

videos shared on social media claims that Russia has now a new small tactical drone similar to Americans switch blade that they are using against Ukrainian sources hideous and bunkers.

The unit has a small explosive but controlled remotely by a larger drone or soldiers on the ground. The main target seems to be soldiers and vehicles with open windoes or the ones lacking full armor.

The drones seems to be domestic or purchased from unknown 3rd party in large quantities.

#ukraine #russia #dronewars #peaceNow #StopTheWar


Russia’s Electronic-Warfare Troops Knocked Out 90 Percent Of Ukraine’s Drones

The Russian military’s failures in Russia’s wider war on Ukraine almost are too numerous to list.

Too many attacks along too many sectors, which thinned out Russia’s best battalions. Too few infantry to screen the tanks. Inflexible air support. Artillery batteries that bombarded too many empty grid squares. And perhaps most importantly: inadequate logistics for what would become a long, grinding war.

But it’s important to note where the Russians succeeded. If only to understand where Ukraine might need to improve its own forces. For a rare picture of Russian military competence, consider the Kremlin’s battlefield electronic-warfare troops.

#Russia #Ukraine #UkraineWar #DroneWars #Technology
