

Se dégoogliser commence par un premier pas très simple techniquement: Arrêter d’utiliser le Google Playstore. Comment on fait ? Qu’est-ce qu’on utilise à la place ? Je vous dis tout ça dans cette vidéo.
J’avais aussi publié ça il y a 2 mois, mais je ne l’avais pas mis en publication “public”.
#Google #Gafam #Android #logiciellibre #rom #fdroid #aurorastore


new fediphoto-lineage release!
-solved the "cross account posting" bug plus some others
-Improved UX a bit
-need to uninstall/reinstall because of behind the scenes breaking changes

Bug reports very welcome! 😉

Grab it at: https://codeberg.org/silkevicious/fediphoto-lineage/releases
Or find it in my f-droid repo: https://codeberg.org/silkevicious/apkrepo/raw/branch/master/fdroid/repo?fingerprint=DFDB0A58E78704CAEB609389B81AB2BE6A090662F860635D760E76ACBC700AF8
Soon™ in #fdroid !

For those unaware, fediphoto-lineage is the continuation of fediphoto project, created by our beloved #PLA

#fediphoto #lineage #fediphotolineage #newrelease


Hmm, ich habe gerade im #fdroid store nach der App #dandelion gesucht unf festgestellt, dass es auch noch eine App namens #dandelior gibt. Irgendwie erkenne ich aber keine Unterschiede auf den ersten Blick. Bos auf die Tatsache, dass die Versionen zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten dort released wurden. Weiß jemand, was es damit auf sich hat?



Grand merci à Raphaël qui a échangé avec l'équipe de #Davx5 pour ajouter Zaclys parmi les serveurs de #calendrier supportés par leurs services.
Il est donc désormais possible d'utiliser Davx5, téléchargeable sur #FDroid (et utilisable gratuitement), pour synchroniser sur smartphone vos #contacts #agendas et #tâches hébergé sur Zaclys.

Et un abonnement OR offert et bien mérité pour cette belle contribution spontanée ! C'est aussi cet esprit qu'on adore dans la communauté #opensource !


#Sync your #contacts #calendars and #tasks
#CalDAV #CardDAV solution for #Android


Markor : Markdown & todo.txt text editor - v1.5 update released

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Read the full blog post here

Today marks the release of the Markor v1.5 update! The update is already available for download on Google Play and soon on F-Droid!

New general options: Multiple windows, keep screen on

Showcase 4
* General -> Multiple windows: Open a seperate window for each document! Easily switch between multiple documents to quickly get needed information! Each window is a full editor with seperate editor settings and format selection. Requires Android 5 or higher, activated by default.
* General -> Keep screen on: Do not turn off the screen automatically.

New Textactions

Showcase 1

  • Markdown GFM tasks: Use the new task textaction to convert the current line to a task! If the line is already a task you toggle between done and todo.
  • Insert image: Add pictures to your document. Easy access to pictures from gallery and camera! You can also browse your drive! Optionally edit the picture with an installed graphics app.
  • Color picker: Add color to your texts! Choose between setting the forground or background color. You can also add only the hex color code. The newly added color picker is also used in new theming functionalities
  • Sort tasks: Try the new sort button for your todo list! Easy sort your todo alphabetically by selected order.

Tags: #android #app #android-dev #foss #freie-software #freesoftware #opensource #translation #translator #release #mobile #fdroid #f-droid #markor #markdown #write #writing #quote