

Guinea fuel depot inferno: Several dead and dozens injured in Conakry blast

At least eight people have died and dozens injured after an explosion in the Guinean capital Conakry.The cause of the fire is unknown.Al Jazeera's Nicolas Ha...#Conakryblast #Conakryfueldepotfire #EightpeopledeadinGuineaoilterminalblast #Guinea #Guineafueldepotinferno #OilandGas #WestAfrica #aljazeera #aljazeeraenglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews
Guinea fuel depot inferno: Several dead and dozens injured in Conakry blast


Good news for British energy independence & cost of living. We also need to build more nuclear power plants to drive down the cost of electricity per kw/h too.

"Rishi Sunak has today announced over 100 new North Sea oil and gas licences, saying that we will still require [hydrocarbons] for decades to come."

"In a move likely to anger environmental campaigners, the prime minister has announced the 100 new licences as part of a visit to north-east Scotland focused on North Sea energy."

#rishisunak #energyindependence #uk #usa #pmsunak #northseaoil #hydrocarbons #un #costofliving #energyprices #oilandgas #oil #conservativeparty #climateagenda



Depuis quelques jours, c'est l'ébullition 🌡️ Les activistes & campagnes d'actions de plusieurs mouvements se croisent et ciblent les financeurs des énergies fossiles comme la #BNP-Paribas 🏦

Que ce soit le mot d'ordre #TheScienceIsClear de Scientifiques en rébellion / Scientist Rebellion, l'appel #BlocageTotal de ANV ANV Action non-violente COP21 / Les Amis de la Terre France, les actions #BanqueTropCrade de plusieurs Groupes Locaux de Extinction Rebellion France, ou la campagne #CarnageTotal / Carnage Total de #ExtinctionRebellion, TOUS les activistes, collectifs, associations et ONG participant aux actions en cours exigent un ARRÊT DES FINANCEMENTS DES ÉNERGIES FOSSILES ainsi que l’ARRÊT DU PROJET #EACOP (appelé aussi "bombe climatique") en Ouganda & en Tanzanie !

Rejoignez les actions en cours, et soutenons les activistes 💪

Petite ressourcerie :
👉 https://interaktiv.tagesspiegel.de/lab/le-plus-long-pipeline-chauffe-du-monde-des-puits-de-petrole-dans-un-parc-national/
👉 https://extinctionrebellion.fr/campagnes/carnage-total/
👉 Suivez Stop EACOP, Carnage Total et tous les mouvements amis 💚

#ecocide VS #stopecocide