

It's bright and #sunny today and a quick stroll through the #garden shows it's full of life.

The #grapes are ripening and there's a good crop this year..
Grapes ripening in the garden

Of course, not just the #fruit but the #vine #leaves are also edible in dishes like dolmades which I find particularly good for digestion.
Vine leaves

On the other side, the #RunnerBean #plants are #flowering and are being frequented by many #pollinators such as this #bee.
Been on runner bean flower

#MyWork #MyPhotot #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Horticulture #Summer #Flowers #Insects


It's a hot late #spring day and I was sitting the conservatory as #birds were flitting around the back #garden. Here's a verdant scene of the #flowering #potato #plants I took while waiting with a #telephoto lens for any #sparrows to show up.
Potato plants

One #HouseSparrow did visit the #birdfeeder and I got this nice profile. It almost looks like it's holding a pose for me.
Sparrow on bird feeder

Seconds later, it flew right up to within 3-4 m under the shade of a #rose #bush no doubt looking for aphids and I caught this rather contrasting, scary image of the same #bird as it might look to one of its tiny victims.
Close up of sparrow under a rose bush

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Spring #Horticulture


A stroll around the back #garden. My spouse is the person responsible for most of this bounty.

The #tomatoes have appreciated the hot conditions of the #summer and are bearing #flowers and #fruit.
Tomato flowers

Ripening tomatotes

#Allium #flowers appear in a variety of #colours and cluster sizes.
Purple allium flowers

Clusters of allium flowers

#Strawberries have already produced #fruit but are still #flowering too.
Strawberry flowers

Meanwhile, it is too early for the #pumpkin patch to produce #squashes yet but the flowers are also edible. We've had just a few in dishes. You can also see #dill flowers here and as the subject in the subsequent #photograph.
Pumpkin flower

Dill flowers

There are a few ornamental flowers too which also help to attract #pollinators.
White flower

Purple flowers

Solitary white flower

The #grapes are also ripening on the #vine and we've already enjoyed some of the #VineLeaves for dinner.
Grapes on the vine

The #RunnerBeans continues to #flower even though it has borne #fruit.
Runner bean plants

The #apples are getting bigger too.
Apples on a tree

Finally, the #lettuce plants are growing tall and producing seeds for next year.
Seeding lettuce plants

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Nature #Plants #Horiticulture