

Ithaka the Movie

Ithaka wins #Audience #Award and #Best #Documentary

'The campaign to free #JulianAssange takes on #intimate #dimensions in this documentary portrait of an elderly man’s fight to save his son. Arguably the world’s most famous #political #prisoner, #WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is a figure pretty much everybody has an opinion about; perhaps more importantly, he serves as the emblem of an #international arm wrestle over #freedom of #journalism, #government #corruption and #unpunished #war-crimes. For his #family members who face the prospect of losing him forever to the #abyss of the #US #justice #system, however, this #David-and-Goliath struggle is #personal – and, with his #health declining in a #British #maximum-security #prison and #American government #prosecutors pulling out all the stops to #extradite him, the #clock-is-ticking.'

#movie #soho #london #film #freeassange


Near Death Experiences, Other Dimensions, Other Worlds, Inner Light And Sound Meditation - Podcast

The realms described by the Masters are within one's self. That is to say, it is a journey of several stages that one passes through on the way to the Non-dual Ultimate Reality or Ocean of Oneness at the Top, beyond all illusion. The journey begins at the Third Eye Center, goes up through the Crown Chakra and through many levels beyond. During meditation (surat shabd yoga, out-of-body or soul travel), one passes through the regions. Certain lights, visions or sounds one encounters up this NDE-like "tunnel" inside are used as markers along the way. Certain key visions, lights and sounds, are associated with the astral, causal, mental, ethereal, and spiritual planes above those.

Podcast @ Apple:


Google: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5saWJzeW4uY29tLzIwNzIzNi9yc3M/episode/NTNiYmNjZDQtNDU2MC00MzJlLWIzMmYtNmRiMDRmYjBlYjUx?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwjQuL72o4X5AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQ



In Divine Love, Light, and Sound,
James Bean

Spiritual Awakening Radio Website:

Introduction to Sant Mat Spirituality and Meditation -- Web Page:

#NDEs #NearDeathExperiences #OOBEs #OutofBodyExperiences #OtherDimensions #OtherWorlds #Heavens #HigherPlanes #SpiritualPlanes #InnerRegions #Heaven #Multiverse #Meditation #InnerLightandSound #SuratShabdYoga #Santmat #Radhasoami #Sant_Mat #Radhaswami #Radha_Soami #Satsang #Podcasts #SpiritualAwakeningRadio #SantMatSatsangPodcasts #PathoftheMasters #WayoftheSaints #Bhakti #GodisLove #Mysticism #Gnosticism #Spirituality #Dimensions #OtherWorlds #Cosmos #GiordanoBruno


Madame Dolores Cannon était hypnothérapeute, elle a développé une technique afin de plonger les personnes dans une transe très profonde, elle fut surprise de parvenir à les faire régresser dans leurs vies passées, sur terre et ailleurs..
Ils y ont trouvé leurs réponses et elle aussi a pu avoir les réponses à sa curiosité, un volume considérable d’informations sur tous les sujets imaginables : la vie après la mort, les dimensions, les univers, la création des mondes, les civilisations, les savoirs ancestraux, les E.T... Bref, 45 ans de pratique de milliers de séances d’hypnose régressive, 17 livres, des conférences sur toute la planète, des formations..
Voyez par vous même, si vous êtes friands de science fiction, de nouveaux concepts, prêts à repousser les limites de l’imaginable, à faire éventuellement rentrer de nouvelles potentialités, c'est marrant, c'est le même prix et puis on est grand maintenant ;)

Une interview sous titrée

Une conférence en anglais

Un livre traduit
Les trois vagues de volontaires (Be Light Edition)

#dolores-cannon #hypnose #éveil #cosmos #ovni #ET #ufo #astral #emi #dimensions #univers #science-fiction #spiritualité #conscience