

--45 min--4 Jul 2024
'According to #RudolfSteiner, ordinary #consciousness is the #everyday #awareness rooted in sense perceptions and memories, focused on the present and the physical #world.

Higher consciousness, on the other hand, transcends this by engaging in imaginative thinking through #meditation, enabling an individual to perceive deeper layers of reality, such as the etheric processes shaping life and spiritual dimensions beyond physical existence.

To achieve higher consciousness, one must practice meditation to develop imaginative perception, ultimately experiencing their life's course and spiritual insights in a vivid, substantial manner, thus bridging the gap between ordinary awareness and profound spiritual understanding. -⌛ Chapters:

0:00 Intro
00:48 The Dual States Of Consciousness
03:01 What Is Imaginative And Ordinary Consciousness?
15:30 Reclaiming Lost Memories And Reaching Immortality
29:02 How The Process Of Awakening Occurs
36:02 How To Solve The Riddle Of Death


Mon petit côté artiste 😉

J'ai eu envie de reprendre mon défi de faire une photo par jour. J'ai déjà eu deux grandes périodes de photos du jour, sur plusieurs mois à chaque fois.

Si vous connaissez mon travail vous en avez déjà vu sur les réseaux, sur les salons. Ce sont des formats carrés qui traitent du quotidien, tout ce que j'aime: les couleurs, le graphisme, ce qui est sous nos yeux et qu'on ne voit pas...

C'est une pratique qui me pousse à beaucoup de créativité car certains jours je suis juste dans ma voiture ou chez moi. Même si je ne poste pas la photo le jour même, il s'agit vraiment d'une photo prise le jour indiqué. Pas de monument ni de paysage grandiose ni de voyage au bout du monde ni de star internationale, et c'est tout le défi ! Retrouver l'extraordinaire dans l'ordinaire, le beau dans le quotidien, cultiver l'émerveillement permanent.

Certaines photos du jour vont si bien ensemble que j'en ai fait des triptyques. D'autres vont bien par deux aussi.

Là je vous poste celles des derniers jours, et oui, j'en ai loupé six... Il faut que mon cerveau coopère et n'oublie pas. Il y a 8 photos dans ce post.

Je prends ces photos avec mon téléphone aussi bien qu'avec mon reflex. Le téléphone est un outil du quotidien, c'est tout à fait pertinent pour ce projet. Je les édite sous forme polaroïd, symbole de l'instantané et du moment présent par excellence.

Suivez cet aspect de mon travail créatif sur mon compte Instagram "ma_photo_du_jour_".

#photo #photodujour #apictureaday #quotidien #everyday #daily #dailychallenge #pictureoftheday #femmephotographe #femmeartiste #womanphotographer #womanartist #art


this is from a book entitled
#Catwatching” by #DesmondMorris:

#Why Does a #Cat #Purr?

The answer seems obvious enough. A purring cat is a contented cat. This surely must be true.
But it is not. Repeated observation has revealed that cats in great pain, injured, in labor,
and even dying often purr loud and long (this I have experienced several times). These can
hardly be called contented cats. It is true, of course, that contented cats do also purr, but
contentment is by no means the sole condition for purring. A more precise explanation,
which fits all cases, is that purring signals a friendly social mood, and it can be given as a
signal tp, say, a vet from an injured cat indicating the need for friendship, or as a
signal to an owner, saying thank you for friendshp given.

Purring first occurs when kittens are only a week old and its primary use is when they are
being suckled by their mother. It acts as a signal to her that all is well and that the milk
supply is successfully reaching its destination. She can lie there, listening to the grateful
purrs, and know without looking up that nothing has gone amiss. She in turn purrs to her
kittens as they feed, telling them that she too is in a relaxed, cooperative mood. The use
of purring among adult cats (and between adult cats and humans) is almost certainly
secondary and is derived from this primal parent-offspring context.

An important distinction between small cats, like our domestic species. and the big #cats,
like #lions and #tigers, is that the latter cannot purr properly. The tiger will greet you with a
friendly “one-way purr” – a sort of splutter – but it cannot produce the two-way purr of
the domestic cat, which makes its whirring noise not only with each outward breath
(like the tiger), but also with each inward breath. The exhalation-inhalation rhythm of
feline purring can be performed with the mouth firmly shut (or full of nipple), and may
be continued effortlessly for hours on end if the conditions are right. In this respect small
cats are one up on their giant relatives, but the big cats have another feature that
compensates for it – they can roar, which is something small cats can
never do."

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=xINbWN1UcKw

#caturday #everyday