

It's bright and #sunny today and a quick stroll through the #garden shows it's full of life.

The #grapes are ripening and there's a good crop this year..
Grapes ripening in the garden

Of course, not just the #fruit but the #vine #leaves are also edible in dishes like dolmades which I find particularly good for digestion.
Vine leaves

On the other side, the #RunnerBean #plants are #flowering and are being frequented by many #pollinators such as this #bee.
Been on runner bean flower

#MyWork #MyPhotot #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Horticulture #Summer #Flowers #Insects


The plants in the #garden, in association with altruistic #insects, are doing rather well. The #Tomatoes, which are in reality about 2 cm in diameter, are at various stages of ripeness.

Here's a group of yet #green ones on a single #stalk.
Unripe tomatoes on a stalk

And here's a close up of another bunch.
Close up of green tomatoes

Cropping the above image, you can really see some fine detail including fine hairs and yellow dust-like particles on both the #fruit and the stalk.
Extreme close up of tomatoa

There are a few #red tomatoes and here's a few amongst verdant surroundings.
Ripe tomatoes

Here, I actually like the texture of the background piece of #wood in contrast with the foreground living #plant,
Tomatoes and wood

Switching to another plant, I managed to capture the image of this #Bumblebee. They spend only moments on each #RunnerBean #flower before moving onto the next one and so it's difficult to get a decent #photograph of them in action.
Bee on a runner bean flower

Here you can see little runner beans developing. Typically, they will eventually become 20-30+ cm in length in #autumn.
Runner beans and flowers

#MyWork #MyPhotot #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Horticulture #Pollinators #Bees #Summer


These #RunnerBean #plants are currently #blooming and as such as big tourist attraction or theme park for #bumblebees and other #pollinators.

Runner beans in the back garden

Here are some close up #photographs of our stripy, furry visitors. They only seemed to spend fractions of a second at each flower and so it was difficult to catch them in the act.

Bee on flower
Bee approaching flower
Bee hovering by flower

For a bit of variety, here's a #ladybird on a leaf, probably on its way hunting for aphids.
Ladybird on a leaf

Finally, here's another #bee, this time on a #raspberry plant.
Bee on a raspberry flower

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Nature #Horticulture #Insects #Summer