
Pfizer Releases Brand New, Never-Before-Seen Drug 'Pfivermectin'

U.S.—After several successful rounds of #trials and a quick overnight #approval from the #FDA, #Pfizer proudly announced they will be releasing a brand new, never-before-seen #COVID #drug "Pfivermectin."

"It's important to understand that this drug is nothing like #Ivermectin, even though Pfivermectin rhymes with Ivermectin and it pretty much does the exact same thing," said Pfizer CEO Hans Pfizer. "Everyone knows Ivermectin is a widely discredited #horse drug, and ours is not. Very #important distinction there."

#Experts say that taking two doses of Pfivermectin #every #day at the first sign of COVID symptoms could lessen the severity and duration of the infection. Ivermectin will do the same thing, except it may also turn you into a horse and make everyone laugh at you. Not good!

A Pfizer spokesman also confirmed that their drug will be approximately 30,000% more #expensive than Ivermectin.

"Don't worry about the cost," said the spokesman. "The #government will cover the cost. Besides, that's a small price to pay to not turn into a horse!"


Let us not #forget.
#Thalidomide s still being used as a #drug. This, even after the medication caused thousands of birth defects six decades ago.

The German pharmaceutical company #GrĂŒnenthal marketed thalidomide world-wide starting in 1957. Pregnant women used the sleeping pill, which had been deemed so harmless it was available over the counter in Germany. Yet the drug proved damaging to embryos and caused serious birth defects. Estimates are that the drug caused thousands of deformities and an unknown number of stillbirths, until it was taken off the market at the end of 1961 when the links became clear.

Filmmaker John Zaritsky has been following thalidomide victims for more than 25 years. He speaks to parents, who tell of the birth of their children and their search for a cause for what had happened. The thalidomide babies have become adults in the meantime. Their stories tell of a double blow - dealing both with their birth defects and how society copes with them. And the nightmare is far from over. Thalidomide, the effective ingredient, is used today to treat leprosy, cancer and AIDS. Zaritsky shows that above all in Brazil, a lack of information about the drug continues to result in birth defects.


#Shiny_Flakes Le petit baron du #darknet


Le #film #documentaire « Shiny_Flakes : Le petit baron du darknet ou "Shiny_Flakes: The #Teenage #Drug #Lord" ( #VF / #FRENCH) », DiffusĂ© le Mardi 3 aoĂ»t 2021 sur la #plateforme #Netflix. Dans ce rĂ©cit qui a inspirĂ© la sĂ©rie "How to Sell #Drugs #Online (Fast)", Max S. rĂ©vĂšle comment il a bĂąti un #empire de la #drogue sans quitter la chambre de son enfance... En fĂ©vrier 2015, Maximilian Schmidt, connu sur le #web sous le nom de Shiny Flakes, est arrĂȘtĂ© aprĂšs avoir vendu pour environ 4,1 millions d'euros de drogue... sans quitter la chambre de son enfance. Tirant parti de son propre site, shinyflakes.com, et de la #poste #allemande, le jeune garçon de 19 ans a bĂąti et dirigĂ© un empire de la drogue #international Ă  lui tout seul, parvenant Ă  vendre une tonne de substances illicites en l'espace de 14 mois. Il s'agit lĂ  de l'une des affaires de #cybercrime les plus importantes qu'ait connu l' #Allemagne et la #police ne sait toujours pas oĂč se trouve une grande partie de l' #argent. Dans ce documentaire, Maximilian raconte lui-mĂȘme son #histoire...

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#BREAKING - #Midazolam, a #drug that causes the same symptoms as serious complications of C0V1-D I9, was given to the elderly for breakfast whilst they were starved and deprived of fluids under Hancock’s directive and you were told they’d died of C0V1-D


The #Evidence - 'You must stay at home, to protect the #NHS, so they can give Midazolam to the Elderly and tell you they are Covid #Deaths'