

There Is No Way Out for Europe. “Civilizations die from suicide, not by murder" | by B | Medium

#politics #economics #collapse

Now, that half of its zinc and aluminum smelters are off, together with 70% of its fertilizer production, it is absolutely no exaggeration to say, that Europe May See Forced De-Industrialization As Result Of Energy Crisis...



Capitalism’s Attack on Time & Nature - by Ann Pettifor

#politics #economics #environment #capitalism

Fisher used the apple tree as an example. The orchard that produces apples (i.e. will generate apples in the future) represents capital. But it is the value of the apples, not the tree or land the orchard rests on, that produces capitalism’s real value.

As value depends only on future capital gains, not the present nor the past, the value of the land can be discounted. If apples can’t be profitably sold in the future, then the orchard becomes redundant. Its ancient trees should be ripped up and the land turned over to a ‘productive’ crop more likely to ensure capital gains in the future.

That formula explains so much about capitalism’s destruction of nature.



Reckoning with Growth - by Steve Keen - The Ideas Letter

#economics #politics

Please do read this post and share it around. Though the book is not as aggravating as anything written by William Nordhaus or Richard Tol, it once again confirms that the last people on the planet to understand growth, let alone its ecological consequences, are Neoclassical economists.



What's Happening at Spruce Pine...? - by Ed Conway

#globalisation #economics

If you’ve read Material World you will already know all about Spruce Pine - a small town in North Carolina which, unbeknownst even to many residents, is one of the most important locations in the global economy, for a very simple reason. It is responsible for the production of the vast majority of the high purity quartz sand used to make the silicon wafers which go on to become semiconductors and solar panels.



At least five interesting things to start your week (#50)

#politics #economics

Class struggle anyone ?

I think what we need here is to rediscover old modes of analysis — seeing politics through the lens of economic interests and cultural values, instead of simply as a conflict between identity blocs fighting over social supremacy.



America's supply chains are a disaster waiting to happen

#economics #globalisation

The price mechanism coordinating the activities of a system without central management is a wonderful miracle when it works, and—without exaggeration—one of the greatest achievements of human civilization. But systems—especially complex ones—often do not run successfully if left to the invisible hand of the market. Often, a guiding external hand of coordination or support by public institutions is needed.



Key stages in the decline of academic Marxism

#economics #politics #Marxism

Of course this critique of Marxism is mostly wrong on many aspects, but it's at least honest (instead as being completely bunk as 99% of similar endeavours). It's somewhat similar to people criticising Darwin for not having a functioning genetic theory to try invalidating evolution.
