Reverence for Life” (1956)

#quotation #quote #destruction #hunting #killing #sports #vandalism

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/krutch-joseph-wood/49057/


building a log cabin the LHBA way

Log Home Builders Association ( #LHBA) teaches you how to use #logs that almost all other #builders would reject. Here's my buddy pulling some logs out of a pile I had my neighbor make while clearing his driveway. My friend is going to build a 20x20 #hunting #cabin on his property with them. The excavator operator THANKED ME for saving him the money he would have to spend to dump these logs at the #landfill. You can see my cabin in the background - I got my logs the same way (well - I had to cut them myself, but still....)

You see all the #doom and #gloom on the news - what with #covid, #vaccine #mandates, threats of #unemployment, a #devaluing #dollar, #instability in the world, #evil #bankers pushing for a new world order #NWO, and you wonder what you can do about it. Getting out of #debt is a great way to #StickItToTheMan. #Building a #home with no #mortgage is a great way to stay out of #debt.




In Italia fino a fine ottobre si firma per l'abolizione della caccia. È possibile firmare anche presso il proprio consolato. Grazie.

In Italy, until the end of October, there is a signature for the abolition of hunting. You can also sign at your consulate. Thanks.

En Italie, jusqu'à fin octobre, il y a une signature pour l'abolition de la chasse. Il est également possible de signer à votre consulat. Merci.

En Italia, hasta finales de octubre, hay una firma para la abolición de la caza. También es posible firmar en su consulado. Gracias.

#Italia #Italy #Referendum #Hunting #Abolition
#Animali #Animal #Animal-Rights #Caccia #Hunting
#AbolizioneTotale #AbolizioneCaccia #NoCaccia
#TotalAbolition #HuntingAbolition #NoHunting


Hello, #newhere , just getting a feel for this so i can get away from #facebook ( #deletefacebook ) want to find a new platform to carry on my friendships with people. of all the networks on the federation page...i like #diaspora and #hubzilla the best. each has its pros and cons, but overall they both seem good. hard to decide my favorite...lol

what are the thoughts of the community here who have looked into both?

My interest are #hunting #fishing #guns #offgrid #selfsufficeincy #gardening #oilandgas #aquaponics #hydroponics etc.